Yes, only aggregated data are included in any reports. However, your comments are available verbatim to line management of the unit(s). This includes named teaching staff, unit chair, head of school, associate dean (teaching and learning) and faculty pro vice-chancellor, so be sure to not include information that may identify you in your comments. Any comments you provide should be constructive and respectful in accordance with your responsibilities as a Deakin student under the Student Code of Conduct.
In rare instances, a student may be identified from the survey when their comments indicate that there is a threat to their own safety and well-being, or the safety and well-being of other students or staff. The process involves the relevant unit chair/teacher alerting senior faculty staff to a comment/s. These comments are then considered as to their possible/probable impact by at least two senior staff. If it's agreed that the comments/s indicate that there is a threat to student's own safety and well-being, or the safety and well-being of other students or staff, only the dean of students is given access to the identity of that student so that appropriate steps can be taken to ensure the student’s safety or that of others.