Pathways to the Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Public Health and Health Promotion
Before exploring your pathways to study, please select the kind of applicant you are via the tabs below. If you have graduated from Year 12 in the last two years, you are considered a recent Year 12 student. If you're unsure, learn more about your applicant type.
I'm a current or recent Year 12 student
The ATAR for the Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Public Health and Health Promotion is not published, so the best way to determine your eligibility is to carefully check the entry requirements on the course page. If you meet each of the entry requirements, you can confidently start preparing your application. If you don't quite meet the requirements, you can still achieve your study goals by following an alternate pathway:
Based on last year's rankings, you meet the ATAR requirements for this course. Your next step is to visit the course page to check you meet any additional entry requirements. Then, you can confidently begin your application.
If your Year 12 studies have been impacted by difficult circumstances or disadvantage, you could qualify for Deakin's Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) to boost your ATAR. If you don't meet the additional entry requirements, there are still ways to achieve a place on your dream job by following an alternate pathway:
ATAR: Eligible ATAR is based on 2025 early and first round VTAC offers, including relevant adjustment factors. ATAR requirements for 2026 are currently unknown. Please use past ATAR only for guidance, as ATAR is subject to increase or decrease.
N/A: Course is not available at this location.
NP: Course is available at this location, but the ATAR is not published.
RC: Admission to this course is based on a range of criteria.
I'm not a current or recent Year 12 student
If you meet one of the minimum course entry requirements below, you can start your application right away. There may be additional course requirements, including English language criteria, so be sure to check the eligibility criteria on the course page before applying. If you don't meet the requirements, you could still achieve your study goals by following an alternate pathway or browsing similar courses.
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More courses to make your dream become a reality
Gain valuable skills and knowledge by immersing yourself in one Deakin's nursing or health degrees. Deakin offers a variety of single degree course options in these fields, where you will learn from industry experts that will prepare you to take on tomorrow with confidence. Be ready for the world with one of the following degrees:
Bachelor of Public Health and Health Promotion
You'll still need to meet entry requirements including English language criteria to gain entry to your preferred course.