Cross Institutional application (incoming)

If you are studying at an Australian tertiary institution other than Deakin you may be able to enrol in approved units at Deakin and receive credit towards your course at your home institution. After gaining approval from your institution, apply below ensuring you provide a copy of your approval.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Complete your personal details

Complete your personal details
Date of Birth *
Please complete if you are a former Deakin student

Commencing Trimester

Commencing Trimester
What Trimester do you wish to study in? * Please refer to the University Handbook for dates.

Campus, Fee Type and Unit Selection

Campus, Fee Type and Unit Selection
Which campus do you wish to study on? * Please check the University Handbook to ensure the unit you wish to study is available at the campus you wish to study at.
Fee Type * If you are applying as a Domestic Commonwealth Supported Fee Paying Place, you will need to upload a copy of your Commonwealth Assistance Notice below
Please provide both code and name

Supporting Information - Please upload the following documents

Supporting Information - Please upload the following documents
Please ensure file size is under 5MB
Please ensure file size is under 5MB
Please ensure file size is under 5MB


  • I declare the information supplied by me is complete and correct.
  • Where records of prior study have been provided in support of my application, I authorise Deakin University to conduct a search and retrieval of my academic record from my previous institution/s to verify the information contained in my application
  • I acknowledge that the provision of incorrect information or documentation relating to my application may result in withdrawal of any offer of a place and that such withdrawal may take effect at any stage of the course, at the discretion of Deakin University.
  • I have read the relevant program information provided, including unit requirements.
  • I acknowledge that while I am enrolled, I am subject to the legislation, policies and procedures of Deakin University.
  • I consent to the University corresponding with me by electronic means.
  • I consent to such of my personal identifying data being provided to the Department of Education as is necessary for allocation of a CHESSN (Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number).
  • I understand that I am required to have access to a computer and the internet and will check my Deakin email account and the Student Portal at least weekly.
  • For International students only - I declare that I am in possession of the appropriate visa for my intended study program.