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Report writing

The purpose of writing different reports varies across disciplines, as do report writing structures, but there are some typical features that set them apart from essays.

What is a report?

For university assessments, a report is similar to an essay in that both need:

  • to be written in a formal style and follow academic writing conventions
  • an introduction, body and conclusion
  • analytical thinking and strong evidence to support the conclusion.

A report is often different to an essay in that a report:

  • is usually a presentation of facts and information, rather than a theoretical discussion of ideas and opinions
  • is often written for a specific audience (e.g. an organisation that has commissioned a report)
  • is structured with headings and sub-headings (often numbered) so that it may be easily scanned by the reader
  • uses short, concise paragraphs, and dot points where applicable
  • often uses graphics to convey data
  • often begins with an overview – an ‘introduction’, ‘background’, ‘abstract’ or ‘executive summary’
  • makes recommendations or suggests further lines of research
  • often has appendices with further details of processes or data.

Further reading

Writing laboratory reports (UNSW)

Technical reports (Monash University)

Business reports (University of Wollongong)