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Research induction

Deakin provides two main types of induction for research students:

  • Research induction program provided by Deakin Research
  • Induction/orientation training provided by your academic unit.

Deakin Research induction

Completion of the research induction program provided by Deakin Research is a mandatory requirement for all students prior to confirmation of candidature. The only exceptions are students enrolled in a Master of Science (Research) (S820), Doctor of Psychology (H951) and Master of Philosophy (F801). This program should not be confused with other induction/orientation training that may be offered or required by your academic unit.

Register in one of our graduate research orientation sessions

What does research induction cover?

The research induction program covers a range of important information which will help you get started and set you up for a more successful candidature. It covers:

  • The key candidature milestone processes you will need to complete, such as the candidature agreement, confirmation of candidature and annual review of progress.
  • Approaches to doing research.
  • Publishing during your candidature.
  • Alternative thesis formats.
  • Issues you are likely to encounter along the way and ways of dealing with them.
  • Working effectively with your supervisor.
  • People you can turn to for advice and help, such as HDR coordinators.
  • The profile of the HDR student community at Deakin and their performance outcomes.
  • Deakin’s research profile.
  • Policies and procedures with which you may need to comply, such as ethics approval.
  • The key aspects of the PhdXtra program.

How do you complete research induction?

Research induction can be completed in either of two ways:

  1. You can attend one of the induction workshops which are run several times a year. Attendance can be in person or online.  After attending the workshop, you will need to complete the online mandatory quiz that is available via the PhdXtra research student training CloudDeakin site.

    Find a graduate research orientation session
  2. You can view the online research induction materials available from PhdXtra research student training CloudDeakin site. You will then need to complete the online mandatory quiz available at the end of the induction module.

Induction options diagram

Induction by your academic unit

In the early stages of your candidature, an induction program will be arranged for you by your school, faculty or institute. This will include a guide to the nature of research in your field, a description of the facilities available in the school and elsewhere in the University and the school program of seminars.

The following matters will also be discussed:

  • Your responsibilities and rights as a student.
  • The nature and process of supervised research in the discipline and the characteristic stages towards completion of your thesis.
  • The role of the principal supervisor and others involved in your supervision.
  • Ethical matters in relation to research and the code of good practice in research.
  • Intellectual property and authorship of publications.
  • The grievance procedures that explain how to make a complaint or raise a problem if significant difficulties arise during your candidature.
  • Safety procedures appropriate to the discipline.
  • Any special conditions which apply, such as restrictions on disclosure of research outcomes associated with sponsorship of the candidature or the research project.

It is your responsibility to complete the formal requirements for enrolment and other conditions of candidature and you must comply with the HDR procedures, as well as the codes of good practice in research, as detailed in our policies and procedures.

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