Study obligations for your student visa
To ensure you successfully complete your study, there are obligations you must meet which relate to your enrolment and your visa.
Below is some important information that you need to be aware of while you are studying at Deakin. You can find more information and support on our international student webpage.
Maintain satisfactory academic progress
You are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress in your course to complete your study.
Students enrolled in Deakin's higher education award courses, please refer to the academic progress webpage.
Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) students, please refer to the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy and the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Academic Progress Procedure.
Remain enrolled in a registered course
You are required to remain enrolled in a registered course that is the same Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level or higher for which you were granted your student visa (unless changing from AQF level 10 to level 9).
Registered courses are listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
Maintain an active Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)
You are expected to complete your course within your CoE course end date. The University’s compliance and visas webpage provides more information on whether you are eligible to apply for a CoE extension and how you can do this.
If your CoE is cancelled, your visa may be cancelled by the Department of Home Affairs. The University is required to cancel a CoE in certain circumstances, including if you:
- commence your course but choose to discontinue your studies before course completion
- fail to commence your course within the commencement period
- are discontinued by the University for non-payment of fees, unsatisfactory academic progress, or general misconduct or academic misconduct (such as breaches of academic or research integrity).
- are granted an intermission (note, a new CoE will be issued for your returning trimester if your CoE course end date will change)
- fail to re-enrol in your course (or you withdraw from your units) and your enrolment status becomes inactive (except in Trimester 3 when it is not a compulsory study period for you)
- complete your course more than two months before the course end date listed on your CoE.
Withdrawing from all your units in a compulsory trimester will result in the cancellation of your CoE.
When you discontinue your course, we are required to notify the Department of Home Affairs that you are no longer studying with Deakin.
Complete within your CoE duration
Undergraduate and postgraduate (coursework) students
To complete within your CoE course duration, you must enrol in eight credit points per academic year (or equivalent). You must follow the course map (study plan) for the year you commenced your course (you can download it from the course map webpage). Your course map will help you finish your course within your CoE course end date. If you need to change your course map or make amendments to your enrolment, please contact Student Central and remember to check how any changes to your course map or enrolment may impact your CoE.
Please also refer to the enrolment conditions for your student visa webpage for further information on your enrolment conditions.
HDR students
HDR students, including PhD and master's by research students, must complete their thesis within their CoE duration. Your student visa is generally 6 months longer than your CoE course end date, as this allows you to remain in Australia during the interactive marking of your thesis.
For more information about your candidature, please visit the manage candidature webpage.
Pay your fees on time
You must pay your fees on time to fulfil your study obligations. Make sure that you record your fee amount and the date(s) when your fees are due to ensure you pay them when required and have the money available to do so. You can visit our fee webpage to find out more about fees and when your fees are due.
The cost of courses can vary, so make sure you know what your course fees are. Your fees may be different from your friends’ fees. We have an online tool where you can estimate your tuition fees.