Enrolment and fees
Manage your course
If you need to change any aspect of your enrolment, it's important to consult your course map and speak to a student adviser.
Sometimes life gets in the way and you need to take a break from your studies: learn how to intermit or discontinue your course.
It’s your responsibility to keep your personal details up-to-date. Update your preferred name, legal name, gender, address or exam location.
Administrative essentials
While studying, it’s essential to know the important dates that may impact you. Learn your study period, census and invoice dates.
The census date is important as it is the last day to finalise aspects of your enrolment and fee obligations for that study period.
All Deakin students must understand their student rights and uphold their student responsibilities.
Understand the way in which Deakin manages your personal and health information.
Any official documents you need can be requested from Student Central or accessed in StudentConnect.
Students and staff can order your first Deakin ID and Access Card.
GIFT City Campus students have a unique fee payment process: learn when and how you will need to make payment.
We have two scholarships on offer for GIFT City Campus students.
Use this handy tool to estimate your tuition fees.
You may be charged other fees for services such as parking, graduation and some administrative processes or penalties.