If you have a question we encourage you to read through our FAQs to find an answer.
Once you have secured the details of your internship, you will need to follow our internship process and register the details of your internship arrangement with the ArtsEd WIL Team to have it approved, and to enrol in your unit in due course.
We have a number of resources to help you with your internship search. Visit this website to learn more about the Types of Internships and how to go about finding and applying for these roles. Plus, work through the 3 Steps; Prepare, Secure and Register which will guide you through the process from start to finish. The Pre-Internship Program you will complete as part of Step 1 also contains some great resources to assist you in finding the right internship for your career journey.
Yes! While we encourage you to use a number of methods to find an opportunity, we recommend signing up for the ArtsEd Intern Alert so we can quickly identify you are seeking WIL opportunities. This allows us to email you suitable positions, programs, and events to your Deakin email address.
Yes! You are not limited to our pre-approved opportunities! In this option, you are responsible for finding and securing your own internship opportunity. If you have any questions or concerns about potential organisations and whether your potential organisation is suitable for an internship, you must contact your course director or the ArtsEd WIL team to ensure you’re on the right track with securing an internship that will be approved for credit towards your degree.
We recommend all students speak with a Student Adviser or Request a new or updated course map, to determine how much space you have available to accommodate one or more WIL Internship unit. The advisor will also be able to double check that you are on track to graduate!
There are several financial support options available for ArtsEd students. Visit our funding page to find more information.
Enrolling into the WIL unit is the last step of the internship registration process. The ArtsEd WIL Team will grant you approval to self-enrol via Student Connect only after your internship arrangement has been approved by your unit chair or academic supervisor.
Internships within the Faculty of Arts and Education have flexible dates that are to be negotiated with the student’s host organisation directly. Although internship dates are flexible and can occur at any time, you must Prepare, Secure and Register your internship by the registration deadlines listed on our website for enrolment in a particular trimester.
Great news - internships can be flexible and don’t need to fit within trimester dates.
For example: if you are enrolled in T2, you can start your placement before Week 1 or finish it up after Week 11. It’s important to note that if you finish your internship past the end of trimester, it may delay your results until your final assignment is submitted and marked.
While we encourage you to plan your internship early to avoid risking a delay in your ability to graduate. Yes, internships can be completed in your final trimester however, you should aim to finish your internship hours and assessments before the trimesters exam period to ensure you are done in time for results release.
You must apply and have your existing employment approved for academic credit. Current employment can’t always be recognised towards a WIL placement. Unless your current internship is undertaken within a new department, or you are working on a new project outside your normal day-to-day tasks. This option requires unit approval discretion and approval.