Deakin will give consideration to applicants where they are Elite Athletes or Performers. Submit this form at the same time as your course application.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Supporting evidence
In order to assist with the consideration of this application, please provide a supporting statement from your
sport's national (or state) governing body to endorse your status as an elite athlete or performer. You may
also wish to attach a brief sporting curriculum vitae, along with any evidence of team selection information
and rankings.
Privacy statement
Deakin University is collecting your personal information on this form for the primary purpose of consideration of your course applications and consideration as an Elite Athlete and Performer.
You are not required to provide the information requested, however if the information is not provided, Deakin may not be able to give consideration to your status as an Elite Athlete or Performer as part of your course application.
Deakin manages personal information it holds, including requests by individuals for access to their personal information, in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). Deakin’s Privacy Policy may be viewed on Deakin Policy Library.
Information on privacy at Deakin is available at Questions about privacy may be directed to the Privacy Officer on (03) 5227 8524 or by email to