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Fourth year psychology

Key course information for 2025 students.

Welcome to your fourth year in Psychology at Deakin! Congratulations on being accepted into one of the fourth-year courses – they are very competitive, so it really is a fantastic achievement. We are sure you have some questions about what happens next so we have outlined the important information and key dates below.

Research projects and supervisors

As part of a fourth-year psychology program, you will be allocated a year-long research project with a supervisor. You will then have an opportunity to see a list of the supervisors at the end of February 2025. We will do our best to try and accommodate everyone’s preferences, and we aim to assign you to a supervisor that is in your top ten. Meeting times and other requirements for research project work will be negotiated with your supervisor. While some projects are in groups (there is more than one student on the project), every thesis and topic within the larger project is individualised. Everyone will individually submit and individually be marked on their thesis.

Note: Part-time students starting in 2025 will not preference or be allocated a research project until 2026. Students finishing in T3 will not be disadvantaged in project preferencing. The preferencing system is not first in best dressed.

Research project key dates

  • Friday 28 February 2025 – research supervisor and project listing will be available.
  • Wednesday 5 March 2025 – research supervisor and project listing and preference system opens.
  • Monday 10 March 2025 (11:59pm) – research supervisor and project listing and preference system closes for allocating.
  • Friday 21 March 2025 (5:00pm) – research supervisor and project allocations released.


Trimester 1

In Trimester 1, you will be taking two course-work units Principles of Psychological Assessment (HPS431/715) and Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (HPS432/742). Both have online pre-recorded lectures which you will be expected to watch weekly. Further, both units have face-to-face (online or on-campus) seminars/computer practicals. These are not compulsory, but to get the most out of your studies, we strongly encourage you to attend. Seminars are recorded.

Campus students
We manage our own timetabling within the course and do not use a study timetable. You will be asked to preference your seminar contact hours late-February. Both coursework units are two hours per week. We will have a mix of day and night times available. More information to come in 2025.

Integrity Unit (HAI010)
The unit will be zero credit points, an ungraded pass, will not count towards WAM and will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete. This unit provides foundation knowledge and skills regarding academic integrity and is compulsory for all commencing fourth-year students.

Trimester 2

We will begin Trimester 2 one week earlier than the undergraduate program (Trimester 2 commences Monday 7 July). You will be expected to attend classes a week earlier from Monday 30 June. In the past students have found the submission of the thesis, plus classes, plus assignments and exams stressful. We have made these changes to start a week early to give you more time at the end of the trimester to focus on your thesis. This means there is a shorter mid-trimester break of two weeks (from Monday 16 June – Friday 27 June 2025).

In Trimester 2, you will undertake a further two course-work units: Applied Counselling Skills (Advanced) (HPS433/HPY710) and Psychology Research Methods (Advanced) (HPS434/HPY712). Both have online pre-recorded lectures which you will be expected to watch weekly. Further, both units have face-to-face (online or on-campus) seminars/computer practicals. Please note, seminars for ‘Applied Counselling Skills (Advanced)’ are compulsory, and you will fail the unit if you do not meet the minimum requirements. Psychology Research Methods (Advanced) computer practicals are not compulsory, but we strongly encourage you to attend to get the most out of your studies.

2025 fourth year orientation session

The T1 orientation session for 2025 will be held on Wednesday 26 February from 10am–12pm. This session is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the course, meet the fourth-year teaching team, ask questions and meet your fellow fourth year students.

Introduction to fourth year psychology courses
Wednesday 26 February 2025

Zoom link

A link to the session recording will be available after the session in UniStart.

Fourth year CloudDeakin site

The CloudDeakin site 'Psychology Fourth Year' is a one-stop shop for all fourth year course information, where you can find information about your course, symposiums, study groups and research/professional opportunities. We encourage you to use this site to introduce yourself to your peers, and support one another throughout the year. Please check regularly to find out about course information.

Study groups

Psychology fourth year is typically intensive and stressful, but also incredibly rewarding. As staff, some of our best memories of fourth year were the other students in our courses. Your student cohort often forms part of your future professional network, but they also are hugely important for offering social connection and stress relief, long-term friendships based on shared experience, values, and interests, plus opportunities to study and learn together! We strongly recommend you make the effort to connect with each other. Information about study groups will be posted on the CloudDeakin site 'Psychology Fourth Year' in Week 0 (O Week).


Course directors (David and Robyn) run regular symposiums throughout Trimesters 1 and 2 for all fourth-year students. These are a great way to chat to other students, as well as to hear about potential career and study pathways beyond fourth year. Symposiums are not compulsory or graded. They run on a Wednesday lunchtime (12-1pm) are open to everyone and will be online and recorded. Details (including online Zoom links) will be posted on the 'Psychology Fourth Year' CloudDeakin course site. Example topics include:

  • A day in the life of a clinical/forensic/organisational psychologist.
  • Career path and day in the life of a counsellor.
  • Employability – meet employers for jobs you can get after fourth year.
  • Inspiring researchers.
  • Pathways to further study (MPP, MClinPsych, MOrgPsych, DPsych, PhD).
  • Tips and tricks for your thesis.

Fourth year team and contact details

For updates check the 'Psychology Fourth Year' CloudDeakin course site.

Email: psychology-honours@deakin.edu.au

Course directors

Image of Dr David Skvarc

Dr Robyn Moffitt

Dr David Skvarc Dr Robyn Moffitt

We are really looking forward to meeting you and getting started in 2025.

David and Robyn

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