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Stress, anxiety and time management

The final weeks of each study period can be a stressful time. It’s normal to feel a bit anxious – most people experience some degree of anxiety when faced with an assessment or an exam.

What’s important is learning to manage your stress and anxiety in a productive way, and not to let it prevent you from performing the best you can.

  • A good study routine will help you keep on top of your studies and minimise unnecessary stress. If you haven’t already, read some of our academic skills articles and use our study planners to guide your work.
  • Procrastination can make feelings of stress and anxiety worse, so try and keep on top of the study you need to do by completing a small amount every day.
  • Ensure a balanced lifestyle with leisure activities built into your timetable, such as exercise, socialising and hobbies. Make sure you get adequate sleep. You could also introduce relaxation exercises into your daily routine like some stretching or meditation.
  • Learn to think positively and challenge your negative thoughts about your ability to perform in exams or end of unit assessments. You can do this!

Read more in our articles about stress management, exam confidence and study resilience.

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