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Preparing the library copy of your thesis

Preparing the library copy of your thesis

Please follow these requirements to ensure your library copy is approved by the HDR Adviser.

  1. The thesis title page must be inserted as page one of your thesis (not numbered). Please do not add any other information to the title page or change the layout.
  2. The candidate declaration form must be signed and inserted as page two of your thesis (not numbered). Please note this is the same declaration form that you will have inserted into your examination copy.
  3. The Research Training Program (RTP)/Funding Acknowledgement must be inserted on the third page of your thesis (not numbered) if you have received any type of RTP Scholarship. If you have received any other financial support for your project you are also encouraged to disclose that in this section.
  4. An authorship statement needs to be inserted into the thesis if you have included any multi-authored publications. There must be one form inserted for each multi-authored publication. This statement needs to describe clearly the contributions made by you and by every other author and must be signed by all authors. These can be included as appendices if preferred.
  5. The acknowledgement page (optional) should be inserted as the fourth page of your thesis (not numbered). If a professional editor has been used, a brief description of the service should be included as directed by the Institute for Professional Editors.
  6. A list of publications (optional) should be inserted as the fifth page of your thesis (not numbered). Please indicate if each publication was submitted or accepted. A full version of your publication(s) may be included as an appendix to your thesis (not numbered). Note: this will be included in the word limit so you may prefer to provide a link to the publication as an alternative.
  7. Digital thesis copyright and access form - this relates to the copyright of your thesis and accessibility of your thesis via the world wide web. The form cannot be changed in any way and is not bound into the thesis. This form must be completed and signed then uploaded via HDR examinations at the time of your final thesis submission.
  8. A COVID-19 Thesis Impact Statement (optional) explains the impact of the pandemic on your research. You may choose to include the statement as an additional page in your thesis (no more than 600 words) and/or address the impact within the content of the thesis. Note: you may opt to include a COVID-19 Thesis Impact Statement for examination and remove it from your library copy but you cannot do the reverse. A COVID-19 Thesis Impact Statement cannot be included in your library copy if it wasn’t included in the examination copy.

An electronic copy of the final version of the thesis is required for lodgement with The Deakin University Library before the degree can be awarded.

The library copy of your thesis is submitted via HDR examinations at the same time as your amended thesis (if required) is uploaded. It must meet the guidelines set out above and be uploaded as one single PDF document not secured (preferably PDFA) no greater than 100MB in size. To change your thesis into a PDF we recommend you use a university computer and print to adobe PDF directly from Word. Please check the final document to ensure all figures, tables and contents have converted correctly prior to submission.

In addition, you are required to upload the digital thesis copyright and access form (PDF). You may elect to make the entire thesis available online through Deakin research online, or limit access to the citation, abstract and metadata only. If online access is limited to the citation, abstract and metadata, the Deakin University Library will make individual digital copies available for consultation, loan and limited copying in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968. Request for a complete restriction of access for a limited period of time to facilitate the commercial exploitation of material, or for other compelling reasons, may be made to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) or nominee (Schedule E: Restricted Access to Thesis). A signed digital thesis copyright and access form must be submitted and dated when the final copy for lodgement with The Deakin University Library is provided.

Your summary of thesis for graduation is also submitted via HDR examinations at the time of submission. This summary will appear in the graduation ceremonies program. It should focus on the outcomes of the research, be in plain English and contain a maximum of fifty words. Please note that the Library copy of your thesis will not be approved unless the thesis summary meets these requirements.

If your document exceeds the size limit or you need to submit additional materials for examination, please email the HDR adviser for further information.

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