Pre-arrival briefings
Pre-arrival briefings include information to help you enrol, plan your travel, arrival, living and studying in Australia. Attending a live online briefing also gives you the opportunity to ask questions.
There are multiple pre-arrival briefings offered throughout the year to ensure sessions are available for all students to attend.
Can't attend a briefing?
You can watch a recording of a briefing below.

[Auto-generated transcript. Edits may have been applied for clarity.]
Hi, everyone! We'll be starting in a few minutes, just waiting for everyone to arrive.
and we'll just be signing in 1 min. Thanks everyone for your patience.
Alrighty. I think we might just get started. So welcome everyone to the international student pre-arrival briefing.
Please note that this session will be recorded, and throughout this session you can ask questions using the Q&A function which you can find in the Zoom menu. All questions will be answered. Live at the end of the session as well. So in case someone else has asked the same question as you, you can upload it by clicking the thumbs up Icon.
So for introductions, my name is Esha Chhabra, and I work in the Deakin student orientation team. Our team is one of the first groups. You'll be greeted by in pink when you arrive at one of our Deakin campuses for orientation, and our goal is to make your transition to life in Australia smooth and enjoyable. Today we are presenting information to ensure your journey, and studies in Australia have the best start.
Joining me is one of our wonderful international students, Antara, who will share her experience of moving to Australia and studying at Deakin later in the session. We also have our friendly student Central team here which is Brii, Emily and William, and they'll be able to answer any queries you might have at the end of the presentation in the live Q. And A.
Now, before we start, I want to introduce you to a common custom here in Australia, where we honour our heritage by acknowledging our indigenous peoples, who are the custodians of our land.
This custom is called an acknowledgement to country at Deakin and in the community. You'll witness this respectful practice many times.
so, as we gather for this meeting, physically dispersed and virtually constructed, let us take a moment to reflect on the meaning of place, and in doing so recognize the various traditional lands on which we do our business on today.
I myself am located on Wurundjeri country and on behalf of all of us. I pay respects to all aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, traditional custodians, elders, and ancestors of all the lands from which you may be joining our gathering. Today
I express our gratitude for the care of country which continues to sustain us, as it has done for millennia.
Education has a long and rich heritage on this continent which we aim to honour and reflect in the ways we teach and learn.
Thank you.
Alright. So we can imagine you may be feeling excited, yet nervous or a bit anxious about your move to Australia, though rest assured we are here every step of the way to help you, and provide information which is the most important when settling in.
We also strongly encourage you to read your Deakin emails from the orientation team.
So today we'll be covering, preparing for your arrival, packing, travelling, and arriving, preparing for study and life in Australia.
So we're so excited to welcome you to Deakin. Here are the first steps to begin your studies and prepare for your arrival to Australia.
It is crucial to arrive on time to be able to commence your study period. Having had the whole orientation experience.
Here we have the key dates which we recommend noting for trimester. One international student welcome is held in Prepare week, which is a day long event where you can connect with other international students, ensure you've planned activities and courses and other sessions, whereas week, one and week 2 are when classes have begun, and hence is considered a late arrival. If you're planning to arrive after Friday, 14th of March, unfortunately, you will not be able to commence your studies
to start studying at Deakin as an international student. Follow these steps. Once you have accepted your offer at Deakin, a confirmation of enrolment will be issued. Apply for your student visa. As soon as you get your confirmation of enrolment you must be in Australia to start on campus studies before a week.
You will also receive an email to activate your student account and enroll. This email will include links to course information where you can find or request a course map to guide you through the enrolment process. We encourage students to do this prior to arriving on shore, to allow you to select your timetable prior to arrival.
If you require more guidance, you can attend an online course, enrolment, information, session, or contact. One of our friendly student advisors in Student Central.
an important tip. To also know is to begin the visa application process early, due to processing times and for more details on each step. Please refer to the link in bold below.
Now to your visa rights and responsibilities.
It is important that you know what type of visa you are on, so that you can meet the requirements of that visa. As an international student on a student visa subclass 500, you must comply with the following, be in Australia to study on campus, maintain your enrolment in a pre curse course, and maintain a valid confirmation of enrolment known as a coe
complete 6 months in your principal course before switching providers finish a course within the Coe timeframe.
have overseas student health cover known as Oshc. Throughout your State in Australia, notify your education provider of your residential address within 7 days of arrival, and any changes ensure schooling for school age dependents to not exceed, permitted work hours, and lastly, to check other visa specific conditions on the Department of Home Affairs website.
It is important to also note, once you are studying onshore in Australia, study visa requirements, do apply
your study obligations to successfully complete your studies. Please be aware of the requirements that relate to your study obligations, and visa.
You must maintain an active confirmation of enrollment, follow your course, map, maintain satisfactory academic progress, meet compassionate and compelling grounds for an approval.
Contact student Central, if you wish to take a break from your studies and pay your fees on time with an invoice generated from student Connect.
Now to accommodation.
Of course, one of the most important things to consider is where you're going to live. When researching accommodation, key things to remember are, you will not be able to change your campus during your first study period. Consider your budget living alone, or sharing to not sign documents that you do not understand, ensure you inspect off-campus properties prior to moving in, and to also consider short term accommodation for a week or so when you arrive, and long term accommodation for the duration of your study period.
Handy tip is to check the Ptv. Journey Planner App or Google Maps to see travel time to Deakin, Ptv. Stands for public transport in Victoria. And this will help you plan your trip to Uni.
If you're thinking of living on campus, feel safe, connected and supported with a move into Deakin res Deakin res offers accommodation at all campuses with 24, 7 student support, staff reception desk and Deakin security. It's also a private, comfortable, modern environment with social
as well as recreational and sporting areas.
You'll also be able to hire flexi cars on a rent, and you'll have flexible leases ranging from $200 to $360 per week
talking about Deakinres. Let's watch a fun video of what it's like to live on Deakinres.
So I moved around a lot. When I was young I spent time in Vietnam, Germany, Canada, and Australia. I just moved from Canberra at the start of this year to study and live at Deakin.
I chose Deakin because the flexible degree allows me to pursue my many, many interests, such as visual arts, creative writing, and more. I chose to live on Res because I wanted to have a taste of the dorm life, and it's so close to campus, and I love the idea of making amazing and lifelong connections with dorm friends. You'd see this in books and Tvs, and I wanted to see whether it lives up to it. And it does.
I was also very interested in meeting other international students and getting to know their world. I find that it's super multicultural here, and I'm in awe at the many people from different countries that I get to meet all over the world. It's so nice to be in a communal space like you'd walk into an elevator and see 6 people, you know.
Oh, and walk in to the lobby.
Fancy another 10.
It's so nice to know so many people at Uni from Res.
I find life here to be very different to where I grew up. I lived with the Full Family, so it's like everything was taken care of for me, and I didn't have to worry about making my own lunches, and breakfast was always on the table. But since coming here you sort of trust yourself more as an adult, because you are the ones making decisions in your life. At the moment I grew up in different countries and moved around a lot in my life. So I love the multiculturality. I've attended Indian dinners and afrobeat parties
and indigenous Australian workshops. I find that this is so rewarding about Res
as Vietnamese people. We're really social. So being able to socialize all the time is so nice. I also find so much solace in talking to some of the receptionist staff who I've gotten to know and adore, and the campus life coordinators who I absolutely love.
I'm just kind of stoic when it comes to studying all or nothing kind of mentality. I am absolutely in love with MB. Common study rooms. They make studying an absolute blast. I get so much done there. I love attending all the clubs and societies, events which are on after hours at Deakin, where I am able to socialize and do sports. There my work is at Deakin. I'm a student's mentoring staff, a student partner with staff in a research project and a Deakin art gallery staff member.
So it's super close to go to work for me.
and also residents are just down the lobby, so attending them is super fun.
Sorry about the slight tech issues there, but if you'd like to see more of Deakin res. Do just give them a quick search and follow them on their social accounts at Deakinres.
As for off-campus accommodation, you have many options and our online accommodation finder Houseme can assist to find a place to live. You can access the off-campus housing resources to get help with your application as well as information on your rights and responsibilities. When renting, when exploring areas to live near Deakin, when exploring areas to live near Deakin campuses do consider brief details about the local area transport to campus accommodation types and the pricing guide.
Another platform which we can suggest is having a look at Australian homestay network known as the Ahn. This helps students find accommodation that is affordable, safe and comfortable. A few things included are Internet access utilities and meals. Local orientation with a Homestay host 24, 7. Critical incident, hotline and automated payments.
Additional benefits are no lock in contracts. You do get a host certification, including home inspection and background check cultural immersion with a local support system and a range of payment options.
Now to Antara to share some information about flights and free airport pickups.
Thank you, Esha.
Booking flights. Once you have your visa, you can now book a flight to come to Australia. There are websites out there to help you compare the prices of flights across different airlines. I would highly recommend you. Check them out.
Do not leave booking till the last minute. As you get closer to the date, the price of the flight does increase.
Give yourself enough time to get acclimated to your new environment. Next slide
free airport Pickup.
Once you book your flight. You are now eligible to book the Free Airport Pickup by Deakin, just click on the Link, or Google Deakin free airport pickup and fill up the form to fill the form. You will need details such as flight number, and where the driver will be dropping you off.
This needs to be done at least 3 working days before your flight. Once you get the confirmation for your booking, it can be a good idea to email them and ask them where you will need to meet them. For example, at the information desk or in front of the cafe. Thank you.
Thank you, Antara.
And now to under 18 students and bringing your family.
If you're aged under 18, I've got exciting news for you. You can study. At Deakin, however, there are important guidelines that you must follow. The Australian immigration regulations outline. You can study if you are accompanied by a parent or a legal custodian, or you stay with a suitable relative, or your education provider provides a written statement saying that your accommodation, support, and general welfare arrangements are appropriate for you.
You will also need to demonstrate that you have adequate welfare arrangements in place before you can be granted a student visa for your safety and well-being.
Your student visa usually allows your spouse and dependent children to join you in Australia, resulting in a temporary residency visa for them
the financial responsibilities to consider include having sufficient funds for your family. Stay, budget for family round-trip airfares, higher rent for a larger home, daily expenses as well as things like additional transport costs and childcare
health, well-being, and safety.
As an international student you are financially responsible for your health care costs in Australia before you leave home, you should visit your doctor or general practitioner, and have a medical checkup, arrange any prescribed medication, and ensure you have a letter from your doctor in English, detailing the prescribed medications.
arrange overseas student health cover, which is Oshc and understand the waiting periods that apply.
Things you should know are that you must maintain, approved Oshc. While in Australia.
Yep, this
medical history, if you have any pre-existing conditions, some courses require vaccinations, and this will be outlined in your offer letter.
You are required to get an individual healthcare identifier to receive medical treatment in Australia. Please keep these points in mind.
Oversee student health cover.
International students must have Oshc throughout their stay in Australia for medical and health support.
and Bupa is Deakin's preferred provider.
But why should you choose bupa health insurance? first of all, it has great cover for students and extra benefits for Deakin students.
We have bupa friendly doctors, insurance cover for public and Bupa contracted private hospitals, cashback for medications and prescriptions. Mental health benefits support on and off campus, special health and wellbeing events for international students as well as a range of discounts with the bupa plus program on everything from movie tickets, gym, memberships, vitamins, and sunglasses. Lucky you
but please know your health and wellbeing is our first priority, and as a Deakin student you have a strong support network around you, free services to support your health and safety while you're in Australia include medical centres, with general practitioners available on and off, campus counselling and psychological support known as caps, disability support, multi-faith chaplains and prayer rooms, safer community Lgbtiq plus community fitness centres and student advocacy centres as well.
Your safety study. Australia offers a guide on personal safety, including precautions for public transport and Internet use key safety tips to remember are to swim between the red and yellow flags and learn about water safety. Next, no fire risks and procedures from Cfa Victoria website.
Avoid isolation and be cautious in public spaces.
obey road rules, and stay alert, especially at night and in emergencies, dial 000. That's 000 and request a translator, if need be.
online safety is equally important, and international students should be aware of cyber threats and scams. Please secure digital devices, protect your personal information and recognise scams.
Studying overseas is a significant financial undertaking. It's important that you consider your living costs and how you are going to pay for your expenses.
Student visas have a financial requirement. All international students must have enough money to pay for your travel study costs, living expenses, and your State in Australia.
You'll need to consider your fees, which will require regular payments.
You're coming.
and groceries, activities and incidentals. So how much money will you need? You will need to have enough money to cover your first full study period, university fees, and at least $2,000 available in a bank or on a travel card. To use
your money.
We strongly recommend to not bring large sums of cash with you in Australia. Please note Deakin does not accept cash payments for fees or other services and no discounts are provided.
University fee payment methods are outlined in your fee. Invoice, located in Student Central. If you have any concerns about
those queries. Please communicate that to our student Central team
banking. You can set up a bank account before or after you arrive, though we recommend doing it sooner rather than later the benefits are. It's safer, and you do not need to carry cash. Your family can directly deposit into your account as well. You'll also have a card that you can use anywhere and be set up and ready to go.
Our banks on campus also include the Deakini Community Bank, which is a partnership between the Bendiger and Adelaide Bank, with profits being returned to Deakin students and the Deakin community projects.
Please note to open an account. You must have your electronic coe, passport, letter of offer and other forms of identification.
Now back to Antara to share some tips for packing, travelling, and arriving.
Thank you, Esha.
Now let's just let's discuss some packing, traveling, and arriving tips, important documents, and required and study
when traveling. It is very important to carry all the necessary documents with you. If you're unsure of whether you need something or not, it is better to bring it.
Here is a list of all the documents you should carry your first time arriving in Australia, your passport with your valid student visa, your Deakin university, offer letter, your confirmation of enrollment or coe payment receipts and bank statements, insurance policies, as well as your insurance receipts.
academic transcripts and qualifications, additional id such as your birth certificate or driver's license, medical records and prescriptions if needed, and if you are under 18, a confirmation of appropriate accommodation and welfare
next slide.
What to bring clothing, check the baggage allowance provided by the airlines as it can help prioritize what to pack.
Bring all your essential clothing and some comfortable footwear, as you will be walking a lot
if you plan on working. Some smart casual might come handy, as the weather here is quite unpredictable. It is good to bring clothing for all seasons, check the weather on the day of your arrival, cause even during summer we have some cold days.
The prices of clothing might be higher here than in your home countries, so keep that in mind.
It is hard to fit all your desired clothing into one suitcase. But don't worry. There are many options at shopping centers. Once you get here
next slide
Australian customs. Once you arrive you will be met with Australian customs who can be quite strict. You will be given an incoming passenger card during the flight, or you can get them in the area before immigration.
Here you can declare what you have brought with you. Here is a list of what is allowed, what to declare and what to not bring.
If you are unsure, it is better to declare it.
Thank you.
Thank you, Antara. Some great insight there. And now for working in Australia
it is important. You understand your rights regarding pay conditions and safety. If you plan on working in Australia. Further review relevant resources on workplace rights
work restrictions ensure that student visa holders are able to focus on achieving study goals while able to financially support, gain
Remember to check your visa conditions, to make sure you are eligible for work entitlements. Note. It may take several weeks to secure employment, even if part-time employment opportunities, though in Australia salaries are competitive and employers have requirements to provide good working conditions.
As for finding work. Deakin talent is Deakin's careers and employment Service, who assist with searching for part-time and casual jobs, internships, volunteering, and also offer a range of career consultations and application checks. They also have on-demand resources and career events to help you find a job.
Consider visiting their resources to learn how to be job ready as well as visit fair work, Australia, to understand your rights and conditions as an international student.
Now back to Antara to share her experience from moving from Bangladesh.
As mentioned, I am an international student from Bangladesh. It can be quite daunting and very nerve wracking, so don't be afraid to ask any questions and ask for help. Culture, homesickness is very common, and it is only natural. When I first arrived I wanted to be okay and not be homesick, but it could not be avoided. It helped to stay in touch with my family and trying to form new connections. Here
you can join the international students, Deakin Facebook group to meet others like you. Not only that there are many Facebook groups that you can join just search Deakin on Facebook.
there are events going on during orientation that can also help you meet your peers. It can be hard putting yourself out there. But trust me, most people are feeling the same way. Next slide
weather, the weather gets its own separate slide. For a reason Victoria is known to go through multiple seasons in the same day, so always check your weather app before leaving and dressing for the day. I arrived during the summer, but it was 15°C when I landed.
During summer the UV levels can be quite high, so make sure to always wear sunscreen. Next slide
travel and transport. Public transport is pretty common and accessible. You can use the tram train or bus if you're in Burwood and the bus and shuttle bus here in Geelong. The shuttle goes between the 2 campuses here in Geelong international students can apply for discounted public transport. Istp passes.
I would highly recommend the public transport Victoria App or Ptv. App, as it gives timing updates as a bus scheduled for 4, 30 can be late and arrive at 4, 40, and the app will let you know
when it comes to driving. If you have a license from your home country, the process can become simpler.
It is important to understand the road rules, as they can be quite different from your home country, and I can certainly confirm that
bicycles are also an option. If you live close to campus next slide, what will you eat?
Eating healthy can be quite easy here, as there is so much food, so much fresh food to pick from in the groceries around our campuses. There are many options for food, and they're very well labeled for your dietary requirements, such as halal, gluten, free vegan, or vegetarian
Dusa, our Student Association does a food pantry every 2 weeks where you can get some basic groceries for free. Keep an eye on their Instagram for further updates.
tap water is safe to drink in Australia, and there are numerous taps around the campuses.
Buying groceries and cooking at home is probably the best way to save money, but when you are exhausted there are plenty of local stores to eat from with affordable pricing. Next slide
study ready
English language for study. If you're not confident about your English. Do not worry. Like most things in life, it will improve with practice. And in this case, through daily use.
we have an English language development program to help you through this journey. The free program takes place over 4 weeks and includes online resources and activities, weekly zoom seminar sessions, an opportunity to get feedback on your writing and individualized support with a language and learning advisor. After the program has been completed next slide
building connection and belonging even before you arrive, there are a few things you can do to ensure you're making the best of your time.
You can join your faculty's peer mentoring program here. Each faculty has its own program, where you're assigned to an old student, the mentor, who's been here for a year or 2, and they will. You get get together for the first 5 weeks to go over the problems you might be having the first couple of weeks, and it is super casual because they're a student just like you.
you can register for the international student connect program. Here we hold events for international students, for free, we've gone bowling. We've gone to trampoline parks. So it is a lot of fun
you can connect with Deakin life on Instagram. Here, you can get updates on what is happening around campus so that you can stay updated.
You can join the international students at Deakin Group on Facebook. As mentioned, you can read the Deakin life blog to access Deakin events and activities. Again, you can get to know what is happening on campus. During that week you can join Deakin, University Student Association or Dosa. There are more than 120 clubs. So there is probably something for your interests.
You can join Deakin Active, which is our gym for social sport, fitness, centers and group fitness sessions. If you are someone who enjoys working out, you might consider checking that out before you arrive.
you can check out, study Melbourne or study Geelong events again. These are catered. These are catered to international students, and they're completely free. They also have the couch with students. Study Melbourne in Melbourne and the lounge here in Geelong. They also hold weekly, bi-weekly free events for international students.
Deakin offers a range of events. Events. Keep an eye on your inbox and join us for a week.
Amazing thanks so much, Antara, for sharing those wonderful insights. I'm sure it'll be very helpful for all of you commencing students. And now let's have a look at what orientation on campus is like.
How amazing does that look! We can't wait for you all to experience the fun. So thank you for your attention so far. And now we will be moving into the Q&A portion of our session. Please submit your questions, using the Q. And a function in the Zoom menu. And now I'll hand the mic over to Emily
to conduct a live Q and A.
Thanks, Esha. I'll wait for some questions to come through, because it doesn't look like there is any yet one's been answered. But post any questions that you've got in the Q. And thanks for your presentation, Esha. It was really informative hope. It was helpful for all the students.
Absolutely. please feel free to ask any questions. You might have more than happy to help you out, even if you just like to double check something. We're here to assist.
We've got a quiet bunch today.
I actually have got one or 2 questions this year. Hello! Our bank statements and payment slips mandatory to carry along with other documents.
in terms of everyday life, going to like attending university. You won't be required to carry your bank statements along with you, I would say.
The main thing is probably to keep your student id card on you. You can get that on campus in Student Central when you have enrolled, but you won't need to carry your bank statements with you around on campus.
Great. Thank you.
We've also got. Can any Deakin student join the Deakin gym for free.
There is a fee for the Deakin. Gym! You'd need to contact Deakin Active to see what the prices are. They might have different tiers of what you can access, but we can pop a link for Deakin, active in the chat.
Amazing. Thank you.
All right.
Which applications are essential for our travel needs.
I would recommend the Ptv. App, which you can download from the app store. It has a journey planner on it, and you can put in your start and end location. It's very helpful I use that you'll also need to get these my key cards, which you can get, and on the Ptv app, you can see how much money you've got on your mikey, and you can top it up as well, depending on what phone you have
okay, getting a few questions through. Will there be any chance for me to get a slot at Deakin res? If I started to apply today, I'd recommend reaching out to the residences team. I'm not sure what their availability is. At the moment. I think it gets quite. It's quite popular. So reach out to them as soon as possible. We'll put some contact information in
the answer to your question.
There's a question here about student emails and student cards and all that. So your student email is actually your student Id number
with the S. At the front and you should be able to access this through Deakin Sync.
But that's it's pretty straightforward. It's mostly your student Id number. With your student card, you can order it online if you do a Google search for Deakin Id card. But
that takes a couple of weeks. Usually typically, you can just come to Student Central on campus, and we can take your photo and print your card on the spot for you. That's typically the easiest way.
Thank you.
There's a question here about airport pickup, and if a family member is accompanying you, so if there is someone else who is coming in the car with you. There's a minimum fee of $50 per person that they would need to pay to the driver. But you should submit the request through the online form, and the team who looks after that will get back to you with further information.
The question here is about changing
courses rather than changing providers. Does the 6 months still, kind of say you're still required to complete at least one trimester in your primary course before you can apply to change it. But that's typically about 3 months rather than the 6 months for the
provider. But yeah, so you definitely have to complete the one trimester before you can apply to change course.
Esha, are you able to comment about the airport?
Pick up.
Yeah, certainly.
That's true.
so for the booking, the airport transfers. Yeah. 2 weeks before your arrival is absolutely perfect. I think we do. Up to about 3 days before you arrive, so booking 2 weeks in advance would be great, and that can secure you a position.
Awesome. Thank you.
Thank you.
Keep the questions coming, guys. They're great
thanks for your question about the Id card. So you can apply for a student id card once you've enrolled. So if you enroll while you're overseas, that's fine, we can send it out to you. Otherwise you can just come into campus during orientation. Once you've enrolled, and we'll print it for you on campus.
Alright. Is it possible to enroll into the units while waiting for visa process? Or do I need to be in Australia for unit enrolments. You don't need to be in Australia to enroll into your units, but you will need to have received like an unconditional offer and
been given access to enroll into your units. For some students who are starting, only access is given during the orientation period, so you can get in contact with us if you're not able to enroll. But yeah, you can enroll while you're overseas. If you've satisfied the conditions. If you've got a conditional offer.
There's a question here about addresses. Once you arrive in Australia, once you arrive, even if it is only a short term address, you should update it through. Student connect. It is a requirement that you update Deakin with your address. I think it's within 7 days. Once you arrive, and then also within 7 days of any changes. So you should update your address, even if it is only a short term address. As soon as you arrive.
I do have one question here as well about the weather, and we're having 4 seasons in a day. So what is the best way to pack for uni. And what do students usually wear? Great question. It's totally up to you. We're very inclusive. It is cold and hot all the time, so you're always best carrying a jacket or a hoodie, but wear whatever you prefer to wear, and yes, just pack for all seasons. I know that may be a little bit challenging, but yes, do pack for any sort of weather.
Thanks for your question about the orientation and the trimester starting on the 3rd of March, the orientation. It does start. There are 2 weeks of orientation for international students, which starts on the If you had any questions when you mentioned course selection, you can reach out to a course advisor. If you weren't sure about which units to do in your study, they can give you a course plan with everything, and if you've been granted recognition of prior learning. They can also factor that in.
This question here about unit enrolments, and if you can complete it, once you reach campus you definitely can wait until you get here, or until your course starts to do your enrollment
the last day to finalize your enrollment for trimester one is the end of week 2, which would be Friday. Sorry, Friday, the 14th of March.
but the timetabling system will open for preference entry in February from the 3rd of February. It will open so if you do wait, it really depends when you arrive, but ideally it is best to get your enrollment done as soon as possible. So then, once the timetabling system opens you can put your preferences in. If you do have any questions about your enrollment, or you do have any issues.
you can reach out to Students Central, we should be able to help you, even if you are offshore.
I have a question here about what banks students normally use. There's a myriad of banks in Australia that people use. There's not really one kind of specific, though, as was stated earlier, we do have like a partnership with Bendigo Bank. So you can contact them. But yeah, there's multiple banks that we use, and we would kind of say, just have a look around. See what suits you best.
So there's a question here about orientation, and whether family members can come, your family members are welcome to come with you for orientation from the 3rd of February you'll be able to generate what we call an orientation itinerary from 12 pm. And that's where you'll put in your course. Details and what campus you're at, and it'll tell you a bunch of activities that are happening across the 2 weeks. So for some of those activities you'll need to register
but and some most aren't compulsory. If they are, they'd be offered online. But yeah, have a look at your orientation itinerary, and your family can come with you to those events.
There's a question about arriving in Australia. We do have a web page that I will also put in response to this question. But the absolute final deadline to arrive, to be able to commence your course in trimester. One is the end of week 2, so it will be the same as the last day to add units. Friday, the 14th of March. If you're not able to arrive in Australia by that date, you can't study in trimester one
so if your visa oh, sorry. So the teaching period will begin on the 3rd of March. If you're not able to arrive in time, you can defer your offer to commence in a later period, you should to defer your offer. You can refer to your offer email that you received and you can respond to the admissions officer there, and they can organize it for you.
And we've got a few questions here about how to generate a Usi, so you'll only be able to get a Usi once you're onshore in Australia. There's a government form that you can fill out during the enrollment steps. Some of you might have seen it already. It asks for you to create a Usi. You just won't be able to do that until you're in Australia, so you can skip that step, for now, and once you arrive, get a Usi and enter it in student connect.
We also got a question about choosing subjects and providing address and phone number would recommend keeping it up to date. So where you are now is fine, and then, as soon as you arrive in Australia, update your address. Details on student connect.
Thanks, Emily. I've also got a question here. Regarding networking events for connecting with alumni
in my industry. Again, I would suggest Deakin talent would be your best option. They are your careers. Go to, and they have a variety of events for alumni current students, and also you will be able to access Deakin talent resources after you graduate as well. So when you become an alumni you'll be able to access it as well and meet other commencing students, so I would say, to check out Deakin talent, and they can assist from there.
We've got another question here. Do I need to carry all bank statements like financial documents with me on campus?
You don't need to, as mentioned earlier. If you've got like a bank card that you can use to pay for things that's fine. When you mentioned financial documents, I'm not sure what else beyond, like a bank card that you might need.
it might also come down to your personal situation. But if you're not sure, feel free to pop into Student Central. And we can let you know more specifically.
The bank statement requirements usually, for like when you arrive, when you've kind of arrived like at the airport and things like that, typically you don't need it when you're actually on campus
but you may need it when you're opening a bank account and things like that as well. So it's good to have them all
kind of together. And you know all your documents that you may need. But yeah, typically, when you're on campus, you won't need anything like that.
We have a question. Is all this information the same for Deakin College? Probably not. Deakin College and Deakin University are 2 separate institutions. So
I think there's different dates, different activities that each institution would run. So if you are studying at Deakin College, and you have specific questions, it's probably best to reach out to Deakin College directly.
I just have gotten a question here. What should I bring with me on my first day of university? What are the necessary documents.
Do you want to add to Amp?
Sorry I'm reply to a question on the chat. What was the question, Esha.
Yup. So it was. What should I bring with me on my first day of university? What are the necessary documents.
Good question. Bring along your passport with you. If you've
maybe got your coe, your offer letter, your visa.
things like that that you'd probably be keeping with you on hand, anyway, at the airport. Another thing, a laptop, if you've got it, maybe a drink bottle, not sure what the weather will look like
check the weather forecast beforehand. You might want to bring an umbrella or a big coat or something, but documents just the main ones that you might have used at the airport.
I've popped a link in the chat. It does kind of outline all the documents that you will need to bring. So that's just the important documents. One. Just have a look at that. If you, if you're concerned or unsure about what you might need to bring.
Thanks, bree.
No problem.
We have a question for electronics like phone and laptop. Should I buy in my country before I come? Or is it best to purchase in Australia. I mean, it's really up to you. The only thing that you would need to consider is if you buy it in your home country. The adapter to plug it into the wall. To charge will probably be different, or will very likely be different once you get here.
So it's really up to you. Personal preference. We do have a web page about computing requirements. For like, for example, if you were looking at a laptop, and you wanted to know what are the requirements. We do have a web page that's drafted by our it desk with further information. I'll also include that as a response to the message. Just if you wanted to have a look.
Sorry I have a question here about the Airport Transfer service. Will there be extra charges if I have more than 2 pieces of luggage. I'm going to post their web page so you can have a look. From what I've seen, it doesn't look like they state specifically the amount of luggage, but it does say that you need to be in charge of kind of looking after it and carrying it, but I would suggest just contacting them directly. If you do have any questions about that.
so I'll post. I'll post the web page for you.
Any other questions. These are great.
So we've got a question here which one is the orientation, the 17th or the So for international students. We've got what we call a prepare a week or pre o week. That's the one that's starting on the And it's just for international students from the That's when the orientation starts for all students. So when you generate your orientation itinerary as an international student, you'll see 2 weeks. There.
see what it is. And if you want to attend those sessions happening. But across the university for international and domestic students, it starts on the
Question here about completing your enrollment, and how kind of early in advance you can. You can only enroll one year at a time.
So this one's asking like, can you do the whole 2 years at once? Or is it fine to do the first year? You can only enroll for that first year. Yeah. So don't worry about your kind of next year, or anything like that. Focus on enrolling one year at a time.
Thank you.
In terms of luggage weight limits, like we said before, the web page doesn't say it doesn't have a weight limit.
You're only allowed to carry 2 standard suitcases. But it doesn't say anything about a maximum weight on the app on the form that you submit. It does ask you to put in an estimated weight. But then, as well in terms of weight limits, you should like for the flight you would need to refer to your flight booking.
Thanks, Will. There's a question here about how many units do full-time students typically enroll in as international students. You need to be enrolled into 8 credit points per trimester. So that's typically 8 units per academic year apologies. So that's typically 8 units per academic year.
which usually is 4 units per trimester that can be broken up a little bit differently. But typically, I would say, just
if you're enrolled into 4 units in trimester one and trimester 2. You've got nothing to worry about.
In terms of the airport pickup service. If your flight is late when you're submitting your request for an airport pickup, you're also, including your arrival information along with your flight number. So even if there is a delay with your flight, it should be okay, because the pickup service will have the flight details, so they should be able to track your flight and see what time you will be landing in case of delays or anything like that.
I've got a question here. How do I contact the seniors in my department? So during orientation there'll be a session that's called Meet the faculty which you can go to. You'll get to see who the course director is, and maybe your unit chairs. During your studies you'll be doing individual units, and each of those units will have a unit chair as well. It's kind of like a unit director.
and they'll be within your department. So that's how you get to meet them. We've also got another question that someone's not able to keep going further on. Student connect, you can't update the contact details. Please contact us directly so we can have a look at your student record and see what might be going on.
Okay? Any other questions.
Great questions, everyone.
I've got one here, actually, where the students, whether we have discounts on student laptops. I think we used to partner with
brand of laptop will are you familiar with? That'll break.
We've got a Dell Student purchase program.
I'm not sure if it's still running. I'll have a look.
I'm not sure about that specifically, but I do know that there are some brands that if you're if you can prove that you're a student in general of universities that they do give student discounts. I know Apple, for example, does, but there may be others as well. I'm not sure about anything for Deakin specifically. But we can look into that.
Thanks. Bree, yeah. I just had a look. Looks like Dell. We've got a Dell Student purchase program, and you can register for a Dell discount code for a laptop. That's all online.
Any other questions.
Okay, we've got one. Here is bus or train facility requires student pass for international students and how to get the pass. So we've got a website. It's called the International Student Travel Pass website. And you can apply for a code online student Central will assess your eligibility. And if you're eligible for the travel pass. Then we'll send you the code. You can then use that code and pay for the pass on the public transport website, and that gives you access to buses and trains and trams.
There's a question about installing Microsoft onto your device for free. So as a student, you will have access to the full suite of Microsoft 3, 6, 5 apps. So you would just have to log in and install those through the software center. But yes, you will have access to all of those for free as a student.
Esha. There's a question here asking about where they can watch the video after it's recorded. I know it's about 48 h. Is that correct? But where will it be available?
Yes, you should be emailed this recording. So you will have a copy of the presentation to have a look through as well as the links that are included, so you should receive it within 48 h.
Perfect. Thank you.
Thank you very
any final questions before we wrap up. We've just got a few more minutes.
So the star timetable is the timetabling system that Deakin uses. It's
Star stands for the student timetable allocation registration. I believe
it's just kind of what we call it, and you can access it from student Connect. From the 3rd of February you'll be able to enter your preferences, for on campus units, and it'll reopen on the 13th of February for viewing and adjustment.
Thanks, Emily. There's a question here regarding student discounts and offers to make the most of uni days is a really popular app. And you just log in with your student login, and you will receive exclusive sort of vouchers or discounts for retail stores or food outlets here and other places such as stationary. So yeah, I would say, have a look at Uni days, and they should provide you with some great offers as a student.
Thanks, Esha, we've got a question here. Can I enroll only for semester one? So as international students, you'll need to enroll for the whole year at the one time. So 8 credit points. So you'll need to enroll into both trimesters, one and 2, and that's not just for your first year of study. You'll need to do that every year that you study. But the fee due dates are different to the enrollment. So you can have a look at our website, for when the fees are due.
There's a question here about scholarships for international students. All of the Deakin scholarships that are on offer. One of the requirements is you have to be a prospective student, so your course or your scholarship application, is assessed at the same time as your course application. Once you've been given an offer to study at Deakin. Usually you're not eligible to apply for any further scholarships. There's none that you would be eligible for.
Thanks, Will. There's another question here. Do I need to update Student Central, once I reach Australia, it depends on when you arrive in Australia. So if you're arriving after orientation week, let us know, and we'll because sometimes there can be blocks put on student accounts. So let us know when you're arriving in Australia and also update your address on student connect as soon as you arrive.
There's a question about tuition fee bursaries for international students in your first study period.
You don't need to do anything. If you've been granted bursary, it will be applied to your invoice automatically. It should be about in your first study period. It'll be about 2 weeks before the census date. The census date for trimester. One is the 3first of March, so the bursary should be applied around mid-march. We would encourage you to keep checking your invoice, have a look around mid-march. The scholarship amount should be there.
If it's not, then you can reach out to us, and we can follow up for you.
I've got another question. If I want to change my course after the course registration deadline, is there any possibility I would recommend? If you're wanting to change your course before you start, you can reply to the email with your offer letter in it to ask our admissions team if that's possible. If it's not possible, then you may be able to apply for an internal course. Transfer after your first trimester. If you meet the requirements and the requirements for internal course. Transfers are on our webpage.
So there's a question here about, do I need to bring a birth certificate? If you look at the important documents, page I posted earlier. It says.
other identification, a certified copy of your birth certificate. So you don't need your like official like original one. A certified copy will do, but it will need to be certified.
And there's a question here about what's the last day you can add or remove units. So the last day, to add units, as Will said earlier, is the end of the second week of classes. So for this trimester one, that's Friday, the 14th of March, that is the last day to add any units. The last day to remove units
is the 3first of March, which is the census date.
If you've got any questions about that. Please feel free to contact us at Student Central, and we'd be happy to help. I have again also included the important dates for 2025, and they're all stated on that as well.
Thank you.
We're running out of time, we'll just answer this one last question. Is it possible to run out of slots when enrolling in units are units offered on a first come first serve basis. It depends a lot on the course that you're studying and the units that you need to do. You can get in touch with us if you're not sure.
And yeah, we can help. And please let us know if you've got any other questions you can contact student central via online inquiry or over the phone.
Thanks, team, appreciate all your help and assistance there.
and thank you so much, everyone for joining in for today's pre-arrival briefing again, we are very excited to see you very soon, and for you to begin your Deakin experience. If you have any other questions which pop up do contact our student Central team. They'll be more than happy to assist you. Otherwise safe travels and thank you for joining today. Once again.

[Auto-generated transcript. Edits may have been applied for clarity.]
Hi, everyone! We'll be starting in a few minutes, just waiting for everyone to arrive.
and we'll just be signing in 1 min. Thanks everyone for your patience.
Alrighty. I think we might just get started. So welcome everyone to the international student pre-arrival briefing.
Please note that this session will be recorded, and throughout this session you can ask questions using the Q&A function which you can find in the Zoom menu. All questions will be answered. Live at the end of the session as well. So in case someone else has asked the same question as you, you can upload it by clicking the thumbs up Icon.
So for introductions, my name is Esha Chhabra, and I work in the Deakin student orientation team. Our team is one of the first groups. You'll be greeted by in pink when you arrive at one of our Deakin campuses for orientation, and our goal is to make your transition to life in Australia smooth and enjoyable. Today we are presenting information to ensure your journey, and studies in Australia have the best start.
Joining me is one of our wonderful international students, Antara, who will share her experience of moving to Australia and studying at Deakin later in the session. We also have our friendly student Central team here which is Brii, Emily and William, and they'll be able to answer any queries you might have at the end of the presentation in the live Q. And A.
Now, before we start, I want to introduce you to a common custom here in Australia, where we honour our heritage by acknowledging our indigenous peoples, who are the custodians of our land.
This custom is called an acknowledgement to country at Deakin and in the community. You'll witness this respectful practice many times.
so, as we gather for this meeting, physically dispersed and virtually constructed, let us take a moment to reflect on the meaning of place, and in doing so recognize the various traditional lands on which we do our business on today.
I myself am located on Wurundjeri country and on behalf of all of us. I pay respects to all aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, traditional custodians, elders, and ancestors of all the lands from which you may be joining our gathering. Today
I express our gratitude for the care of country which continues to sustain us, as it has done for millennia.
Education has a long and rich heritage on this continent which we aim to honour and reflect in the ways we teach and learn.
Thank you.
Alright. So we can imagine you may be feeling excited, yet nervous or a bit anxious about your move to Australia, though rest assured we are here every step of the way to help you, and provide information which is the most important when settling in.
We also strongly encourage you to read your Deakin emails from the orientation team.
So today we'll be covering, preparing for your arrival, packing, travelling, and arriving, preparing for study and life in Australia.
So we're so excited to welcome you to Deakin. Here are the first steps to begin your studies and prepare for your arrival to Australia.
It is crucial to arrive on time to be able to commence your study period. Having had the whole orientation experience.
Here we have the key dates which we recommend noting for trimester. One international student welcome is held in Prepare week, which is a day long event where you can connect with other international students, ensure you've planned activities and courses and other sessions, whereas week, one and week 2 are when classes have begun, and hence is considered a late arrival. If you're planning to arrive after Friday, 14th of March, unfortunately, you will not be able to commence your studies
to start studying at Deakin as an international student. Follow these steps. Once you have accepted your offer at Deakin, a confirmation of enrolment will be issued. Apply for your student visa. As soon as you get your confirmation of enrolment you must be in Australia to start on campus studies before a week.
You will also receive an email to activate your student account and enroll. This email will include links to course information where you can find or request a course map to guide you through the enrolment process. We encourage students to do this prior to arriving on shore, to allow you to select your timetable prior to arrival.
If you require more guidance, you can attend an online course, enrolment, information, session, or contact. One of our friendly student advisors in Student Central.
an important tip. To also know is to begin the visa application process early, due to processing times and for more details on each step. Please refer to the link in bold below.
Now to your visa rights and responsibilities.
It is important that you know what type of visa you are on, so that you can meet the requirements of that visa. As an international student on a student visa subclass 500, you must comply with the following, be in Australia to study on campus, maintain your enrolment in a pre curse course, and maintain a valid confirmation of enrolment known as a coe
complete 6 months in your principal course before switching providers finish a course within the Coe timeframe.
have overseas student health cover known as Oshc. Throughout your State in Australia, notify your education provider of your residential address within 7 days of arrival, and any changes ensure schooling for school age dependents to not exceed, permitted work hours, and lastly, to check other visa specific conditions on the Department of Home Affairs website.
It is important to also note, once you are studying onshore in Australia, study visa requirements, do apply
your study obligations to successfully complete your studies. Please be aware of the requirements that relate to your study obligations, and visa.
You must maintain an active confirmation of enrollment, follow your course, map, maintain satisfactory academic progress, meet compassionate and compelling grounds for an approval.
Contact student Central, if you wish to take a break from your studies and pay your fees on time with an invoice generated from student Connect.
Now to accommodation.
Of course, one of the most important things to consider is where you're going to live. When researching accommodation, key things to remember are, you will not be able to change your campus during your first study period. Consider your budget living alone, or sharing to not sign documents that you do not understand, ensure you inspect off-campus properties prior to moving in, and to also consider short term accommodation for a week or so when you arrive, and long term accommodation for the duration of your study period.
Handy tip is to check the Ptv. Journey Planner App or Google Maps to see travel time to Deakin, Ptv. Stands for public transport in Victoria. And this will help you plan your trip to Uni.
If you're thinking of living on campus, feel safe, connected and supported with a move into Deakin res Deakin res offers accommodation at all campuses with 24, 7 student support, staff reception desk and Deakin security. It's also a private, comfortable, modern environment with social
as well as recreational and sporting areas.
You'll also be able to hire flexi cars on a rent, and you'll have flexible leases ranging from $200 to $360 per week
talking about Deakinres. Let's watch a fun video of what it's like to live on Deakinres.
So I moved around a lot. When I was young I spent time in Vietnam, Germany, Canada, and Australia. I just moved from Canberra at the start of this year to study and live at Deakin.
I chose Deakin because the flexible degree allows me to pursue my many, many interests, such as visual arts, creative writing, and more. I chose to live on Res because I wanted to have a taste of the dorm life, and it's so close to campus, and I love the idea of making amazing and lifelong connections with dorm friends. You'd see this in books and Tvs, and I wanted to see whether it lives up to it. And it does.
I was also very interested in meeting other international students and getting to know their world. I find that it's super multicultural here, and I'm in awe at the many people from different countries that I get to meet all over the world. It's so nice to be in a communal space like you'd walk into an elevator and see 6 people, you know.
Oh, and walk in to the lobby.
Fancy another 10.
It's so nice to know so many people at Uni from Res.
I find life here to be very different to where I grew up. I lived with the Full Family, so it's like everything was taken care of for me, and I didn't have to worry about making my own lunches, and breakfast was always on the table. But since coming here you sort of trust yourself more as an adult, because you are the ones making decisions in your life. At the moment I grew up in different countries and moved around a lot in my life. So I love the multiculturality. I've attended Indian dinners and afrobeat parties
and indigenous Australian workshops. I find that this is so rewarding about Res
as Vietnamese people. We're really social. So being able to socialize all the time is so nice. I also find so much solace in talking to some of the receptionist staff who I've gotten to know and adore, and the campus life coordinators who I absolutely love.
I'm just kind of stoic when it comes to studying all or nothing kind of mentality. I am absolutely in love with MB. Common study rooms. They make studying an absolute blast. I get so much done there. I love attending all the clubs and societies, events which are on after hours at Deakin, where I am able to socialize and do sports. There my work is at Deakin. I'm a student's mentoring staff, a student partner with staff in a research project and a Deakin art gallery staff member.
So it's super close to go to work for me.
and also residents are just down the lobby, so attending them is super fun.
Sorry about the slight tech issues there, but if you'd like to see more of Deakin res. Do just give them a quick search and follow them on their social accounts at Deakinres.
As for off-campus accommodation, you have many options and our online accommodation finder Houseme can assist to find a place to live. You can access the off-campus housing resources to get help with your application as well as information on your rights and responsibilities. When renting, when exploring areas to live near Deakin, when exploring areas to live near Deakin campuses do consider brief details about the local area transport to campus accommodation types and the pricing guide.
Another platform which we can suggest is having a look at Australian homestay network known as the Ahn. This helps students find accommodation that is affordable, safe and comfortable. A few things included are Internet access utilities and meals. Local orientation with a Homestay host 24, 7. Critical incident, hotline and automated payments.
Additional benefits are no lock in contracts. You do get a host certification, including home inspection and background check cultural immersion with a local support system and a range of payment options.
Now to Antara to share some information about flights and free airport pickups.
Thank you, Esha.
Booking flights. Once you have your visa, you can now book a flight to come to Australia. There are websites out there to help you compare the prices of flights across different airlines. I would highly recommend you. Check them out.
Do not leave booking till the last minute. As you get closer to the date, the price of the flight does increase.
Give yourself enough time to get acclimated to your new environment. Next slide
free airport Pickup.
Once you book your flight. You are now eligible to book the Free Airport Pickup by Deakin, just click on the Link, or Google Deakin free airport pickup and fill up the form to fill the form. You will need details such as flight number, and where the driver will be dropping you off.
This needs to be done at least 3 working days before your flight. Once you get the confirmation for your booking, it can be a good idea to email them and ask them where you will need to meet them. For example, at the information desk or in front of the cafe. Thank you.
Thank you, Antara.
And now to under 18 students and bringing your family.
If you're aged under 18, I've got exciting news for you. You can study. At Deakin, however, there are important guidelines that you must follow. The Australian immigration regulations outline. You can study if you are accompanied by a parent or a legal custodian, or you stay with a suitable relative, or your education provider provides a written statement saying that your accommodation, support, and general welfare arrangements are appropriate for you.
You will also need to demonstrate that you have adequate welfare arrangements in place before you can be granted a student visa for your safety and well-being.
Your student visa usually allows your spouse and dependent children to join you in Australia, resulting in a temporary residency visa for them
the financial responsibilities to consider include having sufficient funds for your family. Stay, budget for family round-trip airfares, higher rent for a larger home, daily expenses as well as things like additional transport costs and childcare
health, well-being, and safety.
As an international student you are financially responsible for your health care costs in Australia before you leave home, you should visit your doctor or general practitioner, and have a medical checkup, arrange any prescribed medication, and ensure you have a letter from your doctor in English, detailing the prescribed medications.
arrange overseas student health cover, which is Oshc and understand the waiting periods that apply.
Things you should know are that you must maintain, approved Oshc. While in Australia.
Yep, this
medical history, if you have any pre-existing conditions, some courses require vaccinations, and this will be outlined in your offer letter.
You are required to get an individual healthcare identifier to receive medical treatment in Australia. Please keep these points in mind.
Oversee student health cover.
International students must have Oshc throughout their stay in Australia for medical and health support.
and Bupa is Deakin's preferred provider.
But why should you choose bupa health insurance? first of all, it has great cover for students and extra benefits for Deakin students.
We have bupa friendly doctors, insurance cover for public and Bupa contracted private hospitals, cashback for medications and prescriptions. Mental health benefits support on and off campus, special health and wellbeing events for international students as well as a range of discounts with the bupa plus program on everything from movie tickets, gym, memberships, vitamins, and sunglasses. Lucky you
but please know your health and wellbeing is our first priority, and as a Deakin student you have a strong support network around you, free services to support your health and safety while you're in Australia include medical centres, with general practitioners available on and off, campus counselling and psychological support known as caps, disability support, multi-faith chaplains and prayer rooms, safer community Lgbtiq plus community fitness centres and student advocacy centres as well.
Your safety study. Australia offers a guide on personal safety, including precautions for public transport and Internet use key safety tips to remember are to swim between the red and yellow flags and learn about water safety. Next, no fire risks and procedures from Cfa Victoria website.
Avoid isolation and be cautious in public spaces.
obey road rules, and stay alert, especially at night and in emergencies, dial 000. That's 000 and request a translator, if need be.
online safety is equally important, and international students should be aware of cyber threats and scams. Please secure digital devices, protect your personal information and recognise scams.
Studying overseas is a significant financial undertaking. It's important that you consider your living costs and how you are going to pay for your expenses.
Student visas have a financial requirement. All international students must have enough money to pay for your travel study costs, living expenses, and your State in Australia.
You'll need to consider your fees, which will require regular payments.
You're coming.
and groceries, activities and incidentals. So how much money will you need? You will need to have enough money to cover your first full study period, university fees, and at least $2,000 available in a bank or on a travel card. To use
your money.
We strongly recommend to not bring large sums of cash with you in Australia. Please note Deakin does not accept cash payments for fees or other services and no discounts are provided.
University fee payment methods are outlined in your fee. Invoice, located in Student Central. If you have any concerns about
those queries. Please communicate that to our student Central team
banking. You can set up a bank account before or after you arrive, though we recommend doing it sooner rather than later the benefits are. It's safer, and you do not need to carry cash. Your family can directly deposit into your account as well. You'll also have a card that you can use anywhere and be set up and ready to go.
Our banks on campus also include the Deakini Community Bank, which is a partnership between the Bendiger and Adelaide Bank, with profits being returned to Deakin students and the Deakin community projects.
Please note to open an account. You must have your electronic coe, passport, letter of offer and other forms of identification.
Now back to Antara to share some tips for packing, travelling, and arriving.
Thank you, Esha.
Now let's just let's discuss some packing, traveling, and arriving tips, important documents, and required and study
when traveling. It is very important to carry all the necessary documents with you. If you're unsure of whether you need something or not, it is better to bring it.
Here is a list of all the documents you should carry your first time arriving in Australia, your passport with your valid student visa, your Deakin university, offer letter, your confirmation of enrollment or coe payment receipts and bank statements, insurance policies, as well as your insurance receipts.
academic transcripts and qualifications, additional id such as your birth certificate or driver's license, medical records and prescriptions if needed, and if you are under 18, a confirmation of appropriate accommodation and welfare
next slide.
What to bring clothing, check the baggage allowance provided by the airlines as it can help prioritize what to pack.
Bring all your essential clothing and some comfortable footwear, as you will be walking a lot
if you plan on working. Some smart casual might come handy, as the weather here is quite unpredictable. It is good to bring clothing for all seasons, check the weather on the day of your arrival, cause even during summer we have some cold days.
The prices of clothing might be higher here than in your home countries, so keep that in mind.
It is hard to fit all your desired clothing into one suitcase. But don't worry. There are many options at shopping centers. Once you get here
next slide
Australian customs. Once you arrive you will be met with Australian customs who can be quite strict. You will be given an incoming passenger card during the flight, or you can get them in the area before immigration.
Here you can declare what you have brought with you. Here is a list of what is allowed, what to declare and what to not bring.
If you are unsure, it is better to declare it.
Thank you.
Thank you, Antara. Some great insight there. And now for working in Australia
it is important. You understand your rights regarding pay conditions and safety. If you plan on working in Australia. Further review relevant resources on workplace rights
work restrictions ensure that student visa holders are able to focus on achieving study goals while able to financially support, gain
Remember to check your visa conditions, to make sure you are eligible for work entitlements. Note. It may take several weeks to secure employment, even if part-time employment opportunities, though in Australia salaries are competitive and employers have requirements to provide good working conditions.
As for finding work. Deakin talent is Deakin's careers and employment Service, who assist with searching for part-time and casual jobs, internships, volunteering, and also offer a range of career consultations and application checks. They also have on-demand resources and career events to help you find a job.
Consider visiting their resources to learn how to be job ready as well as visit fair work, Australia, to understand your rights and conditions as an international student.
Now back to Antara to share her experience from moving from Bangladesh.
As mentioned, I am an international student from Bangladesh. It can be quite daunting and very nerve wracking, so don't be afraid to ask any questions and ask for help. Culture, homesickness is very common, and it is only natural. When I first arrived I wanted to be okay and not be homesick, but it could not be avoided. It helped to stay in touch with my family and trying to form new connections. Here
you can join the international students, Deakin Facebook group to meet others like you. Not only that there are many Facebook groups that you can join just search Deakin on Facebook.
there are events going on during orientation that can also help you meet your peers. It can be hard putting yourself out there. But trust me, most people are feeling the same way. Next slide
weather, the weather gets its own separate slide. For a reason Victoria is known to go through multiple seasons in the same day, so always check your weather app before leaving and dressing for the day. I arrived during the summer, but it was 15°C when I landed.
During summer the UV levels can be quite high, so make sure to always wear sunscreen. Next slide
travel and transport. Public transport is pretty common and accessible. You can use the tram train or bus if you're in Burwood and the bus and shuttle bus here in Geelong. The shuttle goes between the 2 campuses here in Geelong international students can apply for discounted public transport. Istp passes.
I would highly recommend the public transport Victoria App or Ptv. App, as it gives timing updates as a bus scheduled for 4, 30 can be late and arrive at 4, 40, and the app will let you know
when it comes to driving. If you have a license from your home country, the process can become simpler.
It is important to understand the road rules, as they can be quite different from your home country, and I can certainly confirm that
bicycles are also an option. If you live close to campus next slide, what will you eat?
Eating healthy can be quite easy here, as there is so much food, so much fresh food to pick from in the groceries around our campuses. There are many options for food, and they're very well labeled for your dietary requirements, such as halal, gluten, free vegan, or vegetarian
Dusa, our Student Association does a food pantry every 2 weeks where you can get some basic groceries for free. Keep an eye on their Instagram for further updates.
tap water is safe to drink in Australia, and there are numerous taps around the campuses.
Buying groceries and cooking at home is probably the best way to save money, but when you are exhausted there are plenty of local stores to eat from with affordable pricing. Next slide
study ready
English language for study. If you're not confident about your English. Do not worry. Like most things in life, it will improve with practice. And in this case, through daily use.
we have an English language development program to help you through this journey. The free program takes place over 4 weeks and includes online resources and activities, weekly zoom seminar sessions, an opportunity to get feedback on your writing and individualized support with a language and learning advisor. After the program has been completed next slide
building connection and belonging even before you arrive, there are a few things you can do to ensure you're making the best of your time.
You can join your faculty's peer mentoring program here. Each faculty has its own program, where you're assigned to an old student, the mentor, who's been here for a year or 2, and they will. You get get together for the first 5 weeks to go over the problems you might be having the first couple of weeks, and it is super casual because they're a student just like you.
you can register for the international student connect program. Here we hold events for international students, for free, we've gone bowling. We've gone to trampoline parks. So it is a lot of fun
you can connect with Deakin life on Instagram. Here, you can get updates on what is happening around campus so that you can stay updated.
You can join the international students at Deakin Group on Facebook. As mentioned, you can read the Deakin life blog to access Deakin events and activities. Again, you can get to know what is happening on campus. During that week you can join Deakin, University Student Association or Dosa. There are more than 120 clubs. So there is probably something for your interests.
You can join Deakin Active, which is our gym for social sport, fitness, centers and group fitness sessions. If you are someone who enjoys working out, you might consider checking that out before you arrive.
you can check out, study Melbourne or study Geelong events again. These are catered. These are catered to international students, and they're completely free. They also have the couch with students. Study Melbourne in Melbourne and the lounge here in Geelong. They also hold weekly, bi-weekly free events for international students.
Deakin offers a range of events. Events. Keep an eye on your inbox and join us for a week.
Amazing thanks so much, Antara, for sharing those wonderful insights. I'm sure it'll be very helpful for all of you commencing students. And now let's have a look at what orientation on campus is like.
How amazing does that look! We can't wait for you all to experience the fun. So thank you for your attention so far. And now we will be moving into the Q&A portion of our session. Please submit your questions, using the Q. And a function in the Zoom menu. And now I'll hand the mic over to Emily
to conduct a live Q and A.
Thanks, Esha. I'll wait for some questions to come through, because it doesn't look like there is any yet one's been answered. But post any questions that you've got in the Q. And thanks for your presentation, Esha. It was really informative hope. It was helpful for all the students.
Absolutely. please feel free to ask any questions. You might have more than happy to help you out, even if you just like to double check something. We're here to assist.
We've got a quiet bunch today.
I actually have got one or 2 questions this year. Hello! Our bank statements and payment slips mandatory to carry along with other documents.
in terms of everyday life, going to like attending university. You won't be required to carry your bank statements along with you, I would say.
The main thing is probably to keep your student id card on you. You can get that on campus in Student Central when you have enrolled, but you won't need to carry your bank statements with you around on campus.
Great. Thank you.
We've also got. Can any Deakin student join the Deakin gym for free.
There is a fee for the Deakin. Gym! You'd need to contact Deakin Active to see what the prices are. They might have different tiers of what you can access, but we can pop a link for Deakin, active in the chat.
Amazing. Thank you.
All right.
Which applications are essential for our travel needs.
I would recommend the Ptv. App, which you can download from the app store. It has a journey planner on it, and you can put in your start and end location. It's very helpful I use that you'll also need to get these my key cards, which you can get, and on the Ptv app, you can see how much money you've got on your mikey, and you can top it up as well, depending on what phone you have
okay, getting a few questions through. Will there be any chance for me to get a slot at Deakin res? If I started to apply today, I'd recommend reaching out to the residences team. I'm not sure what their availability is. At the moment. I think it gets quite. It's quite popular. So reach out to them as soon as possible. We'll put some contact information in
the answer to your question.
There's a question here about student emails and student cards and all that. So your student email is actually your student Id number
with the S. At the front and you should be able to access this through Deakin Sync.
But that's it's pretty straightforward. It's mostly your student Id number. With your student card, you can order it online if you do a Google search for Deakin Id card. But
that takes a couple of weeks. Usually typically, you can just come to Student Central on campus, and we can take your photo and print your card on the spot for you. That's typically the easiest way.
Thank you.
There's a question here about airport pickup, and if a family member is accompanying you, so if there is someone else who is coming in the car with you. There's a minimum fee of $50 per person that they would need to pay to the driver. But you should submit the request through the online form, and the team who looks after that will get back to you with further information.
The question here is about changing
courses rather than changing providers. Does the 6 months still, kind of say you're still required to complete at least one trimester in your primary course before you can apply to change it. But that's typically about 3 months rather than the 6 months for the
provider. But yeah, so you definitely have to complete the one trimester before you can apply to change course.
Esha, are you able to comment about the airport?
Pick up.
Yeah, certainly.
That's true.
so for the booking, the airport transfers. Yeah. 2 weeks before your arrival is absolutely perfect. I think we do. Up to about 3 days before you arrive, so booking 2 weeks in advance would be great, and that can secure you a position.
Awesome. Thank you.
Thank you.
Keep the questions coming, guys. They're great
thanks for your question about the Id card. So you can apply for a student id card once you've enrolled. So if you enroll while you're overseas, that's fine, we can send it out to you. Otherwise you can just come into campus during orientation. Once you've enrolled, and we'll print it for you on campus.
Alright. Is it possible to enroll into the units while waiting for visa process? Or do I need to be in Australia for unit enrolments. You don't need to be in Australia to enroll into your units, but you will need to have received like an unconditional offer and
been given access to enroll into your units. For some students who are starting, only access is given during the orientation period, so you can get in contact with us if you're not able to enroll. But yeah, you can enroll while you're overseas. If you've satisfied the conditions. If you've got a conditional offer.
There's a question here about addresses. Once you arrive in Australia, once you arrive, even if it is only a short term address, you should update it through. Student connect. It is a requirement that you update Deakin with your address. I think it's within 7 days. Once you arrive, and then also within 7 days of any changes. So you should update your address, even if it is only a short term address. As soon as you arrive.
I do have one question here as well about the weather, and we're having 4 seasons in a day. So what is the best way to pack for uni. And what do students usually wear? Great question. It's totally up to you. We're very inclusive. It is cold and hot all the time, so you're always best carrying a jacket or a hoodie, but wear whatever you prefer to wear, and yes, just pack for all seasons. I know that may be a little bit challenging, but yes, do pack for any sort of weather.
Thanks for your question about the orientation and the trimester starting on the 3rd of March, the orientation. It does start. There are 2 weeks of orientation for international students, which starts on the If you had any questions when you mentioned course selection, you can reach out to a course advisor. If you weren't sure about which units to do in your study, they can give you a course plan with everything, and if you've been granted recognition of prior learning. They can also factor that in.
This question here about unit enrolments, and if you can complete it, once you reach campus you definitely can wait until you get here, or until your course starts to do your enrollment
the last day to finalize your enrollment for trimester one is the end of week 2, which would be Friday. Sorry, Friday, the 14th of March.
but the timetabling system will open for preference entry in February from the 3rd of February. It will open so if you do wait, it really depends when you arrive, but ideally it is best to get your enrollment done as soon as possible. So then, once the timetabling system opens you can put your preferences in. If you do have any questions about your enrollment, or you do have any issues.
you can reach out to Students Central, we should be able to help you, even if you are offshore.
I have a question here about what banks students normally use. There's a myriad of banks in Australia that people use. There's not really one kind of specific, though, as was stated earlier, we do have like a partnership with Bendigo Bank. So you can contact them. But yeah, there's multiple banks that we use, and we would kind of say, just have a look around. See what suits you best.
So there's a question here about orientation, and whether family members can come, your family members are welcome to come with you for orientation from the 3rd of February you'll be able to generate what we call an orientation itinerary from 12 pm. And that's where you'll put in your course. Details and what campus you're at, and it'll tell you a bunch of activities that are happening across the 2 weeks. So for some of those activities you'll need to register
but and some most aren't compulsory. If they are, they'd be offered online. But yeah, have a look at your orientation itinerary, and your family can come with you to those events.
There's a question about arriving in Australia. We do have a web page that I will also put in response to this question. But the absolute final deadline to arrive, to be able to commence your course in trimester. One is the end of week 2, so it will be the same as the last day to add units. Friday, the 14th of March. If you're not able to arrive in Australia by that date, you can't study in trimester one
so if your visa oh, sorry. So the teaching period will begin on the 3rd of March. If you're not able to arrive in time, you can defer your offer to commence in a later period, you should to defer your offer. You can refer to your offer email that you received and you can respond to the admissions officer there, and they can organize it for you.
And we've got a few questions here about how to generate a Usi, so you'll only be able to get a Usi once you're onshore in Australia. There's a government form that you can fill out during the enrollment steps. Some of you might have seen it already. It asks for you to create a Usi. You just won't be able to do that until you're in Australia, so you can skip that step, for now, and once you arrive, get a Usi and enter it in student connect.
We also got a question about choosing subjects and providing address and phone number would recommend keeping it up to date. So where you are now is fine, and then, as soon as you arrive in Australia, update your address. Details on student connect.
Thanks, Emily. I've also got a question here. Regarding networking events for connecting with alumni
in my industry. Again, I would suggest Deakin talent would be your best option. They are your careers. Go to, and they have a variety of events for alumni current students, and also you will be able to access Deakin talent resources after you graduate as well. So when you become an alumni you'll be able to access it as well and meet other commencing students, so I would say, to check out Deakin talent, and they can assist from there.
We've got another question here. Do I need to carry all bank statements like financial documents with me on campus?
You don't need to, as mentioned earlier. If you've got like a bank card that you can use to pay for things that's fine. When you mentioned financial documents, I'm not sure what else beyond, like a bank card that you might need.
it might also come down to your personal situation. But if you're not sure, feel free to pop into Student Central. And we can let you know more specifically.
The bank statement requirements usually, for like when you arrive, when you've kind of arrived like at the airport and things like that, typically you don't need it when you're actually on campus
but you may need it when you're opening a bank account and things like that as well. So it's good to have them all
kind of together. And you know all your documents that you may need. But yeah, typically, when you're on campus, you won't need anything like that.
We have a question. Is all this information the same for Deakin College? Probably not. Deakin College and Deakin University are 2 separate institutions. So
I think there's different dates, different activities that each institution would run. So if you are studying at Deakin College, and you have specific questions, it's probably best to reach out to Deakin College directly.
I just have gotten a question here. What should I bring with me on my first day of university? What are the necessary documents.
Do you want to add to Amp?
Sorry I'm reply to a question on the chat. What was the question, Esha.
Yup. So it was. What should I bring with me on my first day of university? What are the necessary documents.
Good question. Bring along your passport with you. If you've
maybe got your coe, your offer letter, your visa.
things like that that you'd probably be keeping with you on hand, anyway, at the airport. Another thing, a laptop, if you've got it, maybe a drink bottle, not sure what the weather will look like
check the weather forecast beforehand. You might want to bring an umbrella or a big coat or something, but documents just the main ones that you might have used at the airport.
I've popped a link in the chat. It does kind of outline all the documents that you will need to bring. So that's just the important documents. One. Just have a look at that. If you, if you're concerned or unsure about what you might need to bring.
Thanks, bree.
No problem.
We have a question for electronics like phone and laptop. Should I buy in my country before I come? Or is it best to purchase in Australia. I mean, it's really up to you. The only thing that you would need to consider is if you buy it in your home country. The adapter to plug it into the wall. To charge will probably be different, or will very likely be different once you get here.
So it's really up to you. Personal preference. We do have a web page about computing requirements. For like, for example, if you were looking at a laptop, and you wanted to know what are the requirements. We do have a web page that's drafted by our it desk with further information. I'll also include that as a response to the message. Just if you wanted to have a look.
Sorry I have a question here about the Airport Transfer service. Will there be extra charges if I have more than 2 pieces of luggage. I'm going to post their web page so you can have a look. From what I've seen, it doesn't look like they state specifically the amount of luggage, but it does say that you need to be in charge of kind of looking after it and carrying it, but I would suggest just contacting them directly. If you do have any questions about that.
so I'll post. I'll post the web page for you.
Any other questions. These are great.
So we've got a question here which one is the orientation, the 17th or the So for international students. We've got what we call a prepare a week or pre o week. That's the one that's starting on the And it's just for international students from the That's when the orientation starts for all students. So when you generate your orientation itinerary as an international student, you'll see 2 weeks. There.
see what it is. And if you want to attend those sessions happening. But across the university for international and domestic students, it starts on the
Question here about completing your enrollment, and how kind of early in advance you can. You can only enroll one year at a time.
So this one's asking like, can you do the whole 2 years at once? Or is it fine to do the first year? You can only enroll for that first year. Yeah. So don't worry about your kind of next year, or anything like that. Focus on enrolling one year at a time.
Thank you.
In terms of luggage weight limits, like we said before, the web page doesn't say it doesn't have a weight limit.
You're only allowed to carry 2 standard suitcases. But it doesn't say anything about a maximum weight on the app on the form that you submit. It does ask you to put in an estimated weight. But then, as well in terms of weight limits, you should like for the flight you would need to refer to your flight booking.
Thanks, Will. There's a question here about how many units do full-time students typically enroll in as international students. You need to be enrolled into 8 credit points per trimester. So that's typically 8 units per academic year apologies. So that's typically 8 units per academic year.
which usually is 4 units per trimester that can be broken up a little bit differently. But typically, I would say, just
if you're enrolled into 4 units in trimester one and trimester 2. You've got nothing to worry about.
In terms of the airport pickup service. If your flight is late when you're submitting your request for an airport pickup, you're also, including your arrival information along with your flight number. So even if there is a delay with your flight, it should be okay, because the pickup service will have the flight details, so they should be able to track your flight and see what time you will be landing in case of delays or anything like that.
I've got a question here. How do I contact the seniors in my department? So during orientation there'll be a session that's called Meet the faculty which you can go to. You'll get to see who the course director is, and maybe your unit chairs. During your studies you'll be doing individual units, and each of those units will have a unit chair as well. It's kind of like a unit director.
and they'll be within your department. So that's how you get to meet them. We've also got another question that someone's not able to keep going further on. Student connect, you can't update the contact details. Please contact us directly so we can have a look at your student record and see what might be going on.
Okay? Any other questions.
Great questions, everyone.
I've got one here, actually, where the students, whether we have discounts on student laptops. I think we used to partner with
brand of laptop will are you familiar with? That'll break.
We've got a Dell Student purchase program.
I'm not sure if it's still running. I'll have a look.
I'm not sure about that specifically, but I do know that there are some brands that if you're if you can prove that you're a student in general of universities that they do give student discounts. I know Apple, for example, does, but there may be others as well. I'm not sure about anything for Deakin specifically. But we can look into that.
Thanks. Bree, yeah. I just had a look. Looks like Dell. We've got a Dell Student purchase program, and you can register for a Dell discount code for a laptop. That's all online.
Any other questions.
Okay, we've got one. Here is bus or train facility requires student pass for international students and how to get the pass. So we've got a website. It's called the International Student Travel Pass website. And you can apply for a code online student Central will assess your eligibility. And if you're eligible for the travel pass. Then we'll send you the code. You can then use that code and pay for the pass on the public transport website, and that gives you access to buses and trains and trams.
There's a question about installing Microsoft onto your device for free. So as a student, you will have access to the full suite of Microsoft 3, 6, 5 apps. So you would just have to log in and install those through the software center. But yes, you will have access to all of those for free as a student.
Esha. There's a question here asking about where they can watch the video after it's recorded. I know it's about 48 h. Is that correct? But where will it be available?
Yes, you should be emailed this recording. So you will have a copy of the presentation to have a look through as well as the links that are included, so you should receive it within 48 h.
Perfect. Thank you.
Thank you very
any final questions before we wrap up. We've just got a few more minutes.
So the star timetable is the timetabling system that Deakin uses. It's
Star stands for the student timetable allocation registration. I believe
it's just kind of what we call it, and you can access it from student Connect. From the 3rd of February you'll be able to enter your preferences, for on campus units, and it'll reopen on the 13th of February for viewing and adjustment.
Thanks, Emily. There's a question here regarding student discounts and offers to make the most of uni days is a really popular app. And you just log in with your student login, and you will receive exclusive sort of vouchers or discounts for retail stores or food outlets here and other places such as stationary. So yeah, I would say, have a look at Uni days, and they should provide you with some great offers as a student.
Thanks, Esha, we've got a question here. Can I enroll only for semester one? So as international students, you'll need to enroll for the whole year at the one time. So 8 credit points. So you'll need to enroll into both trimesters, one and 2, and that's not just for your first year of study. You'll need to do that every year that you study. But the fee due dates are different to the enrollment. So you can have a look at our website, for when the fees are due.
There's a question here about scholarships for international students. All of the Deakin scholarships that are on offer. One of the requirements is you have to be a prospective student, so your course or your scholarship application, is assessed at the same time as your course application. Once you've been given an offer to study at Deakin. Usually you're not eligible to apply for any further scholarships. There's none that you would be eligible for.
Thanks, Will. There's another question here. Do I need to update Student Central, once I reach Australia, it depends on when you arrive in Australia. So if you're arriving after orientation week, let us know, and we'll because sometimes there can be blocks put on student accounts. So let us know when you're arriving in Australia and also update your address on student connect as soon as you arrive.
There's a question about tuition fee bursaries for international students in your first study period.
You don't need to do anything. If you've been granted bursary, it will be applied to your invoice automatically. It should be about in your first study period. It'll be about 2 weeks before the census date. The census date for trimester. One is the 3first of March, so the bursary should be applied around mid-march. We would encourage you to keep checking your invoice, have a look around mid-march. The scholarship amount should be there.
If it's not, then you can reach out to us, and we can follow up for you.
I've got another question. If I want to change my course after the course registration deadline, is there any possibility I would recommend? If you're wanting to change your course before you start, you can reply to the email with your offer letter in it to ask our admissions team if that's possible. If it's not possible, then you may be able to apply for an internal course. Transfer after your first trimester. If you meet the requirements and the requirements for internal course. Transfers are on our webpage.
So there's a question here about, do I need to bring a birth certificate? If you look at the important documents, page I posted earlier. It says.
other identification, a certified copy of your birth certificate. So you don't need your like official like original one. A certified copy will do, but it will need to be certified.
And there's a question here about what's the last day you can add or remove units. So the last day, to add units, as Will said earlier, is the end of the second week of classes. So for this trimester one, that's Friday, the 14th of March, that is the last day to add any units. The last day to remove units
is the 3first of March, which is the census date.
If you've got any questions about that. Please feel free to contact us at Student Central, and we'd be happy to help. I have again also included the important dates for 2025, and they're all stated on that as well.
Thank you.
We're running out of time, we'll just answer this one last question. Is it possible to run out of slots when enrolling in units are units offered on a first come first serve basis. It depends a lot on the course that you're studying and the units that you need to do. You can get in touch with us if you're not sure.
And yeah, we can help. And please let us know if you've got any other questions you can contact student central via online inquiry or over the phone.
Thanks, team, appreciate all your help and assistance there.
and thank you so much, everyone for joining in for today's pre-arrival briefing again, we are very excited to see you very soon, and for you to begin your Deakin experience. If you have any other questions which pop up do contact our student Central team. They'll be more than happy to assist you. Otherwise safe travels and thank you for joining today. Once again.