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How to prepare for your first week

Your first week of classes at Deakin will be both exciting and overwhelming. In this section, we’ll show you how to prepare, what to expect and where to get help if you need it. It won’t take you long to adopt a student mindset and become familiar with things at Deakin, especially if you put aside some time to make the best start you can.

And, there’s lots of friendly faces in our Deakin community who are ready to make you feel welcome.

Week 1 marks the start of your first study period. Here are some things you can do before for your first visit to campus or your first online class.

  • Prepare your study space. Make sure you’ve read through the digital setup information and found a quiet place that is conducive for study. Your routine is going to change and your schedule will sometimes be busy, so a dedicated study area will help you focus and get your work done.
  • Rally your support network. Tell your family and your friends that you’re commencing study at Deakin. You’ll need to block out time in your life to complete your studies, which may mean you’re less available than before. They’ll also be the ones to help you if you need to juggle your commitments.
  • For online students: plan your first day of study. Check your online timetable for your lectures and seminars. Ensure your devices fully charged and that you have logged into your unit sites in DeakinSync.
  • For on-campus students: plan your first day on campus. Check your travel journey and campus map (make sure you leave enough time to get to your classes) and bring your Deakin Card. If you haven't already, connect your device to the campus wi-fi eduroam. Don’t forget water, snacks and your phone and laptop chargers.

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