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Your rights and responsibilities

When you come to Australia to study as an international student, you enter into an agreement with Deakin and the Australian Government.

This agreement requires all parties to uphold certain commitments to ensure that you have a positive, safe and successful study experience.

The agreement is outlined by your student visa, as well as a number of pieces of legislation that we must comply with, such as the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) framework. This framework ensures that the programs we offer are high-quality, have integrity and are accompanied by appropriate support services and protections for you.

Your rights (our commitment to you)

We are committed to your success as a student, so we are required to regularly provide important information about your studies to you, including:

  • a letter of offer detailing your fees, study options, and key degree information.
  • accurate and up-to-date information about your course, our facilities and support services.
  • a privacy and collection statement detailing our use of your personal data.
  • information on our complaints resolution process and policies, including appeals.
  • guidelines on deferral, suspension, or cancellation of enrolment.
  • our academic progress requirements and how to get help if you are falling behind.

This information will be provided to you during your pre-arrival briefing, your orientation and throughout your studies.

Your responsibilities (your commitment to us)

In return, as a Deakin student you are required to adhere to our student Code of Conduct, which outlines what’s expected of you both in terms of your academic performance but also the way you treat others and their property.

You are also required to uphold the following responsibilities:

  • keeping up with your enrolment and reporting any under-enrolment.
  • paying your tuition fees punctually.
  • maintaining satisfactory academic progress.
  • informing us of any change of residential address.
  • ensuring you have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of your studies.
  • reporting any study leave, online study, course transfers, discontinuations, release letters, and early completions.

These responsibilities are a part of the conditions of your student visa. Your visa also comes with conditions outlining working in Australia.

We are required to monitor your compliance with your responsibilities and report any discrepancies to the Department of Home Affairs, which could lead to cancellation of your enrolment or your visa.

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Page custodian: Student Services