IT support and systems
Need some help setting up your devices for study?
Student TechAssist is now open for one-on-one assistance with your technical setup. Visit the Library service desk from OWeek to Week 2 of Trimester 1 for face-to-face tech support and assistance setting up your devices.
In this section
Lodge a ticket for IT help. Our team will work with you to resolve the issue and keep you updated via email.
Choose a time that suits you to get help with an IT issue. Appointments are in person and on campus.
Visit the Library from OWeek to Week 2 of Trimester 1 for face-to-face tech support and assistance setting up your devices.
Find self-help resources and answers to common IT Help questions to troubleshoot your technical issues.
Find, download and install software for your personal or unmanaged Deakin computer.
Learn how to secure your devices, recognise a scam and protect yourself online.
Learn how to print on campus and check your monthly credit balance.
To make the most of your studies, you must comply with our computing, connectivity and capability requirements.
Need a new computer? Shop through the Dell Student Purchase Program portal for a discount.
Learning applications
Learn how to use StudentConnect to manage your enrolment.
Set up your Zoom account for live classes and seminars.
Set up your Microsoft Teams account as part of your learning tools.
Access your free OneDrive to store and collaborate on your files.