Apply for re-admission

Your enrolment at Deakin University could be discontinued for a variety of reasons, e.g. non-payment of fees, withdrawal from studies or allowing your enrolment to lapse. But there’s no reason to stress – if your enrolment at Deakin has been discontinued you can apply for re-admission.

How to apply for re-admission

There are two ways to apply for re-admission as a domestic student:

Please note, you are not eligible to defer when applying for re-admission.

International students

International students wishing to apply for re-admission must apply through our international application service StudyLink Connect.

Find out how to apply for re-admission as an international student

Exclusion for academic reasons

If you have been excluded for academic reasons and are nearing the end of your exclusion period, you will need to complete a form to apply for re-admission after academic exclusion. Please note your faculty's submission dates required for your application.

Apply for re-admission after academic exclusion

Adding documents to your application

You are required to provide the following documents with your re-admission application:

  • A personal statement of no more than 500 words in support of your application for re-admission. This should cover any studies or work experience you have done since you were last enrolled, your motivation to study, your life experiences and personal qualities that will be advantageous to study/your future career, and if applicable, the reasons for your performance in your past academic study.
  • Certified academic transcripts – if you have completed further study since your previous enrolment at Deakin, please include certified copies of transcripts and evidence of completion (if applicable) from all studies.
  • CV/Resume – if you have been working since your previous enrolment at Deakin, please provide an updated CV/resume. This should cover work and life experiences (paid and unpaid) and your education. For each position include a time period.

How applications are assessed

To ensure you meet the current minimum eligibility criteria for your chosen course, your application for re-admission will be assessed on:

  • your prior academic performance at Deakin
  • any further studies or work experience undertaken since you were previously enrolled
  • the maximum time allowed to complete your course (excluding approved intermission periods)
  • the availability of the course you're re-applying for
  • the total applicant pool at the time of re-application (if applicable).

Your application can only be assessed upon receipt of all supporting documentation. You may also be required to provide additional supporting documentation depending on the entry requirements of your course. Please refer to the specific entry requirements on the course page for further information.

Please note, Deakin is required to determine whether all applicants are considered a genuine student at the time of re-admission.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

If you were granted RPL for your previous enrolment at Deakin, RPL will be re-assessed at the time of re-admission in accordance with Deakin’s RPL policy and course rules.

RPL that was previously granted may be impacted depending on the period since you last enrolled. Credit on the basis of RPL is not granted for prior learning acquired more than 10 years before the application for RPL credit. Faculties may impose a shorter time limit for some courses to ensure currency of knowledge and skills appropriate to the discipline. This means that if previous RPL was assessed based on studies undertaken more than 10 years ago, you will no longer be eligible to receive credit for those units.

Learn more about RPL

Commonwealth supported places (CSP)

Tuition fees at Deakin vary depending on the course you choose, the type of student you are and whether you're eligible for recognition of prior learning.

Learn more about fees and costs

Applications are now open

The Deakin Application Portal has made applying for your ultimate course easier than ever. Plus, you can chat with our application experts on 1800 693 888 if you need support at any step.

Outstanding fees

You will need to pay any outstanding fees and charges before you can be re-admitted. You can check the amount owing and pay your charges at the Cashier's Office.

Outstanding library obligations

If you have outstanding library obligations such as overdue books or fines, please contact the library directly to resolve the issue.

Computing requirements

At Deakin, we make extensive use of technology in our teaching. To study at Deakin you are required to have:

  • access to a device such as a desktop computer or laptop
  • connectivity to the internet
  • capability to use Deakin's online learning environments.

Learn more about Deakin's computing requirements