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Mental Health and Wellbeing – Batyr

We know that university isn’t always easy. If you’re studying away from home, new routines and unfamiliar places can feel a little overwhelming. It’s also very common to experience feelings of homesickness as you get accustomed to living in a new country.

Join our session on mental health and wellbeing and learn ways to cope with the big adjustment to studying overseas.

This session for international students is being offered as part of Deakin’s International Student Connect program and will be facilitated by the preventative mental health organisation batyr. It's designed to show you how other students have managed their mental health experiences in positive ways, and to equip you with tools that can help you make the most of your time at Deakin.

Register now to hear from an international student about what supported them along their mental health journey and learn some practical strategies to help you achieve and maintain positive mental health.

This is an online event open to international students on all Australian Deakin campuses.

Register now

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