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Overdue fees, encumbrances and termination

All students are required to pay their tuition fees on time. Paying your fees late may put your enrolment at risk.

Overdue fees

It is your responsibility to ensure your fees are paid in full and on time by the invoice due date. Non-payment of fees is considered serious and may put your enrolment at risk. It will result in all rights and privileges to which you have been previously entitled being withdrawn. This includes the right to attend lectures, tutorials, seminars, undertake placements, intermit your course, attend examinations, submit work for assessment or enrol in a new course.

If you haven't paid your fees in full by the invoice due date, a warning will be sent to your Deakin email. You should read and action the email immediately as your enrolment is at risk. Please refer to the 'encumbrances’ and ‘termination’ sections below for more information.

You can pay fees using a number of payment options and payments must be received before the applicable invoice due date to avoid penalties or termination of your enrolment.

International students are reminded that it is a condition of your student visa to make sure your fees are paid by the invoice due date.

Please contact Student Central for assistance.


If you don't follow University procedures or pay your fees by the invoice due date (including residence fees) an encumbrance will be placed on your student record. Encumbrances may also be added for other reasons such as the failure to return equipment or non-completion of mandatory activities.

Depending on the type of encumbrance applied to your record, it may block access to a range of important services such as results release, enrolment and graduation.

Where an encumbrance is applied, you will be advised by email of the reason for the encumbrance and the steps required to have the encumbrance removed.

To have a tuition fee related encumbrance removed, you must make payment directly to Student Central. Once your payment has been received it may take up to 48 hours for the encumbrance to be removed from your record. Other payment methods may take up to 5 working days to be processed.

For outstanding residence fees, please contact your Residence Reception.

An encumbrance will be placed on your record after the census date if you owe more than $30 in tuition fees or have an active overdue notification, or you are:

  • an international student who has overdue tuition fees
  • a domestic student who has overdue Student Services and Amenities Fees
  • a domestic student who has overdue full-fee tuition fees

If you owe more than $300, your enrolment will be terminated due to non-payment of fees.

If you are unsure what type or why you have an encumbrance, please contact Student Central.

Termination of enrolment due to non-payment of fees

Commonwealth supported students

If you are enrolled in a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP), and are required to pay your tuition fees upfront, the amount due must be paid in full by the invoice due date. If your tuition fees are not paid in full, your enrolment will be terminated and you will lose your place at the University.

If your tuition fees are paid in full but you owe more than $300 in other fees, your enrolment will be terminated.

A terminated enrolment means you will no longer be considered a student of the University and will lose access to all Deakin services, including CloudDeakin, your email account, StudentConnect and the library.

If your enrolment is terminated for non-payment of an up-front student contribution and you have not provided your tax file number, you cannot have your enrolment re-instated for that study period. This is in accordance with Commonwealth legislation. However, you may be able to apply for re-admission in the next study period.

All other students

Your enrolment will be terminated if you have not paid your fees in full by the specified due dates and owe more than $300.

When your enrolment is terminated, you will no longer be considered a student and will lose access to all Deakin services, including CloudDeakin, your email account, StudentConnect and the library.

You can apply for re-instatement in the same academic period, provided you pay all outstanding fees and charges and do not hold a CSP. A re-instatement charge of $275 will apply. To be re-instated, you must pay all outstanding fees plus the re-instatement charge within ten days of your enrolment being terminated. Your enrolment will not be re-instated into the study period after this time.

If you do not wish to have your enrolment re-instated into the same academic year, you will need to apply for re-admission if you wish to return to study.

What happens if you are on intermission?

If you intermit after census date you will be liable for the full amount of your fees, including the student services and amenities fee if applicable. Students will also incur an academic penalty which may appear on their transcript.

While you are on intermission you must ensure you pay any outstanding tuition fees you have incurred by the invoice due date. If your tuition fees remain outstanding, the intermission will be lifted, and your enrolment will be discontinued for non-payment of your fees.

Need help?

Our student advisers are here to help you with course advice, enrolment and general enquiries.