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School of Medicine exams

Certain School of Medicine exams and other assessments are administered through online assessment platforms called risr/assess and the Prescribing Skills Assessment via the British Pharmacological Society website.

Exams and assessments requiring in-person supervision will be held on campus in one of Deakin’s computer labs. Students located at either the Ballarat or Ararat Clinical School will attend their exam at these locations. These students will be required to bring and use their own device.

If you are on campus you will be provided with a Deakin computer with a keyboard and mouse to complete your exam.

Students located at the Ballarat and Ararat Clinical Schools will be required to bring their own laptop and charging cord to the exam venue. Additionally, you have the option to bring a mouse or portable battery pack if needed. You are not allowed to bring other IT peripherals to the exam venue such as additional monitors and keyboards.

An exam supervisor will always be present during the exam.

It's important that you familiarise yourself with the below in-person supervised exam procedures to ensure your exam experience is positive.

Exam location

Your campus and Clinical School exam venue and seat number details will be confirmed on StudentConnect approximately one week prior to the start of the exam period. If you are not familiar with the exam venue, we suggest you visit the location/room prior to your exam.

View exam location maps for each campus

View Ballarat Clinical School map

View Ararat Clinical School map

Exam duration

You have a fixed time to complete the exam. risr/assess exams have an additional 30 minutes (15 minutes reading + 15 minutes technical support time) included in the exam duration. The Prescribing Skills Assessment exam duration is set for 2 hours by the British Pharmacological Society Assessments Team.

Students with approved alternative assessment arrangements by the Disability Resource Centre will have various exam durations based on their adjustments.

Arrival time

You must arrive at your exam room 30 minutes prior to the scheduled exam start time to ensure you can log on to the computer and be ready. If you arrive after the scheduled exam start time you will not be admitted to your exam.

What you will need

Identity check

The exam supervisor will check your Deakin Card (student ID) before entering the exam venue. If you do not have a Deakin Card, visit our Deakin Card webpage or drop in to Student Central before your exam day. You may be asked to provide a second form of photo identification, such as a driver's licence, passport, or national identity card.

Login credentials

You will log in to the computer using your Deakin username and password. Make sure you know your password. If not, you can use the IT Help password reset page to reset it before your exam.

If you are unable to provide your Deakin login credentials, you will not be able to proceed with your exam.

The risr/assess login requires your student number (as both username and password).

For your Prescribing Skills Assessment you will need to know your Deakin email and BPSA password.


On the timetable release date, you will receive a notification via SMS and your Deakin email informing you that your personal exam timetable is now available on StudentConnect. It is essential that you check your exam date and time once the timetable has been released.

Approximately one week before the exam period, you will receive an SMS/email reminder that includes important exam information such as your exam venue details and seat number. It is crucial that you carefully read and understand the contents of the communication leading up to your exam/s.

How to prepare

You can help to make your exam as smooth as possible by knowing what to expect. Before the exam period commences, you should:

  1. Know what to do on exam day.
  2. Read the exam rules.
  3. Read the frequently asked questions.
  4. Read this helpful exam preparation guide.
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Page custodian: Faculty of Health