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Faculty of Health

Read examples of how teaching teams have acted on eVALUate results and suggestions for improvement in units.


You said, we did

HPS111 Introduction to Psychology: Human Behaviour

In previous versions of this unit, students have told us that these aspects of the unit have helped them to achieve the learning outcomes:

  • Staff connecting with students on the discussion boards to ensure no one is left behind
  • Clarity of online resources (like transcripts and focus questions)
  • Quality of the recorded "knowledge" videos
  • The provision of captions for video content.

The following aspects of the unit have been introduced, enhanced or retained in response to feedback from students who have undertaken this unit in previous trimesters:

  • We have clarified the Unit site structure, to make it easier to find resources
  • We have ensured materials are consistently accessible
  • We have restructured the seminar series
  • We have provided more discussion content, to keep the conversation going beyond what is just essential
  • We have added new knowledge checks to the end of every weekly module
  • We have added new exam revision resources (practice exam, quizzes, class discussion).

HSH303 Health Practicum

In previous versions of this unit, students have told us that these aspects of the unit have helped them to achieve the learning outcomes:

  • The content and discussions during seminars helped to successfully complete the unit
  • The increase from 100 to 120 placement hours
  • Individualised one-on-one supervision and contact between university staff and the agency.

The following aspects of the unit have been introduced, enhanced or retained in response to feedback from students who have undertaken this unit in previous trimesters:

  • We have re-structured assessment tasks to remove the burden of multiple submissions due at different times, streamlining the assessment process accordingly
  • We have re-formatted assessments with built-in capacity for stronger personal branding to assist with future work prospects.

HSN104 The Science of Food

In previous versions of this unit, students have told us that these aspects of the unit have helped them to achieve the learning outcomes:

  • Having a variety of assessment tasks
  • Practical laboratories were great learning experiences.

The following aspects of the unit have been introduced, enhanced or retained in response to feedback from students who have undertaken this unit in previous trimesters:

  • Students requested more support around managing assessment tasks, so we have introduced an Assessment Tracker on the
    unit site that can help students manage their submissions.
  • We have introduced online seminar sessions on the assessment tasks to help you with the assignments.

HSN211 Nutritional Physiology

In previous versions of this unit, students have told us that these aspects of the unit have helped them to achieve the learning outcomes:

  • Fortnightly quizzes on each topic to assist students in keeping up to date with the presented materials
  • Inclusion of practice quizzes for upcoming summative tasks
  • Regular student and staff communications, feedback and interactions on unit site discussion boards.

The following aspects of the unit have been introduced, enhanced or retained in response to feedback from students who have undertaken this unit in previous trimesters:

  • We have streamlined content delivery to improve understanding of key unit concepts
  • We have added of online activities for each topic
  • We have updated seminars to cover both assessment information and unit content.

HSN754 Dietary Modification to Improve Health

In previous versions of this unit, students have told us that these aspects of the unit have helped them to achieve the learning outcomes:

  • Practicals
  • Case studies and creating meal plans
  • Learning to present and explain your meal plan rationale in front of peers
  • Learning about serve sizes and the barriers for patients to adhere to their diets.

The following aspects of the unit have been introduced, enhanced or retained in response to feedback from students who have undertaken this unit in previous semesters:

  • We have re-designed the lecture/workshop format to include time to work on developing a ready reckoner
  • We have included meal planning in the lecture/workshop format and as an assessment
  • We have included a FoodWorks workshop to assist with practical write-ups
  • We have increased the assessment weighting of the ready reckoner and incorporated a meal plan component
  • We have incorporated cultural diversity and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health amongst the content and practical case studies
  • We have included content about sustainability.

HSW434 Administration and Policy Development: The Organisational Context

In previous iterations of this unit, students have told us that these aspects of the unit have helped them to achieve the learning outcomes:

  • The one-day intensive class
  • The prescribed and recommended readings.

The following aspects of the unit have been introduced, enhanced or retained in response to feedback from students who have undertaken this unit in previous trimesters:

  • We have redeveloped the unit to improve student engagement and interaction with the learning from week to week
  • We have included experiential learning materials in the unit site resources for each topic, so that students are guided in their translation of ideas to action
  • We have updated the reading list to include reading materials that provide direct insights into current organisational practice issues in light of the COVID and other recurrent disaster events
  • All three assessment tasks have been reviewed and amended to ensure clear alignment with the unit learning outcomes.
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