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Work integrated learning

About WIL

Some courses have compulsory professional experience requirements, e.g. nursing, teaching and medicine, where students graduate with professional skills from compulsory placements as a requirement of their degree.

In courses where work experience is not compulsory, you can graduate with work experience by using one of your elective units for a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) internship or placement.

Finding employment in a competitive job market is tough but candidates with real-world employment experience have an advantage.

Am I eligible to take a WIL unit?

There’s a variety of ways to find and undertake a WIL unit. The first step is to ensure you’re eligible to complete an internship for credit. You’ll need to factor it into your course structure and it’s best if you plan ahead. You don’t want to get to your final year and realise you’re not able to include a WIL unit before graduation. Chat to a student adviser for course help and guidance.

WIL programs may have prerequisites, are generally unpaid and you may need to complete a specified number of work hours. The negotiated program usually involves specific tasks or a project monitored by a workplace supervisor.

What kinds of WIL units are available?

External internships

You can find an internship with an external employer or undertake a faculty-approved internship. We recommend you connect with your faculty WIL team to find opportunities and get more information.

WIL and study abroad opportunities

With study abroad, you can combine study and travel, while gaining credit towards your degree. Experience new cultures, make friends from all over the world and gain a competitive edge while travelling the globe.

Australian Government travel grants, OS-Help loans and other financial support options may be available to help with the cost of course-related WIL experiences.

Contact your faculty for more information on work integrated learning and overseas opportunities.

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