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Collaborating online

Being able to work effectively in a team or group is an essential skill for life-long learning and problem solving. With technology continuing to advance, so too does your ability to create meaningful connections and new and exciting ways to learn and work.

There are many different reasons why you might collaborate with others online. You may be collaborating with your peers to produce an assessment, working on individual parts of a larger group project, or looking to share ideas and find new solutions to complex problems.

A familiarity with the methods, tools and resources available to you for online collaboration will not only have a positive effect on how you engage with your studies, it will also develop a world of skills you can apply to your career. Deakin offers you the opportunity to develop these skills across the course of your studies and provides the tools and resources you need to get the most out of your online collaboration.

Deakin supported

As a Deakin student you have access to a range of software through the University software library. You can also get support from Deakin's IT help if you need any assistance with these tools.

Other tools

At Deakin, we recognise the need to provide you with relevant collaboration tools that you will use in your professional context so we have listed ‘other tools’ that, although we do not offer support, you may wish to use.

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