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Taiwan – Shaun

Deakin student Shaun outside a temple in TaiwanDeakin student Shaun outside a temple in Taiwan

Student: Shaun
Course: Bachelor of Arts (International Relations)/Bachelor of Laws
Program: Trimester Exchange T1 2024

2023 New Colombo Plan Scholarship recipient

Studying abroad at the National Taiwan University in Taipei was a transformative chapter of my life and academic journey. As an exchange student, I focused on Law, International Relations, and Chinese language, gaining valuable insights into Taiwan's legal system, regional languages, East Asian law, and international trade and politics. These courses provided a comprehensive understanding of Taiwan and Asia’s rich history and culture, enhancing my personal and professional development.

During my time in Taiwan, I built lasting friendships and travelled extensively, experiencing many aspects of Taiwan’s culture and landscapes. Hiking through national parks, surfing on picturesque beaches, and enjoying the local cuisine were notable highlights of my stay.

Taiwan’s natural beauty is remarkable. Trekking through Taroko Gorge, exploring Alishan’s almost 3000-year-old cypress forests, and surfing at the beaches of Yilan allowed me to appreciate the island’s diverse nature. Culinary highlights include night market snacks and bubble tea along with traditional dishes like beef noodle soup and xiao long bao.

For anyone with an interest in the Indo-Pacific region, I highly recommend applying for the New Colombo Plan. It’s an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in our region’s culture and history. Additionally, the New Colombo Plan fosters a community of like-minded students who share similar experiences and goals. Being part of this exceptional network of scholars is a valuable asset for the future.

Learn more about the New Colombo Plan program

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