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How to request support

If you would like to receive assistance from the Disability Resource Centre, follow the five steps below to register for support.

  1. Check your eligibility

    Read the eligibility criteria on the Our services page.

  2. Gather your supporting documentation

    Supporting documentation will assist us to identify adjustments suited to your situation. In most cases, supporting documentation is required before an Access Plan can be created. Use the supporting documentation form to outline your condition, or alternately you can submit a letter or report.

    Supporting documentation form (DOCX, 43.9KB)

    Supporting documentation form (PDF, 208.5KB)

    Your supporting documentation must include information on your condition or a diagnosis, describe how your study may be affected, and detail whether your condition is permanent, ongoing or temporary (if temporary, include the likely timeframe for your recovery).

    Your supporting documentation must also be completed by a registered healthcare professional* relating to the disability or health condition. It must include details of your provider (including provider number and/or stamp, signature of provider and date) and be in English or translated by an accredited translator.

  3. Lodge your forms using the Request Support button

    Click on the Request Support button below to lodge your forms. You will be asked to briefly describe your condition and its impact on your study. You will also be required to upload your supporting documentation, specify your appointment preference (in-person, phone or Zoom) and sign a collection statement by ticking a box.

    Request support

  4. Book an appointment with your allocated DLO

    After you lodge your request, you will be assigned a Disability Liaison Officer (DLO) and you’ll receive an invitation via email within two business days to book an appointment at a time that suits you. Appointments are available in-person, over the phone or via Zoom.

    You may bring your carer, support worker or parent if you wish. Let us know if you need an Auslan interpreter for your appointment.

  5. Attend your appointment with your DLO

    Your Access Plan will be developed with your DLO and it will be published after your appointment. You will receive a copy via email to your Deakin email address, and the relevant sections of the Access Plan will be sent to your unit chairs and/or teams (such as the exams team) either overnight if you have registered after the start of the trimester, or at the beginning of the trimester.

*Examples of a registered healthcare professional are:

  • general practitioner
  • physician
  • psychiatrist
  • psychologist
  • surgeon
  • mental health nurse
  • occupational therapist
  • speech pathologist
  • social worker
  • optometrist
  • medical specialist
  • audiologist
  • physiotherapist
  • other – discuss with the DRC if you have documentation from a healthcare professional not mentioned on this list.

Please note: If you have a learning disability and have been assessed after the age of 16, then no further assessment is required. If you were assessed prior to the age of 16, then we’ll need a new assessment from a psychologist or other qualified professional.

Have a question?

If you're already registered with the DRC or you've got a question about registration, eligibility or support, please contact us via email drcentre@deakin.edu.au, phone (03) 9244 6255 or drop-in to one of our campus locations.

Contact us

If you have any questions please contact the Disability Resource Centre.
We're available Monday to Friday, 9am–4pm.