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Academic progress

Keeping on top of your course progress is essential to completing your course requirements.

Maintaining good academic progress is crucial as it reflects your ability to meet your course requirements and successfully complete your studes. Good academic progress also supports your future academic and career goals and ensures they are on track to graduate on time.

Deakin reviews all students’ academic progress each study period, but it’s important that you keep on top of your own progress too. If you are failing assessments and/or don’t feel that you are doing as well as you could, please seek help.

We offers services, advice and assistance to help you maintain satisfactory academic progress and graduate. Your lecturer, unit chair, student advisers and the study support team can give you advice and support to help you reach your academic potential.

More information about unsatisfactory progress

Please read the Academic Progress procedure or contact Academic Progress by emailing studentprogress@deakin.edu.au.

You can also contact Student Central or DUSA's Advocacy service.

Last updated:
Page custodian: Office of the Dean of Students