Occupational therapy – practice education
Practice education is a major component of the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy degree.
Introduction to practice education
In order to satisfy the requirements of the degree students must complete 1000 hours of work experience within the industry working with qualified occupational therapists.
This webpage is for current and future students, practice education agencies, and supervisors. It provides easy access to information, policy and forms used in Deakin's Occupational Science and Therapy practice education program.
The student OT Practice Education Manual provides help to students studying fieldwork and is recommended for all students.
2024 practice education schedule (PDF, 128.3KB)
Contact us
If you have any questions about practice education, please get in touch so we can resolve any issues that you may be facing. The Practice Education team consists of Unit Chairs whose units contain a practice education component, Deakin Practice Education Supervisors, and Practice Education Administration.
Current students and agencies
Information for prospective Practice Educators
Please visit our page for Innovation and Evaluation Placements for Practice Educators.