Rights and responsibilities
When you enrol at Deakin, you agree through your terms and conditions of enrolment to comply with the University's legislation, policies and procedures.
You can access all Deakin's legislation, policies and procedures through the Deakin policy library.
Student Code of Conduct
The Student Code of Conduct sets out what is expected of you while you are a Deakin student, both in terms of your academic work and the way you treat other people and their property.
It is essential that you understand the Student Code of Conduct. The outcomes for breaching Deakin's expected standards of behaviour can be very serious, up to and including expulsion from the University.
The Handbook explains what you need to do to meet your overall course requirements and how to achieve the Deakin graduate learning outcomes. The University provides targeted advice, referral or assistance to students who are having difficulties completing their course requirements. Any student who is not making satisfactory progress may have conditions placed on their enrolment, such as only being permitted to take two units in the next trimester. Any student whose performance does not improve may be excluded from the University. Our academic progress policy provides further information and explains satisfactory and unsatisfactory academic progress.
The Handbook also summarises the assessment for each unit. More detail about assessment is provided in your unit guides and there is some general information under Assessment and results. All assessment at Deakin must comply with the assessment (higher education courses) procedure.
Special consideration may be available when an unexpected setback prevents you from undertaking or completing an assessment task at the scheduled time. The Disability Resource Centre can assist with identifying and implementing appropriate adjustments if you have longer term medical conditions or disabilities.
You are responsible for:
- planning your enrolment to meet course rules (as set out in the Handbook), within the maximum period of study as well as taking into account any recognition granted for prior learning.
- enrolling/re-enrolling and paying your fees in accordance with Deakin's procedures, policy and deadlines
- keeping your enrolment and personal details up-to-date
- checking and responding to Deakin mail and email regularly.
Terms and conditions of enrolment at Deakin University
As provided in StudentConnect.
View Enrolment terms and conditions (PDF,151.8KB)
This version of the ‘Terms and conditions of enrolment at Deakin University’ is from 12 June 2018.
Minor adjustments to links and terminology have been made since 12 June 2018 that have not impacted the overall agreement.
When you enrol at Deakin, you become a member of the University and agree through these enrolment terms and conditions to comply with the University's statutes and regulations, policies and procedures.
If you are unsure of any terms used at Deakin you can find them in the University glossary. Please contact us if you have any queries in regards to these enrolment terms and conditions.
I am who I say I am
- I confirm that the information and documentation I supplied to Deakin for the purpose of my admission, enrolment or recognition of prior learning is complete, accurate and unaltered.
What I must do
- I will comply with the Student Code of Conduct and all relevant Deakin statutes, regulations, policies and procedures. I understand that a breach of the Student Code of Conduct or a Deakin University policy or procedure may result in Deakin refusing, reversing, restricting or terminating my enrolment.
- I will familiarise myself with the relevant information on this Rights and Responsibilities webpage which explains the most important legislation, policies and procedures at Deakin.
- I will select my units in accordance with the course rules, requirements and general information set out in the University Handbook, or as approved by a student adviser.
- I will pay all fees and charges for my enrolment by the specified deadlines. I understand that failure to pay any fees and charges may result in Deakin refusing, reversing, restricting or terminating my enrolment.
- If I apply to postpone my studies (by deferral, intermitting or discontinuing), I will make sure I retain written evidence that my application was approved and the date it takes effect from.
- I will create a password for my Deakin University system (IT) account in accordance with Deakin University's password requirements. I will not share this password with anyone, including any member of my family, international agency or a legal representative. I will not let anyone else (whether acting as my agent or not) access Deakin University systems using my student username and password. As soon as I realise or suspect that anyone else knows my password, I will contact Deakin immediately.
What I must have
- I must obtain a current Deakin identification card (Deakin Card) for study, sitting examinations and to access services and facilities of Deakin.
- I acknowledge that I have a responsibility to read the current Deakin Card Terms and Conditions.
- I must have general computer skills and access to a computer and the internet to manage my enrolment and to study at Deakin University.
- I will comply with the Information Technology Use policies and procedures.
How to contact me
- I understand that Deakin will contact me at my University email account. I will check my Deakin email account every few days or ensure that I redirect my Deakin email to a preferred email address.
- If I have provided a personal (non-Deakin) email address, Deakin may use this as well as my University email account to make sure I receive important information.
- I understand that if I have provided a mobile phone number, Deakin may from time to time use my mobile phone number to provide me with important information.
- I will keep the information that I have provided to Deakin as my contact details, up to date.
- If I defer or intermit my study at Deakin, I will provide Deakin with a personal email address and keep this up to date to ensure I can be contacted.
For international students only (where applicable)
- I declare that I have the appropriate visa for my intended study program (if applicable for my study mode) and that I have read and understood the conditions of my student visa.
- I consent to Deakin accessing my details via the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) database.
- I understand there are restrictions on the number of online units I can study if I am studying on campus. I will consult a Deakin International Compliance Officer to ensure I am meeting those requirements.
Deakin's use of my personal information and the protection of my privacy
- I understand that Deakin manages my personal information in accordance with privacy laws in effect in the state of Victoria and the information privacy for students website.
- I have read the information privacy for students statement and consent to Deakin managing my personal information as set out in that statement.
What Deakin will do
- We will make sure these Enrolment Terms and Conditions can be viewed at any time by visiting this Rights and Responsibilities webpage.
- We will let you know if there are any changes to these Enrolment Terms and Conditions. If we make a substantial change, we'll provide you with reasonable notice prior to the change taking effect by sending an email to your Deakin University email account. Any substantial change to the Enrolment Terms and Conditions will become effective on the date shown in the email and all other changes will become effective upon publication of the change.
What Deakin won't do
- The University will not accept any liability for any loss arising from failure by a student to provide accurate information and/or to keep that information or enrolment details up to date.
Students have the right to appeal certain decisions to the University Appeals Committee, to express legitimate concerns and complaints, and to have them considered through fair and transparent processes. Academic progress and student integrity provides further information about the University's appeals process. You can also raise your concern or lodge a complaint.
Deakin strives to create an environment where members of the University community feel included and respected for their unique perspectives and talents. We set strong standards of behaviour and expect that all members will take responsibility for creating an environment free from bullying, harassment, and discrimination. For more information or help, contact a harassment and discrimination contact officer or Diversity, equity and inclusion.
Safer Community is also a free and confidential support service for students who experience concerning, threatening, inappropriate or uncomfortable behaviour.
Deakin's Disability Resource Centre (DRC) promotes inclusion and access, and provides information and services for students with a disability, health or mental health condition that affects their study or participation in university life.
Deakin's Information privacy policy outlines why we collect and how we use your personal information, and also how you can access the information the University holds about you.
To study at Deakin, you need to meet Deakin's computing, connectivity and capability requirements.
Anyone using Deakin information and communication facilities, services and materials must ensure that their use complies with all relevant legislation, policies and procedures, including the schedule A: conditions of information technology use and the information and communications technology acceptable use policy.
The Deakin University Student Association (DUSA) provides a free, independent, and confidential advocacy service for all Deakin University students.
Deakin offers a range of services to help you to complete your studies successfully and to stay healthy and safe. See study support, health and wellbeing and student safety and security.
Safer Community is the central point of enquiry during business hours for information and support in managing behaviours that are concerning, inappropriate or threatening.
Campus support officers are always on duty on each campus to protect Deakin students, staff and visitors and University property and facilities. On request (and subject to availability), they can accompany you around the campus as you are advised not to walk around the campus alone at night. The security officers can also provide first aid assistance. Register for the free SafeZone app so you can connect directly to the security team if you need help on campus.