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Confirmation of candidature

Deakin University policy requires all Master by Research, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Psychology candidates in the Faculty of Health to undertake a confirmation/review of candidature, as follows:

  • PhD candidates - at 9 months full-time study or before 18 months for part-time study.
  • Master candidates - before 6 months for full-time study or 12 months for part-time study.
  • DPsych candidates - before 12 for full-time study.

The confirmation process provides an opportunity for the candidate to submit and obtain recommendations on a plan for the structure of their research program, describe the investigative program and identify the range of expertise necessary to complete the research.

Review of progress in candidature

Higher Degree by Research (HDR) regulations and procedures require an annual review of your progress. This process is an opportunity to review the progress of your research program, identify issues and solve any related problems. Continuation of candidature is dependent on completion of the review process and satisfactory recommendations regarding progress in your research program. Further details are available from Research Support.

Postgraduate courses by research/PhD

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