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Readmission after academic or general misconduct exclusion

Please confirm if you are applying after academic or general misconduct exclusion *

Any pending matters with the University Appeals Committee (UAC) or any external bodies (e.g. Ombudsman) must be resolved before your readmission application can be processed. To appeal the readmission decision, please refer to Deakin's academic progress policy.

Readmitting students will be required to evidence strategies to ensure they can return to study successfully.

If you wish to apply for readmission after discontinuation for reasons other than exclusion (e.g. non-payment of fees, voluntary withdrawal from studies or allowing enrolment to lapse) please visit the apply for re-admission webpage.

Submission deadlines

Return to study application deadlines
Faculty Trimester 1/ Semester 1
(apply in the previous year)
Trimester 2/ Semester 2 Trimester 3
Faculty of Arts and Education - Arts courses 31 January 31 May 30 September
Faculty of Arts and Education - Education courses 31 October 31 May 30 September
Faculty of Business and Law 31 January 31 May 30 September
Faculty of Health 30 August 30 April 30 August
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment 30 October 30 April 30 August
International Students All Faculties * 30 November 31 March 31 July

* Earlier application deadlines are in line with Deakin International timelines necessary for visa processing.

Re-admission to Initial Teacher Education courses

Students applying to readmit to initial teacher education courses will need to successfully complete the Casper (computer-based assessment for sampling personal characteristics) test which is a new government requirement.

If you are unsure, please contact your campus Faculty Academic Progress Committee (FAPC) secretary to confirm whether you are required to complete the CASPer test.

Currently the CASPer test is available during September to January, on specific dates. The next testing schedule should be available during August. Registration and payment of a fee to CASPer is required.

If you intend to apply to readmit for Trimester 2 or Trimester 3, we recommend that you complete the CASPer at the end of the previous year, due to this requirement.

More information is available on the CASPer test webpage.

Application form

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Your details
Course details
Exclusion dates
Return to study details

If there are no questions showing in this section, please confirm if you are applying after academic or general misconduct exclusion above.

For example - further study with another institution, relevant employment and skill development. Please provide a statement of at least 100 words.
Please explain what strategies and plans you will have in place to achieve success in your studies if your readmission is approved. Please provide a statement of at least 100 words.
Is there anything else you would like to include in your application that the Faculty Committee should know?
Examples include undertaking further study or relevant skill development, seeking assistance from a medical practitioner, counsellor or psychiatrist. Please provide a statement of at least 100 words that outlines the steps you have taken and how they have helped in addressing your behaviour.
e.g. completing Deakin modules or Safer Community sessions, seeking professional assistance from a GP, counsellor, psychologist or psychiatrist
Supporting documentation

Please ensure you attach copies of relevant supporting documentation to this form.
For example contracts, certificates, references, transcripts and other documents to support your application.

Please upload files with a common file extension such as .pdf, .docx, .odt, .jpg, .png each with a file size less than 6MB.

Agreement * I certify that the above information is true and correct, and understand that providing false or misleading information is in breach of University policy and constitutes a form of misconduct which may result in academic or other penalties being applied by the Faculty Academic Progress Committee. The outcome of this application will be conveyed to you in writing.

Deakin University is collecting your personal information on this form for the primary purpose of assessing your application for re-admission after exclusion. You are not required to provide the information requested, however if the information is not provided, Deakin may not be able to process your application for re-admission after exclusion.

Deakin manages personal information it holds, including requests by individuals for access to their personal information, in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). Deakin’s Privacy Policy may be viewed in the Deakin Policy Library.

Information on privacy at Deakin is available at deakin.edu.au/privacy. Questions about privacy may be directed to the Privacy Officer on (03) 5227 8524 or by email to privacy@deakin.edu.au.

Last updated:
Page custodian: Office of the Dean of Students