2025 Undergraduate prizes and awards
Faculty of Arts and Education
The Association of Graduates in Early Childhood Studies (AGECS) Award
A prize of a full lifetime membership of the Association of Graduates in Early Childhood Studies (AGECS) is awarded to a student for general academic excellence and service to the University during the Bachelor of Education (Early Years), Bachelor of Early Childhood Education or Bachelor of Early Childhood and Primary Education courses.
Australian Literacy Educators' Association (ALEA)
One prize of one year's membership to the ALEA and a certificate is awarded for graduating with a primary education degree and having achieved the highest aggregate marks in a final, core English Language and Literacy subject.
Australian National Choral Association (ANCA) Student Prize
One prize of an ANCA certificate and one-year ANCA membership subscription with the option of becoming co-opted as an early career teacher will be awarded to a Master of Teaching secondary double methods music student. The student will be recognised for their effort and improvement across the music units, showing promise, commitment, growth, and merit.
Bank First Award
15 prizes of up to the value of $500 will be awarded to the highest achieving undergraduate and postgraduate Initial Education Teacher students (including Master of Specialist Inclusive Education) who have achieved the highest weighted average marks (WAM) over the course of their degree.
Design and Technology Teachers' Association Victoria (DATTA)
Four prizes of a year's membership of DATTA and a selection of DATTA publications are awarded to the most outstanding students from each campus and NIKERI Institute in technology education in an undergraduate education course, having completed the unit EST400 Primary Technology Education: Creativity and Design with distinction and within the unit focused on either the integration of all three strands of technology or on either systems or materials strands.
Gillian Barnsley/Victorian Association for the Teaching of English (VATE) Award
One prize is awarded for graduating with a secondary education degree and having achieved the highest all-round performance in English education subjects and in English teaching practicum. The Award consists of a certificate and a year’s free membership of VATE.
Mathematical Association of Victoria Prizes (MAV)
Up to four prizes of one year's membership of MAV, a voucher to the value of $100 to redeem at the MAV online shop and a framed certificate, are awarded to the most outstanding students in mathematics and mathematics education.
One prize is awarded to a student graduating with an early childhood education degree, having achieved the highest aggregate marks in mathematics education units.
Two prizes are awarded to students graduating with a primary education degree, having achieved the highest aggregate marks in mathematics education units.
One prize is awarded to a student graduating with a secondary education degree, having achieved the highest aggregate marks in mathematics education units.
Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) Award for Excellence
PETAA offers four awards of 12 months' membership of the association to graduating primary education students who have excelled in literacy and English language studies during the year. The awards recognise both the importance of literacy studies and the career and personal benefits of belonging to a professional association. The resources recipients will access through their membership will be of great support as they begin their teaching career.
A student from each campus (Melbourne Burwood, Geelong Waurn Ponds, Warrnambool and Online) studying the Bachelor of Education (Primary) will receive the Award, together with one student studying the Master of Teaching (Primary strand).
The Reverend Dr Norman Curry Student Prize for Outstanding Teaching Practice
This prize has been established to recognise Reverend Dr Norman Curry OAM who was a well-known and highly regarded educationalist who made a significant contribution to education in Australia.
One prize of $2,000 each will be awarded annually to graduates of the Bachelor of Education (Primary) and the Master of Teaching (Primary) courses who have demonstrated excellence in teaching practice.
School of Education Head of School Award
This prize of up to $200 and a certificate is presented annually to graduating students who have completed their undergraduate degree and demonstrated the following:
- excellence in engagement and teamwork;
- achievement of academic potential;
- exceptional and consistent effort in professional placements; and
- a contribution to the broader university community.
Anthropology First Year Student Prize
Awarded to the student with the highest first-year results in the two Anthropology level 1 units in any one calendar year. At the end of Trimester 2, Anthropology academic staff combine results from the units ASS101 and ASS102 for all students receiving a High Distinction in each unit. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Arabic Student Prize for Academic Achievement and Promotion of Arabic Language and Culture
The prize for Arabic academic achievement will be awarded to a second or third year student who has shown commitment to his or her study of the language, as well as genuine interest in the culture of the Arabic-speaking world demonstrated through participation in the activities of the language program at Deakin. The award specifically recognizes academic achievement and also enthusiasm, motivation, and commitment to the language. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Chinese Student Prize for Academic Achievement and Promotion of the Chinese Language
The prize for Chinese language academic achievement will be awarded to a first-year student who has shown commitment to her or his study of the language as well as genuine interest in Chinese culture demonstrated through participation in the activities of the languages program at Deakin. The award specifically recognizes academic achievement and enthusiasm, motivation, and commitment to the language. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Criminology Level One Student Prize
This prize is awarded to the first year student with the highest combined mark in the two Criminology level 1 units in any one calendar year, with no mark below 80%.
At the end of Trimester 2, Criminology academic staff combine results from the units ACR101 and ACR102 for all students receiving a High Distinction in each unit. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Criminology Level Three Student Prize
The Criminology Level 3 Student Prize is awarded to the student with the highest average Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of completed ACR3XX criminology units. The eligible students must have completed ACR301 and ACR302 in any one calendar year, and they should demonstrate a strong academic performance with no marks below 80%. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
Dr Malcolm Crick Memorial Prize
Named after the first anthropology academic at Deakin, Dr Malcolm Crick, this prize is awarded to the highest-scoring third-year student completing an Anthropology major. Performance will be based on the combined results of all Anthropology units. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The First Year International Relations Student Prize
This prize is awarded to the highest performing first year International Relations student. Results from the two Level one units will be assessed, and the highest performing student will be recommended for the prize. The judgement will be made by the Discipline Convenor in consultation with International Relations academic staff. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Humanities and Social Sciences Honours Thesis Prize
The prize is awarded to the Honours student with the highest thesis marks achieved in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. The student may come from any of the School’s disciplines, including Anthropology, Criminology, History, International Relations, Languages, Middle East Studies, Philosophy, Politics or Sociology. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Indonesian Student Prize for Academic Achievement and Promotion of the Language and Culture of Indonesia
The Indonesian language prize for academic achievement will be awarded to a second or third-year student who has shown commitment to his or her study of Indonesian as well as genuine interest in the language, as demonstrated through participation in the cultural and community activities of the Indonesian program at Deakin. The award specifically recognizes academic achievement but also enthusiasm and willingness to promote the language and culture of Indonesia. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The John Laffin Memorial History Prize
The John Laffin Memorial History Prize for 'Australia in the Age of Total War 1914-1945' recognises the work of distinguished Australian military historian, teacher and journalist, John Laffin, who established the Families and Friends of the First AIF (FFFAIF) Association.
The prize is annually awarded to an academically outstanding student studying the unit AIH238 Australia in the Age of Total War 1914-1945. The prize consists of a $500 monetary component and a three-year e-concessional FFFAIF membership.
The J.N.E Award for Women in International Affairs
The J.N.E. Award for Women in International Affairs valued at $1000 was established to support and empower women who are looking to pursue a career in international affairs. The award has been established in honour of the late Joanne Norma Ebbott, mother of Deakin alumna E. Ebbott, who is passionate and committed to facilitating the growth and encouragement of female representation in international affairs.
There has been a growing awareness of the impact empowering women has on their respective communities. Let this award be a step in the right direction towards empowering women in Deakin’s community and Australia’s impact in international affairs today and for tomorrow.
To be eligible for this award, you must:
- Be a female, domestic student (includes Australian and NZ citizens, residency visa holders and permanent humanitarian visa holders);
- be enrolled full-time in the second or third year of a Bachelor of international Studies (BIS) course at Deakin University, at a Geelong campus;
- be experiencing an area of hardship that impacts your ability to study;
- be open to attending a meet and greet with the donor.
More information will be available closer to the end of the year.
The Lin Zheng Memorial Prize
A prize of $500 is awarded to the student with the highest result achieved in the unit Chinese 3B: The Four Pillars in Finding Fluency and Your Voice in Chin (AIC382) in each year of offer and will be decided upon the release of results at the end of Trimester 2 of each given year. This prize commemorates Dr Lin Zheng’s life-long commitment to education and her commitment to encouraging students to be enthusiastic about learning the Chinese language and culture and is donated by her family and her classmates at Beijing Normal University.
The Max Charlesworth Philosophy Prize
Named after founding Deakin Philosophy professor, Professor Max Charlesworth, this prize will be awarded to the best third year student completing a Philosophy major. Performance will be based on the combined results of all Philosophy units. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Michele Langfield History Prize
This prize is awarded for the best result by a third level student undertaking the Units AIH350 (History from Here), AIH305 (Sex, Race, Gender, Empires . . ) and AIH383 (Global Disasters). The prize is limited to students completing a History major, and will be judged by a panel of History academic staff. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Philosophy First Year Prize
Awarded to the best first year student with the highest combined result for the two first-year units in Philosophy, (ASP108) Critical Thinking; and (ASP129) Love, Sex and Death. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Politics Student Prize
Awarded to a second or third-year student with the highest combined result completing a Politics and Policy Studies major including (AIP347) Media and Politics: Campaign Strategies; (AIP301) Political Parties and Social Movement, and another 6 AIP/AIE coded units in that calendar year. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and certificate.
The Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Middle East Studies
Awarded to a student completing a major in Middle East Studies who has demonstrated a high standard of excellence throughout their studies and, by their participation and enthusiasm, has contributed significantly to the learning experience of their peers. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Roy Hay History Prize
Awarded to the best first year student. The prize is limited to history students in their first year of study at Deakin University. It is based on the combined results in the two first year units of the history major. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Sociology Student Prize
This prize is awarded to the student, majoring in Sociology, who achieves the highest weighted-average-mean across ASC308 and at least one other third-year Sociology unit. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Spanish Level One Student Prize
The Spanish Level One student prize will be awarded to a student who has demonstrated commitment to, and who has excelled in, his or her studies of Spanish, on completion of their first year. The recipient will have demonstrated a genuine interest in the language through participation in the cultural and community activities of the Spanish program at Deakin. The award recognises academic achievement but also enthusiasm, motivation, and commitment to the language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.
At the end of Trimester 2, Spanish academic staff will determine the prize recipient. Judgement will be made by the Spanish Program Coordinator in consultation with Spanish academic staff. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Spanish Level Two/Three Student Prize
The Spanish Level Two/Three student prize will be awarded to a student who has excelled in his or her studies of Spanish, on completion of either second or third year (one award only). The recipient will have demonstrated sustained improvement in Spanish language-acquisition, and a genuine interest in the cultures and societies of Spain and Latin America. The award recognises academic achievement but also enthusiasm, motivation, and commitment to the language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.
At the end of Trimester 2, Spanish academic staff will determine the prize recipient. Judgement will be made by the Spanish Program Coordinator in consultation with Spanish academic staff. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
The Stan van Hooft Honours Prize
This prize is named after Emeritus Professor Stan van Hooft who has made a longstanding and sustained contribution to generations of Deakin's campus and cloud (online) students and colleagues, and to the philosophy community, both nationally and internationally, over a span of almost four decades. Stan was appointed as a tutor at Deakin University in the University’s first year of teaching in 1978 and retired in 2014 after 36 years of service to Deakin University and its antecedents. It will be awarded to the highest-performing Honours student completing in one of the following Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines – Anthropology, Criminology, History, International Relations, Languages, Middle East Studies, Philosophy, Politics or Sociology. Selection is based on the weighted-average-mean of all the Honours units. The recipient of this prize will receive a book voucher and a certificate.
Judith Rodriguez Prize
This is an annual prize awarded for an outstanding piece of work in fiction/poetry/creative non-fiction submitted in a third-year coded unit.
Work is nominated for the long-list by relevant third-year staff, and then judged by two members of the Professional and Creative Writing discipline area.
The winner receives:
- $400 worth of mentoring;
- free membership of Writers Victoria; and
- publication in the journal Verandah.
Faculty of Business and Law
Bowater Trust Medal - Deakin Business School Graduate of the Year
Awarded annually to a Deakin Business School graduate considered to be the best all-round student based on academic merit, extra-curricular activities and ambassadorial qualities.
Deakin Business School Undergraduate Courses
A range of prizes will be awarded in recognition of high performing students across the undergraduate courses offered by the Deakin Business School.
Dean's Merit List
Awarded in recognition of outstanding academic achievement to our top graduates from Deakin Business School undergraduate courses.
Geoff Neilson Prize
Awarded annually to the highest achieving Bachelor of Commerce (or associated combined course) student undertaking a third year of study either at the Waterfront campus or online (Cloud Campus) as a Geelong-based student. The prize is valued at a minimum of $1,500.
Deakin Law School Undergraduate Courses/Units
A range of prizes will be awarded in recognition of high performing students in the Bachelor of Laws.
Dean's Merit List
Awarded in recognition of outstanding academic achievement to our top graduates from Deakin Law School undergraduate courses.
Faculty of Health
Head of School Academic Achievement Award – Honours
Awarded to the most outstanding graduating Honours student in one of the Bachelor of Nutrition Science (Honours), the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (Honours) or the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science – Advanced (Honours).
Head of School Academic Distinction Awards
- Awarded to the most outstanding undergraduate student in first year.
- Awarded to the most outstanding undergraduate student in second year.
- Awarded to the most outstanding undergraduate student in third year.
- Awarded to the most outstanding undergraduate student in fourth year.
AFL David Parkin Award for Coach Development
Awarded to the student with the highest academic achievement in two units within the Sport Coaching and Coaching Ecosystems major in the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science.
Applied Sport Science Major Graduate Award
Awarded to the most outstanding graduate with the highest academic achievement in the Applied Sport Science major the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science in 2025.
Applied Sport Science Major Student of the Year Award
Awarded to the student with the highest academic performance within their first year of the Applied Sport Science major in the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science.
CASS Food Science Major Student of the Year Award
Awarded to the student with the highest academic performance within their first year of the Food Science major 2025.
Core Advantage Strength and Conditioning Major Award
Awarded to the student with the highest academic performance within their first year of the Strength and Conditioning major in the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science each year (2024–2028).
Cricket Victoria Hookes Scholes Coaching Award
Awarded to the most outstanding graduate with the highest academic achievement in the Sport Coaching and Coaching Ecosystems major in the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science.
Dietetics Pathway Student of the Year Award
Awarded to the student with the highest academic performance within their first year of the Bachelor of Nutrition Science (Dietetics Pathway) course.
Exercise Physiology Major Graduate Award
Awarded to the most outstanding graduate with the highest academic achievement in the Exercise Physiology major the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science in 2025.
IPAN Physical Activity and Health Major Award
Awarded to the student with the highest academic performance within their first year of the Physical Activity and Health major in the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science.
IPAN Physical Activity and Health Major Graduate Award
Awarded to the most outstanding graduate with the highest academic achievement in the Physical Activity and Health major in the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science.
Novonesis Food Innovation Academic Distinction Graduate Award
Awarded to the most outstanding graduate student in the Food Innovation major from the Bachelor of Nutrition Science.
Novonesis Food Innovation Major Student of the Year Award
Awarded to the student with the highest academic performance within their first year of the Food Innovation major in the Bachelor of Nutrition Science.
Novonesis Food Science Academic Distinction Graduate Award
Awarded to the most outstanding graduate student from the Food Science major.
Strength and Conditioning Major Graduate Award
Awarded to the most outstanding graduate with the highest academic achievement in the Strength and Conditioning major in the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science in 2025.
Sports Dietitians Australia Sport Nutrition / Nutrition Major Award
Awarded to the student with the highest academic performance within their first year of the Sports Nutrition or Nutrition major in the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science.
Sports Nutrition/Nutrition Major Graduate Award
Awarded to the most outstanding graduate with the highest academic achievement in either the Nutrition or Sports Nutrition major in the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science in {year}.
The Physiological Society (UK) Undergraduate Award for Physiology
Each year, The Physiological Society (UK) recognises the excellence of final year undergraduate students of physiology. Society Representatives nominate students either for excellence specifically in a final year project, or for overall excellence in a degree.
Undergraduate Dietetics Pathway Graduate Award
Awarded to the most outstanding graduate student in the Bachelor of Nutrition Science (Dietetics Pathway) course
Victorian Institute of Sport Exercise Physiology Major Award
This award will be given to the student with the highest academic performance within their first year of the Exercise Physiology major in the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science.
Head of School Prize
- A prize of $250 for an outstanding undergraduate student who has completed first year.
- A prize of $250 for an outstanding undergraduate student who has completed second year.
- A prize of $250 for an outstanding undergraduate student who has completed third year.
- A prize of $250 for an outstanding undergraduate student who has completed fourth year (does not include honours stream).
A J Pollock Awards
- A prize of $250 for an outstanding student who has completed the first year of Family, Society and Health.
- A prize of $250 for an outstanding student who has completed the second year of Family, Society and Health.
- A prize of $500 for an outstanding honours student who has conducted a project relating to Family, Society and Health.
Australian Health Promotion Association (Victoria/Tasmania Branch) Award
A prize awarded for the top graduate of the Bachelor of Public Health and Health Promotion. A prize of:
- One year membership top the Australian Health Promotion Association
- A prize of $100
- Certificate
MacKillop Family Services Award for Excellence in Social Policy
A prize of $200 awarded to the most outstanding Bachelor of Social Work student in the unit HSW316 Critical Social Policy.
MacKillop Family Services Award for Excellence in Social Work Theory and Practice
A prize of $300 awarded to the most outstanding Bachelor of Social Work student who has completed the first and second year social work theory and practice requirements.
MacKillop Family Services Award for Outstanding Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) Project
A prize of $500 awarded to the student with the most outstanding Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) project in the units HSW416/H417 Social Work Honours Research Project A and B.
Occupational Therapy Australia Victoria New Graduand Award for Clinical Fieldwork Excellence
A prize of a New Graduate membership to the value of $350 to be awarded to a final year undergraduate student in the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy who has demonstrated excellence in a fourth year clinical education placement.
Professor Simon Haskell Prize
A prize of $1000 for the most outstanding student having completed the Disability and Inclusion major in the Bachelor of Health Science or Bachelor of Health Science/Bachelor of Arts degree.
Research and Graduate Studies Prize
A prize of $500 for the best honours project.
The Kevin Murfitt Disability and Inclusion Pathway Award
A prize of $500 awarded to the student enrolled in third year of the Bachelor of Health Sciences Disability and Inclusion major pathway who has shown excellence, passion and commitment in facilitating inclusion during their studies.
Dean's Equipment Award for Medical Imaging
This award is offered to a Medical Imaging student with financial hardship to assist with equipment expenses (including laptops) associated with studies in the Bachelor of Medical Imaging course. One award of $500 is available.
Dean's Award for Work Integrated Learning in Medical Imaging
This award is offered to a Medical Imaging student with financial hardship to assist with accommodation expenses associated with work integrated learning in the Bachelor of Medical Imaging course. One award of $500 is available.
Dean's Award for Excellence in Rural Eyecare
This award will recognise excellence in rural practice during the rural placements that students undertake as part of their studies. One award of $500 is available.
Dean's Award for Student Leadership, Excellence and Service to Optometry
This award will recognise the leadership contribution of an optometry student during their candidature. Examples of leadership excellence may be within the course, but more likely from activities in the wider community that promote eye health. One award of $500 is available.
School of Medicine Honours Improvement Award
This award is offered to a student who has demonstrated an improvement in their results since commencing the Bachelor of Health and Medical Science (Honours). The criteria on which the award will be assessed are the percentage improvement from a student's 3rd year average grade in their undergraduate degree to their Honours Semester 1 average grade, their performance in other areas such as student societies, collegiality, or overcoming adversity (student justification), and any other areas they or their supervisor feels appropriate (supervisor letter of support required). Two awards are available, one of $2000 and a runner up award of $500.
School of Medicine Honours Awards
This award is offered to a student enrolled in the Bachelor of Health and Medical Science (Honours) for academic performance based on the student's 3rd year average grade in their undergraduate degree and their Honours Semester 1 average grade. Two awards are available, one of $2000 and a runner up award of $500.
Barwon Health Acute Care Clinical Award (Margaret Parkes) (Geelong Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a first year student in recognition of excellence in and commitment to patient care in the acute setting ($100 and certificate).
Barwon Health Award for Excellence (Marjory Taylor) (Geelong Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a third year student in recognition of professional, academic and clinical excellence in nursing throughout the Bachelor of Nursing program ($100 and certificate).
Barwon Health Community Care Clinical Award (Joy Buckland) (Geelong Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a second year student in recognition of commitment to patient care in the community setting ($100 and certificate).
Barwon Health Mental Health Award (Geelong Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a second year student in recognition of academic and clinical excellence in mental health as demonstrated in an academic paper focused on mental health and clinical excellence in a mental health placement ($100 and certificate).
Barwon Health Midwifery Award (Mary Lewis) (Geelong Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Midwifery graduate in recognition of outstanding academic achievement and demonstration of excellence in and commitment to the clinical program ($100 and certificate).
Barwon Health Rehabilitation and Aged Care Award (Mary Barry) (Geelong Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a third year student in recognition of excellence in and commitment to patient care in the rehabilitation and aged care setting ($100 and certificate).
Eastern Health Award for Excellence in the Midwifery Program (Melbourne Burwood Campus)
Awarded to the best graduate from the Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Midwifery for academic and clinical excellence throughout the course ($500 and certificate).
Eastern Health McNair Award (Melbourne Burwood Campus)
Awarded by Eastern Health to a graduating student for consistent outstanding achievement in the Bachelor of Nursing or combined degree ($500 and certificate).
Epworth HealthCare Award (Melbourne Burwood Campus)
Awarded to the Epworth HealthCare fellowship student who achieved consistent outstanding feedback for the quality of their patient care in the clinical components of the course ($500 and certificate).
Epworth HealthCare Midwifery Award (Geelong Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a first year Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Midwifery student for recognition of outstanding academic achievement and demonstration of excellence in the clinical program ($250 and certificate).
Epworth HealthCare Nursing Award (Geelong Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a first year Bachelor of Nursing student for recognition of outstanding academic achievement and demonstration of excellence in the clinical program ($250 and certificate).
The Gay Lee Award for Midwifery (Geelong Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a current third year student enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Midwifery who has demonstrated sustained commitment to the study of midwifery (Prize TBA and certificate).
HESTA Award for Excellence in the Bachelor of Nursing (Clinical Leadership) (Melbourne Burwood Campus)
Awarded by HESTA to a graduating student from the Bachelor of Nursing (Clinical Leadership) who has demonstrated academic and clinical excellence throughout the course ($500 and certificate).
HESTA Encouragement Award (Warrnambool Campus)
Awarded to a first year Bachelor of Nursing student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership, passion and respect during the first year of the course ($500 and certificate).
HESTA Encouragement Award (Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a first year Bachelor of Nursing student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership, passion and respect during the first year of the course ($500 and certificate).
HESTA Indigenous Award for Excellence (All Campuses)
Awarded to an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Bachelor of Nursing student in recognition of outstanding academic achievement and clinical excellence throughout the course ($500 and certificate).
Homestyle Aged Care Award (Geelong Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a third year student in recognition of excellence and commitment to quality care of the older person in the unit HNN318: Care of the Older Person ($1000 and certificate).
Homestyle Aged Care Award (Melbourne Burwood Campus)
Awarded to a third year student in recognition of excellence and commitment to quality care of the older person in the unit HNN318: Care of the Older Person ($1000 and certificate).
Marjory Walkowski Award (Melbourne Burwood, Geelong Waterfront or Warrnambool Campus)
Awarded to a Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) student for excellence in clinical nursing research (prize money and certificate).
Monash Health Midwifery Award (Melbourne Burwood Campus)
Awarded to a currently enrolled fourth year Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Midwifery student who has demonstrated outstanding midwifery academic and clinical performance in all previous years of the course ($500 and certificate).
Monash Health Nursing Award (Melbourne Burwood Campus)
Awarded to a currently enrolled third year Bachelor of Nursing student who has demonstrated outstanding nursing academic and clinical performance in all previous years of the course ($500 and certificate).
Moyne Health Services Award (Warrnambool Campus)
Awarded to a first year Bachelor of Nursing student who demonstrated commitment to achieve excellence in theoretical studies, simulation activities and clinical placements in the first year of the course ($300 and certificate).
Peter Stallard Memorial Clinical Achievement Award (Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a third year Bachelor of Nursing student who demonstrated person centred, evidence based clinical care in the unit Quality and Safety: Comprehensive Nursing Practice: HNN325 (TBA and certificate).
Peter Stallard Memorial Encouragement Award (Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a first year Bachelor of Nursing student who demonstrated determination and commitment to achieve a successful outcome over the first year of the course (TBA and certificate).
Portland District Health (Nursing) Recognition of Clinical Performance (Waterfront or Warrnambool Campus)
Awarded to a nursing student who demonstrated excellence in the clinical components in the Bachelor of Nursing while on placement at Portland District Health ($300 and certificate).
Shirley Anne Everett Award for Excellence (Geelong Waterfront or Warrnambool Campus)
Awarded to a currently enrolled third year Bachelor of Nursing student who has consistently demonstrated the qualities of compassion, empathy, and clinical skill (TBA and certificate).
South West Healthcare (Warrnambool) Midwifery Award (Warrnambool Campus)
Awarded to the highest achieving third year Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Midwifery student for academic and clinical excellence throughout the course ($500 and certificate).
South West Healthcare (Warrnambool) Nursing Award (Warrnambool Campus)
Awarded to a second year student for outstanding clinical excellence in year two of the program ($500 and certificate).
St John of God Geelong Award for Clinical Excellence (Geelong Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a Bachelor of Nursing student who exhibited excellent clinical nursing care while on placement at St John of God Hospital Geelong in the third year of the course ($500 and certificate).
St John of God Health Care Nursing Award (Geelong Waterfront Campus)
Awarded to a second year student for excellence in academic performance ($250 and certificate).
St John of God Health Care Nursing Award (Warrnambool Campus)
Awarded to a second year student who has shown outstanding academic and clinical achievement, and commitment to the nursing profession ($500 and certificate).
St John of God Hospital Warrnambool Nursing Award (Warrnambool Campus)
Awarded to a graduating student who has consistently reflected attributes of clinical excellence: supporting the care team; commitment to patients and their families; personalised care; professionalism ($250 and certificate).
Western District Health Service Nursing Award (Warrnambool Campus)
Awarded to a graduating Bachelor of Nursing student for the most outstanding clinical performance in year three of the course ($250 and certificate).
Head of School Prizes
A prize of $250 and a certificate awarded to the most outstanding third year undergraduate student enrolled in either the H344 Bachelor of Psychological Science or the H345 Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) for the highest average mark over the first, second and third year of the course combined.
The Australian Psychological Society Prize
A prize of one year's subscription to the APS and a certificate for the most outstanding fourth year student.
Australian Unity
A prize of $250 and a certificate awarded to the best Fourth year Thesis relevant to the topic of 'human wellbeing' in the H345 Bachelor of Psychology (Honours), H452 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours), H650 Graduate Diploma of Psychology (Advanced) or H664 Graduate Diploma of Psychology (Pre-Practice).
Compumedics Cognitive Neuroscience Prize
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
David Stokes Award
Awarded annually to the undergraduate student, who at the completion of their studies, achieves the highest weighted average mark of all completing students in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment. The David Stokes Award is a cash payment of $1,000.
Australian Institute of Building (AIB) Victorian Chapter Medal
Awarded annually to the best student completing the Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) degree, as evidenced by excellent academic achievement, engagement in university life, and enthusiasm for making a difference in the construction industry. The award consists of a medal, $200 cash prize and one year of Associate Membership with the Australian Institute of Building.
Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS) Donald Cant Prize
Named in honour of Donald Cant an award of $500 is made annually by the Victorian Chapter of AIQS to the highest achieving student completing the quantity surveying subjects in the Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) degree. The AIQS make this award for each University accredited by the AIQS in Victoria.
Ian Fulton Rotary Awards
Named in honour of Ian Fulton (past staff member of the School of Architecture and Built Environment) by the Rotary Club of Geelong Central, two awards of $750 are made annually to the top two Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) students entering the honours stream with the highest weighted average marks based on completed level three units
Rendine Constructions Award
An award of $2,000 shall be made annually to the most outstanding Bachelor of Design (Architecture) / Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) graduating student, based on outstanding academic achievement in their final year. Where more than one student satisfies the criteria, the prize value shall be divided equally between the recipients.
Undergraduate Making Architecture Award
An award of up to $500 of the School of Architecture and Built Environment workshop services for use during enrolment to be made annually to the best performing student in SRD164 Architecture Design Studio 02: Matterscapes. The award will be made to the student with outstanding academic achievement and high-level model making skills associated with the unit.
School of Engineering Undergraduate Award
An award of $500 will be presented to the student who has achieved the highest WAM (Weighted Average Mark) upon completion of Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) or an equivalent major sequence in Bachelor of Engineering (Industry) (Honours).
The Des Munday and Son Award
A prize of $500 is awarded to the student who achieves the highest weighted average mark at the completion of the third year of their studies in the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) or an equivalent major sequence.
The Engineers Australia Award
A certificate plus three years free graduate membership with Engineers Australia is awarded to the student who achieves the highest overall academic performance in the final year in the Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) degree or an equivalent major sequence in Bachelor of Engineering (Industry) (Honours).
Excellence in Structural Analysis, Institution of Structural Engineers Australia, Regional Group, Victoria Prize
A prize of $750 is awarded to a Civil Engineering student who achieves the highest overall mark for the unit SEV320 – Theory of Structures. Where more than one student receives the highest overall mark for the Unit, the Award shall be granted to the student with the highest final assessment mark. Where more than one student satisfies the aforementioned criteria, the prize value shall be split evenly between the recipients.
The Fred Green Memorial Award
Sponsored by, The Institution of Civil Engineers - Victorian Local Association
An award of $750 will be presented to the student enrolled in Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) or an equivalent major sequence in Bachelor of Engineering (Industry) (Honours) who achieves the highest weighted average mark (WAM) after completion of all core 3rd year units.
Only students who have completed all compulsory, non-zero credit point 3rd year units will be considered.
Where units are completed over multiple years, students completing the last compulsory third year unit in the year of offer will be considered.
Where more than one student receives the highest total mark for the year level, the award shall be granted to the student with the highest individual unit mark. Where more than one student meets the criteria, selection will be made by the Course Director.
The Godfrey Hirst Australia Award
A prize of $800 is awarded to the graduating student who achieves the highest grade in the Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours), or Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) degree or equivalent major sequence in Bachelor of Engineering (Industry) (Honours).
The Incitec Pivot Ltd Award
A prize of $1,000 for the most outstanding final year project (SEJ441, or SEJ446) on an environmental topic in a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Honours),Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) degree or an equivalent major sequence in Bachelor of Engineering (Industry) (Honours).
ITEANZ - Trafficworks University Award
A certificate and a prize of $200 are awarded to the most outstanding undergraduate student who achieves the highest overall mark for the unit SEV402 Traffic and Transport Engineering.
To be eligible for the prize, students must be enrolled in Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) or an equivalent major sequence in Bachelor of Engineering (Industry) (Honours). Where more than one student receives the highest overall mark for the Unit, the winner will be selected by considering the mark in the individually completed assessment with largest weightage. Where more than one student satisfies the award criteria, marks in the individually completed assessment with the second largest weightage will be considered.
LEAP Granta EduPack Award
An award of $500 for the student with the overall highest graded mark for a Manufacturing Feasibility Study report that is completed as final assessment in SEM313 Manufacturing.
PSM Geotechnical and Structures Engineering Outstanding Student Award
A prize of $2500 is awarded to the student who achieves the highest weighted average mark at the completion of both SEV300 Reinforced Concrete and Steel Structures and SEV362 Geotechnical Engineering. The student must complete both units in one academic year to be eligible and be enrolled in a School of Engineering undergraduate degree.
SEW-Eurodrive Award
A prize of $2,000 is awarded to the student who achieves the highest Weighted Average Mark (WAM) at the completion of all core first year units, studying in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) majoring in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronics Engineering. Three prizes will be awarded, one in each abovementioned degree.
The Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia (SRIA)
A prize of $500, is awarded by the Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia (SRIA) to the student enrolled in a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) or equivalent major sequence in Bachelor of Engineering (Industry) (Honours), who achieves the highest grade in SEV300 Reinforced Concrete and Steel Structures.
The VIVA Energy Australia Award
A prize of $1,000 is awarded for the most outstanding final year project (SEJ441 or SEJ446) in a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) degree or an equivalent major sequence in Bachelor of Engineering (Industry) (Honours).
Dronesec Prize for Technical Leadership
An award of $500 and $300 runner-up, presented to a postgraduate or undergraduate student demonstrating a high degree of Technical Leadership in the final year industry capstone program.
Patrick Pleass Memorial Award
Awarded in memory of Patrick Pleass, former IT Advisory Board member. An award of $1000 presented to the highest achieving second year student enrolled in a School of Information Technology undergraduate course at the Melbourne Burwood or Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus.
School of Information Technology Award - Undergraduate
An award of $500 presented to high performing students enrolled in a School of Information Technology undergraduate course in each of the following categories. The recipients will have achieved a weighted average mark of 75 or greater:
- Awarded to the highest achieving first year undergraduate student enrolled in a School of Information Technology course at the Burwood (Melbourne) Campus.
- Awarded to the highest achieving first year undergraduate student enrolled in a School of Information Technology course at the Waurn Ponds (Geelong) Campus.
- Awarded to the highest achieving first year undergraduate student enrolled in a School of Information Technology Online course.
- Awarded to the highest achieving second year undergraduate student enrolled in a School of Information Technology course at the Burwood (Melbourne) Campus.
- Awarded to the highest achieving second year undergraduate student enrolled in a School of Information Technology course at the Waurn Ponds (Geelong) Campus.
- Awarded to the highest achieving second year undergraduate student enrolled in a School of Information Technology Online course.
- Awarded to the highest achieving third year undergraduate student enrolled in a School of Information Technology course at the Burwood (Melbourne) Campus.
- Awarded to the highest achieving third year undergraduate student enrolled in a School of Information Technology course at the Waurn Ponds (Geelong) Campus.
- Awarded to the highest achieving third year undergraduate student enrolled in a School of Information Technology Online course.
School of Information Technology Award - Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)
An award of $500 presented to the highest achieving student enrolled in the Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) course who has completed their final year of the course. The recipient will have achieved a weighted average mark of 75 or greater.
School of Information Technology Industry Project Award - Undergraduate
Three awards of $500 each (one per Trimester) presented to students enrolled in a School of Information Technology undergraduate course who have completed SIT378 Team Project (B) - Execution and Delivery and demonstrated strong professional behaviours that align with the award criteria.
The award nomination will be recommended by the Academic Director (Industry Projects), the Manager, Industry Projects and the relevant Unit Chair. Nomination will be based on demonstration of exemplary professional practice, leadership and standards and/or exemplary technical innovation.
Transurban Prize for Innovation and Ingenuity
An award of $500 and $300 runner-up, presented to a postgraduate or undergraduate student demonstrating a high degree of Innovation and Ingenuity in the final year industry capstone program.
Peter Kew Head of School Award
A prize of $500 is awarded annually in honour of Peter Kew (former staff member) to the highest achieving second year student enrolled in the Bachelor of Marine Science. The recipient of the award must be enrolled in at least three units per trimester and achieve a minimum weighted average mark of 80.
Head of School Awards
Eleven prizes of $500 are awarded annually to the highest performing students who have completed their first year in full-time studies in the following undergraduate courses. The successful recipients will have achieved at least a minimum weighted average mark of 80:
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (Wildlife and Conservation Biology).
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (Environmental Management and Sustainability).
- Bachelor of Marine Science (Waurn Ponds Campus).
- Bachelor of Marine Science (Warrnambool Campus).
- Bachelor of Science (Melbourne Burwood Campus).
- Bachelor of Science (Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus).
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Melbourne Burwood Campus).
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus).
- Bachelor of Forensic Science.
- Bachelor of Forensic Science/Bachelor of Criminology.
- Bachelor of Zoology and Animal Science (Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus).
Excellence in Personal Achievement Award
An award of $500 is made annually to a student who has achieved excellence in their studies despite disadvantaged circumstances. The award recipient will have completed a minimum of 8 credit points of academic study and be enrolled in an undergraduate degree offer by the School of Life and Environmental Sciences.
Frances O'Connor Award
In memory of Frances O'Connor a prize of $500 and a certificate is awarded annually to a first year undergraduate student studying a Bachelor of Marine Science (Warrnambool Campus). The recipient will have demonstrated consistent achievement throughout the first year of their degree, and the highest increase in average academic performance in 2nd trimester compared to 1st Trimester.
Kate England Award
Named in memory of Kate England a prize of $500 and a certificate is awarded annually to a student who has fulfilled the requirements to graduate with a Bachelor of Environmental Science degree. The successful recipient will have demonstrated commitment to their studies, high personal achievement (not exclusively academic) and pursued the ideals of the course in the community.
Office of the Chief Forensic Scientist Moot Court Prize
A prize of $500 and a certificate is awarded annually to the student enrolled in the Bachelor of Forensic Science (Honours) who achieves the highest mark in the moot court presentation.
Victoria Police Forensic Services Department Honours Prize
A prize of $1,000 is awarded annually to the Honours student who achieves the highest grade for a Forensic research project.