You are required to gather several documents prior to submitting your application (i.e. English proficiency, academic transcripts, etc.) and all your documents need to be translated in English and certified. This page provides all the information about the documentation you need to attach to your application.

What supporting documentation do you need?

When applying at Deakin University, you will need to include certified copies of:

  • award certificates
  • academic transcripts
  • formal identity papers, such as your passport, national identity card, and student visa.

If your documents aren't in English, you will need to supply a certified English translation.

If you are applying for scholarship, please check the supporting documentation you need to provide with your application.

Who can certify documents?

In Australia, the following people are authorised to certify documents:

  • Health professions: Chiropractor, Dentist, Medical practitioner, Nurse, Optometrist, Pharmacist, Physiotherapist, Psychologist
  • Legal professions: Legal practitioner, Patent attorney, Trademarks attorney
  • Court positions: Bailiff, Justice of the Peace, Judge, Magistrate, Registrar, or Deputy Registrar, Clerk, Master of a court, CEO of a Commonwealth court
  • Commissioner for Affidavits, or Commissioner for Declarations (dependent on jurisdictions)
  • Government representatives (elected): Federal, State or Territory or Local
  • Public servants: Federal, State or Territory or Local – employed for five years or more.
  • Permanent employees of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
  • Bank officer, building society officer, credit union officer, finance company officer – employed for five years or more
  • Veterinary surgeon
  • Accountant (member of ICA, ASA, NIA or CPA, ATMA, NTAA)
  • Minister of religion, or marriage celebrant
  • Member of:
    • Chartered Secretaries Australia
    • Engineers Australia, other than at the grade of student
    • Australian Defence Force (an officer; or a non-commissioned officer with 5+ years of continuous service; a warrant officer)
    • Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
  • Notary public
  • Holder of a statutory office not specified in another item in this Part
  • Police officer
  • Sheriff or Sheriff's officer
  • Teacher (full-time) at a school or tertiary education institution.

Outside Australia , the following people are authorised to certify documents:

  • Justice of the Peace
  • Notary public
  • Australian Consular Officer or Australian Diplomatic Officer (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955)
  • Employee of the Commonwealth or the Australian Trade Commission who works outside Australia.

English proficiency test

You should always attach the original copy of your IELTS or TOEFL test results to your application.

Supporting documentation checklist

  1. Ensure you put your Scholarship Applicant ID, Full name and contact details on all documents.
  2. Provide supporting documentation before the closing date.
  3. Check your supporting documentation can confirm the information you have provided in your application.
  4. Check your supporting documentation is as specific as possible.
  5. Check your supporting documentation is current.
  6. Please don't use presentation folders or binders to forward your documents.
  7. Call the Scholarships Office if you have any questions.

Applying for credit for prior learning

To apply for credit for prior learning (credit transfer), complete the relevant section of your application form. You will need to include:

  • certified copies of any relevant academic transcripts and certificates (note: do not send in any original documents at this stage as they will not be returned),
  • details of the structure/curriculum (including the level - e.g. Diploma, Bachelor, Masters) of the course on which you wish to base your application,
  • full unit/subject outline for all the units/subjects studied in your course, including:
    • breakdown of topics covered in each unit
    • number of contact hours
    • breakdown of assessment criteria (e.g. examinations, assignments, practicals)
    • list of recommended textbooks and other references used for the unit

If you are successful in your application, your offer letter will contain information about your credit for prior learning (credit transfer).

During your enrolment, you will need to present all original documents to the enrolment officer to complete your application for credit for prior learning (credit transfer).

For details of recognised post-secondary qualifications and institutions for which credit for prior learning (credit transfer) has been approved by Deakin, refer to our credit for prior learning credit transfer database.

Even if your qualification is not on the list, you may still lodge an application for credit for prior learning (credit transfer), which will then be assessed accordingly.

Got a question?

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page will help you find the answer you are looking for.