DemoDAIRY Foundation Scholarship

If you are in the second year of your Bachelor of Commerce at the Warrnambool campus and majoring in Food and Agribusiness then this scholarship could be for you. The DemoDAIRY Foundation aims to provide funds for priority dairy skill development and promotion activities not covered by current funding sources in the Western District of Victoria.

Important dates

Applications for Trimester 2 2021 open 17 June 2021.

Applications for Trimester 2 2021 close 15 July 2021 at 5pm.


Cash payment of up to $10,000 over two years.

Eligibility criteria

Prospective candidates should ensure they meet all criteria before submitting their application.

To be eligible you must be:

  • a domestic student
  • enrolled full time in a Commonwealth supported place in your second year of a Bachelor of Commerce degree at the Warrnambool campus (on campus study) in Trimester 2 2021
  • majoring in Food and Agribusiness.

Preference will be given to students who are:

  • a resident of rural or regional Victoria from the Great South coast region
  • able to demonstrate a commitment to the Australian Agriculture and Agribusiness sector.


As a scholarship recipient you must:

  • write an introductory statement about your goals for study and what it means to receive the scholarship
  • complete a yearly impact statement for the duration of the scholarship
  • maintain a pass grade on all enrolled subjects
  • maintain a full-time study load for the duration of the scholarship
  • be prepared to attend a meet and greet with the donor
  • remain enrolled in a Food and Agribusiness major for the duration of the scholarship.

Your application

Supporting documents

As part of the application process, you will also be required to upload current supporting documentation.

When you apply for this scholarship, you'll need to supply evidence of your commitment to the Australian Agricultural and Agribusiness sector.

Make sure you choose the correct document type when you upload your documents as it will make a difference. If your documents are uploaded into the incorrect type they will not be considered when assessing your application. Remember it is quality, not quantity, which you need to provide. Aim to provide documents which are current, relevant and concise.

Read more about supporting documentation

Application tips

Applying for a scholarship isn’t just about meeting the eligibility criteria.

It’s a good idea to think about why you want a scholarship, how it will help you and what you have to offer the Deakin community.

Read our 5 top tips on applying for a scholarship

How to apply

You can apply for this scholarship directly through our Scholarship Application Portal.

Select the 'Warrnambool Campus Scholarships' option and your application will automatically be considered for all Warrnambool Campus Donor Scholarships in the selection process.

This reduces the number of scholarships you have to apply for and increases your chance of receiving a scholarship.

Visit our application portal

What happens next?

Your application will be assessed and ranked based on the details you provide and your supporting documentation.

You'll find out if you were successful usually within four weeks of the application closing date. You can view the status of your application via your Scholarship Application Portal account.