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General course and unit information

General course and unit information

Course and unit availability

Deakin University reserves the right at any time to change its offering of units or courses. Changes are only made if there is an academic or administrative imperative. Students will be notified of such changes at the earliest opportunity and alternative arrangements made to minimise any disadvantage which might be incurred.

Course advice

All students are encouraged to contact course enrolment officers or course advisers. They will assist students in planning their specific course of study to ensure it meets their particular needs and interests and satisfies all course requirements.

Cheating, plagiarism and collusion

Plagiarism and collusion are academic offences. They are forms of cheating, and severe penalties are associated with them, including cancellation of marks for a specific assignment, for a specific unit or even exclusion from the course. The University's definitions of plagiarism and collusion are as follows:

  • Plagiarism occurs when a student passes off as the student's own work, or copies without acknowledgement of its authorship, the work of any other person.
  • Collusion occurs when a student obtains the agreement of another person for a fraudulent purpose with the intent of obtaining an advantage in submitting an assignment or other work.

The University's policy on plagiarism and collusion is available at The Guide. Regulation 04.01(01) - Student Discipline also contains important information regarding academic misconduct, including plagiarism and collusion. Further guidance is also available in your Faculty Student Manual.

Key to Campuses

  • B = Melbourne Burwood Campus
  • G = Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus
  • S = Geelong Waterfront Campus
  • W = Warrnambool Campus
  • X = Off Campus

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment - additional information

Additional expenses

There are some Faculty units which include activities such as field trips and excursions. Students should be aware that they may be required to meet their own expenses in connection with food and accommodation while on fieldwork. For further information on expenses please contact the Faculty on (03) 9244 6699 or email sci-tech@deakin.edu.au .

Animal experimentation

Students should be aware that there are units offered in the biological sciences which involve animal experimentation. Any such units are subject to scrutiny by the University's Animal Ethics Committee which audits and grants approval for any animal experimentation carried out in the Faculty in both coursework units and research programs.

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Page custodian: Student Services