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Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are supplied with a hazardous substance or dangerous good by the manufacturer or supplier and must be available close to the chemical. Current, comprehensive SDS’s are readily available on Chemwatch. This is a licensed web-based chemical information system available online.

To access Chemwatch click on the link enter deakinuni (case sensitive) into the account field and you should be able to access Chemwatch via single sign-on (see images below).

Write access to specific Chemwatch manifests for updates etc. can be provided, along with Chemwatch training for Staff who manage chemical stores. If you have a particular requirement please contact Deakin Health and Safety.

An eLearning training package is available inside Chemwatch, go to the eLearning button at the top right of the Chemwatch page.

Select Gold FFX Basic Users Guide.

Gold FFX Basic Users Guide

Storage Manifests

All areas using or storing 20kg/20L or more of Dangerous Goods are required to maintain a manifest. This can be done within Chemwatch.  Please contact Health Wellbeing and Safety on Deakin Health and Safety if you need assistance or more information.

For Guidelines about how to prepare your chemical register for upload into ChemWatch please see the ChemWatch Register Compilation Guidelines.

Chemwatch and TRACIE

A link/API is being developed to update Chemwatch from the TRACIE database, this should be completed by 2023.

Last updated:
Page custodian: Campus Operations