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Remission of debt in special circumstances application form

If you withdraw from your unit/s after the relevant census date due to special circumstances, as a domestic student, you can apply under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA) to have your HELP debt remitted or have your up-front payment of a student contribution or tuition fee refunded, re-credit of your Student Learning Entitlement and for your units not to count towards your completion rate for Commonwealth assistance.

Remission of debt in special circumstances is for the sole purpose of refunding/re-crediting of fees paid, Student Learning Entitlement and determining if a unit is to be counted for Commonwealth assistance eligibility purposes. It is not for the purposes of grade change or if you are unhappy about the content or delivery of units undertaken. Please ensure you provide all relevant information and supporting documentation when submitting your application. Incomplete applications cannot be assessed. Your complete application will be assessed within 35 days of receipt by the University. An outcome will be sent to you by email.

Find out more about Remission of debt in special circumstances

If your circumstances are course related, please contact your faculty or Student Complaints. For all other queries, please contact Student Central.

If you studied more than 12 months ago, do not complete this online form. Applications for a waiver of the 12-month application time limit must be submitted via the Request to waive 12 month application period.

Application form

Note: this form does not have the option to save and return at a later date.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Your details
This will be used to contact you if we need more information about your application.
If you have provided a Deakin email above, please provide an alternate email address.
Are your contact details on StudentConnect correct? * You can check and update your contact details in StudentConnect using the Contact details page
Contact details
Study period
Select the study period you are applying for

If you are applying for more than one study period, you will need to submit this form again for each additional study period.

If your study period is more than 12 months ago, applications must be submitted using the form Request to waive 12 month application time limit.

Study period type
If the study period you require is over 12 months ago, and not displayed, please complete the Request to waive 12 month application time limit form. If you have been given approval via a personal submission code to submit an application outside the 12 month time limit, please select 'More than 12 month ago' from the year of study list above and remember to enter this code.
If the study period you require is over 12 months ago, and not displayed, please complete the Request to waive 12 month application time limit form. If you have been given approval via a personal submission code to submit an application outside the 12 month time limit, please select 'More than 12 month ago' from the year of study list above and remember to enter this code.
If the study period you require is over 12 months ago, and not displayed, please complete the Request to waive 12 month application time limit form. If you have been given approval via a personal submission code to submit an application outside the 12 month time limit, please select 'More than 12 month ago' from the year of study list above and remember to enter this code.
More than 12 months ago

To submit an application outside the 12 month application period, you must have completed the Request to waive 12 month application time limit form and been provided with a personal submission code.

Please enter this code below. Any application submitted without a code will be closed.

Course details
Unit details for which the remission is soughtDo not include zero (0) credit point units, for example HAI010 - Academic Integrity.
You can't submit this form if you have a grade of RI, RIA or RIE, please wait until your grades are finalised.
I confirm the following units have a finalised grade, WL, WN, N or XN. *
Has an academic integrity allegation been raised by the University against you for the units below? *
Unit one
Unit two
Unit three
Unit four
Special circumstance

If your special circumstance is 'course related', please submit an enquiry to Student Central, do not complete the form.

If your circumstances are any of those listed below, the Remission of debt in special circumstances is not available to you. Please submit a Student Complaint.

  • You forgot to withdraw
  • You didn’t know you were enrolled
  • You were not aware of the census date
Details of your special circumstances
Include details related to your weekly unit requirements, assessments and examinations to assist you to explain the impact on your studies.
Do you need to add another date or circumstance?

Have you consulted your unit chair, lecturer or other faculty staff member about your difficulties?

Did you apply for Special Consideration for the unit/s listed in this application?

Supporting documents

Please ensure documents are a PDF or image file up to 3MB per file, 15MB in total. Your documents must be relevant to your application and be written by an independent professional qualified to provide documents to support your application. For example if you have applied based on medical reasons you must provide medical documents.
I confirm my documents are true and genuine and *
Previous applications for Remission of debt in special circumstances
Have you previously applied for Remission of debt in special circumstances for a different study period? *
I agree to the following *

Deakin University is collecting your personal information on this form for the primary purpose of assessing and processing your application and to comply with Government and other reporting requirements. The University will verify the information provided by you, including confirming details with third parties mentioned by you and to carry out associated investigations connected with your application.

For these purposes Deakin may also provide this information to Commonwealth and State agencies such as the Department of Education and the Department of Home Affairs in accordance with Deakin’s obligations under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) (ESOS Act), the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code) and other applicable legislation.

Deakin manages personal information it holds, including requests by individuals for access to their personal information, in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). Deakin’s Privacy Policy may be viewed in the Deakin Policy Library.

Information on privacy at Deakin is available at deakin.edu.au/privacy. Questions about privacy may be directed to the Privacy Officer on (03) 5227 8524 or by email to privacy@deakin.edu.au.

Contact Student Central if you have any queries or if you cannot complete this form.

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Page custodian: Student Services