Guidelines for teachers undertaking professional experience
The success of the placement is dependent upon strong positive relationships between all stakeholders. Deakin’s Professional Experience Office (PEO) works closely with our settings to ensure our students have access to a quality teaching and learning experience. Please make yourself familiar with our guidelines to ensure clarity in all processes incorporated during placement. Please contact the PEO if you have queries or are unclear about any situation.
Professional experience is at the core of all Pre-Service Teacher education courses. Productive professional learning for Pre-Service Teachers occurs when the university works collaboratively with placement settings and their personnel to ensure quality on-site learning components for Pre-Service Teachers within each course.
Professional experience will provide Pre-Service Teachers with opportunities to develop their personal teaching skills and professional understandings in educational settings and both integrate and augment university coursework. It is undoubtedly a most significant aspect of teacher education because it provides the major opportunity for Pre-Service Teachers to draw together the more theoretical aspects of their learning with those aspects that are more explicitly orientated towards the professional practice of the teacher.
The broad purpose of the professional experience components of the faculty programs is to provide opportunities for Pre-Service Teachers to:
- broaden their experience, understanding and appreciation of the realities of school/setting and of the nature, needs and capacities of young people
- progressively develop effective teaching and management skills
- enhance their capacity to construct, implement and evaluate programs of appropriate learning experiences
- develop an understanding and an appreciation of the role of teachers within both the school/setting and its community, and to
- develop a reflective understanding of the ways in which as Pre-Service Teachers they are constituting their own sense of professional teacher identity.
School/setting-based placements and learning experiences also provide opportunities for experienced professionals in school/settings to make authentic assessments of a Pre-Service Teacher’s suitability, performance, and effectiveness as a beginning teacher, appropriate to be a future member of the teaching profession.
At the beginning of each year, each cohort will be required to attend a pre-placement briefing. These usually take place one or two weeks prior to the start of the placement. Students should refer to timetables for the week of their pre-placement briefing. Students will be emailed details of the placement closer to the commencement date. Attendance is strongly advised. The sessions have a different focus each year and important information relevant to each cohort is distributed.
- All placements are organised by the Professional Experience Office. You will be placed within approximately 60 minutes of the address on In Place (the placement database), taking into account private/public transport. For this reason, it is essential that the Professional Experience Office be informed of any change of a student’s address as soon as possible. It may be necessary for pre-service teachers with some secondary teaching methods to travel for longer than one hour.
- Students will not be placed at a school/setting for placement if the PEO feels that a situation could affect the relationship between the university and the school/setting or affect the integrity of one or more parties involved. Examples could be, where you have children/siblings/relatives/ at a school/setting, or a place of current employment, or if it is a former school/setting of the pre-service secondary student.
- The Deakin Professional Experience Office commences the placement process at least 3 months in advance of the practicum dates. Changes to confirmed practicum arrangements within 3 weeks of the practicum commencement will occur only on equal opportunity or distance grounds and following a successful appeal to the Coordinator of Professional Experience. If your appeal is approved you may not be able to be placed as per the scheduled dates and may have to attend a practicum during the alternative dates.
- You are to undertake the specified number of placement days in whole days in conjunction with the Professional Experience unit and during the timetabled/scheduled dates. Failure to complete the specified number of days or failure to complete the number of days of the placement dates or an unsatisfactory assessment will lead to the result for that placement being entered as a ‘fail’ (N). An ‘N’ result means you are excluded from the course and is referred to Faculty Academic Progress who make the final decision as to whether you can continue your course. A failure of the placement component will result in a failure of the whole Professional Experience unit.
- Professional experience is supervised (by a qualified teacher) professional practice in an educational setting, organised and documented by the Professional Experience Office at the University, in accordance with course requirements.
- Professional experience commitments take precedence over any paid work you are undertaking. School/settings are not obliged to take into consideration your paid work commitments.
Professional experience placements are a core component of the School of Education courses. Students are required to complete placements as set out in the Course and Unit Guides, and it is expected that all students undertake their placements as scheduled.
Adjustments to placement schedules, including part-time placements or alternative schedules, will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. The priority is to ensure students meet the professional experience requirements as intended, preparing them for the realities of teaching in a structured, school-based environment.
Students need to note that these changes will impact their engagement with course work and it is their responsibility to ensure that they stay up to date.
Short-term adjustments (1–4 days)
- Students may negotiate adjustments of up to 4 days directly with their supervising teacher and placement school.
- These minor adjustments should not disrupt the overall continuity of placement and should only occur with approval from the supervising teacher.
- For placements of 10 days or less, students may negotiate a maximum of 2 days with the supervising teacher.
- Please note that mentors have blocked out time to support you, so requests for adjustments should only be for exceptional circumstances.
Extended adjustments (5 or more days)
- Requests for placement adjustments of 5 days or more require formal approval.
- Students must submit a request to the Professional Experience Office Allocations team, prior to the commencement of placement.
- Requests will be assessed by the PEO and require approval from the Unit Chair.
- Adjustments will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and must be supported by formal documentation.
As a Pre-Service Teacher, you must abide by, and ensure your behaviour is in accordance with, the Victorian Institute of Teaching Code of Conduct.
It is your responsibility to make yourself fully aware of the Code.
As stated, the Code of Conduct has been developed for and by the Victorian teaching profession. It identifies a set of principles which describe the professional and personal conduct, and professional competence expected of a teacher by their colleagues and the community. It is based on the values of integrity, respect and responsibility.
Its purpose is to:
- promote adherence to the values teachers see as underpinning their profession
- provide a set of principles which will guide teachers in their everyday conduct and assist them to solve ethical dilemmas
- affirm the public accountability of the teaching profession
- promote public confidence in the teaching profession.
In addition, you should:
- contact the Pre-Service Teacher Coordinator at the school/setting in the week or two prior to the commencement of the placement, and find out the name of the supervising teacher/s. You are encouraged to make an appointment to visit the school/setting and discuss the arrangements for the placement with the supervising teacher/s
- on your first visit to the school/setting, establish the dates, times, and timetable for attendance at the school/setting in discussion with the supervising teacher
- act as a professional at all times
- dress (and language) appropriate to the school/setting context and as a teacher
- be punctual and notify the school/setting if running late (you must arrive at the school/setting at the time agreed with the supervising teacher)
- discuss with the supervising teacher the time to leave
- accompany the supervising teacher to all meetings, yard duty, school/setting events etc.
- mix with other pre-service teacher and teaching staff
- maintain appropriate confidentiality and discretion in relation to the staff, pre-service teachers and school/setting policies
- ask about car parking, use of photocopiers, and use of the library
- check on payment for tea, coffee, milk and take a mug.
An emergency contact form is located here. You should complete the form and give it to the student teacher coordinator at the school/setting in a sealed envelope. This ensures that the school/setting has contact details in the event of an emergency.
You should:
- enrol in the professional experience unit codes in sequential order.
- notify the Professional Experience Office of any change of address, transport and course arrangements
- complete the number of days as specified for the placement unit during the timetabled dates (Failure to complete the number of days specified for the code could lead to an ‘N’ result.)
- withdraw from the unit/s if the placement is not being undertaken. Notify the Professional Experience Office if the placement you are withdrawing from is due to start within 6 weeks. The PEO should be contacted even if the withdrawal from the placement unit is done before the University census date or if the withdrawal is done online. Failure to withdraw from a unit not undertaken will result in a result of ‘XN’ and possible referral to the Faculty Academic Progress and Integrity Committee (FAPIC).
There is no recognition for advanced standing for:
- paid or unpaid work as a qualified or unqualified teacher or teacher aide – any teaching undertaken that was not concurrent with studies in education or any unsupervised teaching practice or teaching practice that was not organised as part of a course in teacher education
- teaching practice organised as part of a teaching course that is not fully documented
- voluntary work as a teacher aide or voluntary work in a school/setting.
Once a placement has started, students are not able to withdraw without providing a medical certificate to the Professional Experience Office as soon as difficulties arise, regardless of the date for withdrawal for units in that trimester. If difficulties arise during placement that are not related to ill health, the student must contact the PEO to discuss available alternatives. Students cannot cancel their own placement. If they cannot undertake the placement during the timetabled/scheduled dates they must consult with the Professional Experience Officer at the earliest possible opportunity. Late notification of cancelled placements adversely affects the University’s relationship with school/settings.
On occasion, issues arise during placement and it is important that these are dealt with in an appropriate manner.
If the student perceives that an issue needs resolution, they are advised to follow the appropriate protocol.
If the student and the supervising teacher are not able to resolve any difficulties that occur, the first person the student should contact is the Coordinator of Pre-service Teachers within the school/setting. This is because conflicts are best resolved at the level closest to where they are occurring, and not by an ‘outside’ party being involved early. This does not prevent any of the parties contacting the Professional Experience Office for advice regarding issues that may have arisen.
If the student does not feel confident with discussing the issue with the school/setting coordinator, they can contact the Professional Experience Office to be advised and guided how to proceed.
It is important that any issue arising is dealt with as early as possible. It is often a communication problem, which can be resolved easily. Students are encouraged to contact the Professional Experience Office if they have any concerns.
It is crucial that the supervising teacher or the coordinator of students notifies the Professional Experience Office as soon as possible if a student is experiencing difficulties. This occurs by submitting a PULSE Survey response, or if urgent the PEO can be contacted directly.
Ideally, the Professional Experience Office should be contacted as soon as a problem is identified, following consultation with the Coordinator of Pre-Service Teachers at the school/setting. If there is concern that a student may not be able to satisfy the requirements of the practicum, a PULSE survey must be completed and someone from the PEO or an academic staff member will contact the school/setting.
Any days missed during a placement, including public holidays must be made up so that the student completes the total amount of days required for the placement unit they are enrolled in.
If the student is sick during a placement they must:
- ring the school/setting and email the Professional Experience Office as soon as possible
- if absent for more than 2 days, obtain and provide a medical certificate to the school/setting and email a copy to the Deakin Professional Experience Office
- arrange with the supervising teacher to make up the missed days as soon as possible.
Deakin academic staff will visit students a minimum of once across their Initial Teacher Education degree. In addition, visits, support, and advice are available when a PULSE survey is submitted by the supervising teacher or school, or contact is made to the Professional Experience Office with concerns that the student is having difficulties and may be unsuccessful in the placement.
If the student has, or perceive there may be a clash between any academic requirement (such as for performing arts units or science practical classes) and they need to commit to a Professional Experience placement, please contact the Professional Experience Office about possibly changing the timing of the placement. It is important that such contact be made as early as possible to enable the alternative arrangements to be discussed and cancellation of any prearranged placements can be utilised for others, or the request can be withdrawn in a timely manner as far as the school/setting is concerned. Unless the student contacts the PEO at least 3 months in advance of the placement, the likelihood of being able to move placements becomes more difficult.
Lessons should be prepared either at home or in ‘free time’– not when observing the class or otherwise involved in the supervising teacher’s daily routine.
Planning and preparation are vital for the adequate structuring of lessons. All Pre-Service Teachers should:
- plan lessons thoroughly using an agreed format.
- discuss their planning with the supervising teacher/s prior to the lesson
- have organised resources and aids prior to the lesson
- must give the supervising teacher/s copies of lesson plans well in advance (at least 24 hours) to allow for alterations/discussions to take place
A school/setting may ask a student on professional experience to sign a ‘privacy agreement’. The student must observe the obligation to maintain all confidences both during and after the placement.
Download Permission letter for recording or photographing in schools
Pre-Service Teachers have no legal status in the classroom and must have a supervising teacher when teaching a lesson. Pre-Service Teachers are not to be left alone with sole responsibility for the class or a group of students or be on yard duty without other teachers present.
Up to five days can be counted as practicum days if the camp falls during the placement period. Please contact the Placement Experience Office if clarification is needed.
Excursions can be included as part of the required number of days if the supervising teacher approves participation in the excursion and is willing to ‘count’ it as one of the placement days.
Harassment is any form of behaviour that is not wanted, not asked for and/or not returned that humiliates, offends or intimidates someone, and that happens because of their race, sex, pregnancy, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or age. Students should be very aware of their own behaviour and find out the centre or school/setting’s procedures for reporting and dealing with harassment.
If the student is harassed while on professional experience placement they should, in the first instance, raise the issue with the Professional Experience Coordinator at the school/setting. If this is not appropriate or possible, they can contact the Professional Experience Office Allocation Team. Alternatively, they can refer to the Student Complaint process.
If a student has a disability (which under the Australian Government Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) includes present, past, future and imputed physical, intellectual, psychiatric, sensory, neurological, malformation or disfigurement, the presence of disease causing organisms in the body) and have identified themselves with the Disability Resource Centre (DRC) they may take advantage of the provision of reasonable adjustments to assist the student to participate in professional experience placements on the same basis as other pre-service teachers. Adjustments are measures or actions taken to assist the student with a disability to participate in education and training on the same basis as other pre-service teachers, e.g. the provision of a sighted aide if a student has visual impairment. This provision can only be provided if they have registered with the DRC and have informed the Professional Experience Office.
For more details regards the processes that are in place to support students who have registered with the DRC, please contact the Professional Experience Office.
Pre-Service Teachers are not prescribed as mandatory reporters. They should discuss issues of mandatory reporting with their supervising teacher and must inform the supervising teacher, principal or student wellbeing coordinator of any disclosure made to them by school/setting students while on placements.
Mandated reporters include principals and teachers. Mandated staff must make a report to the Department of Human Services Child Protection as soon as practicable after forming a belief on reasonable grounds that a child or young person is in need of protection from significant harm as a result of physical injury or sexual abuse, and the child’s parents are unable or unwilling to protect the child.
Definitions of child abuse and indicator of harm include:
- physical abuse
- sexual abuse
- emotional abuse
- neglect abuse
- medical neglect
- family violence
- female genital mutilation.
On days when teachers are undertaking industrial action, students should:
- attend school/setting as normal unless instructed by the pre-service teacher coordinator or the Principal not to do so
- not take classes unless supervised by a teacher
- not take classes of teachers taking industrial action
- avoid becoming involved in local industrial action.
One ‘strike’ day can be counted towards the number of days of school/setting experience. If the student is a member of the union, they should act according to union recommendations.
The Professional Experience Office must be notified if an accident occurs on a practicum placement. A written report will be requested.
Where a student is injured while on a practicum, coverage is provided by the Deakin Student Personal Accident Insurance policy. A student can obtain claim forms from the Deakin University Student Association (DUSA) or from Deakin's insurance office. Students can find more information about Deakin's insurance policies on the insurance webpage.
The University's Public Liability Policy provides insurance cover against claims made by third parties for bodily injury and/or damage. There is also insurance cover for public liability for host organisations/employers.
Please note that none of these policies covers the loss of, or damage to students' personal property, including car parked in school/setting carparks.
Professional Experience reports are the culmination of a student's learning while on professional experience placement. The evaluation process includes written notes made during the lessons and given to the student by the supervising teacher/s as well as formal and informal discussions between the student and the supervising teacher/s. The final report should not contain any surprises. The student should take the opportunity to discuss the report with the supervising teacher/s. The practicum must be completed satisfactorily before the next professional experience unit can be attempted.
The student will receive a copy of the professional experience report when it has been submitted.
When a school/setting has serious concerns about the work of a student teacher and feels that they are facing an assessment of ‘at risk’ or ‘unsatisfactory’ then the school/setting is asked to submit a PULSE report or contact the Professional Experience Office who will arrange for a Deakin staff member to contact the school/setting. A student cannot be given an unsatisfactory grade without the involvement of a Deakin staff member. It is crucial that the University is contacted as soon as a problem is identified.
Students that are unsatisfactory in the professional experience will be referred to the Faculty Academic Progress.
If a student has any concerns about the placement process, please consult the PEO. If required, matters can be referred to the academic Unit Chair.
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (Victoria) requires all student teachers to hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) before they are allowed to undertake a placement in schools or educational workplaces in Victoria.