Resource requirements for graduate researchers
It is a requirement at Deakin that all graduate research candidates be provided with the resources they need to undertake their project. This principle is embodied in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Admission, Selection and Enrolment procedure which states that faculties and institutes should only admit candidates if the necessary resources and facilities can be provided.
- bookable work point on-campus, which includes technology equivalent to a computer screen, dock, keyboard, and mouse
- access to on-campus office supplies and communal facilities equivalent to staff access, including printing and stationery, kitchen, and appropriate workspaces
- Deakin software and systems privileges equivalent to staff, including email and on-campus internet access
- Deakin Library privileges equivalent to staff
- a reasonable level of financial support to assist with activities directly related to the candidate’s research, such as fieldwork, research consumables, conference attendance, and other research related activities or expenses directly arising from their candidature. The specific level of support will be determined by the Faculty/School/Institute and indicated to candidates as part of their induction.
- a laptop with a standard operating system and endorsed Deakin software
- finance support to enable the candidate to present their research at one or more conferences during their candidature. Support can include travel, accommodation, and conference registration with an approximate total value of $5,000. All travel arrangements must be in accordance with the University’s Travel policy.