Costs and funding opportunities
Costs of Studying Overseas
Planning your finances is an important part of preparing for your international experience.
You will need to pay for all living expenses, such as accommodation, travel and food. Living costs vary according to your destination so its important to prepare a budget. Be sure to check costs and inclusions for the program you are applying for in order to begin your budget.
Personal costs to consider include
visa application and processing fees passport application fees return airfare to your host country domestic travel within the host country accommodation immunisations and medications text books
Application Fees
Some international programs attract an application fee. These fees are to be paid when your application is submitted in order for your application to proceed.
- Study Abroad and Exchange - $110.00 - This fee is nonrefundable.
- Short Term Programs - $55.00 - Deakin will provide a full refund for this fee if your application is unsuccessful or you need to withdraw from a program due to circumstances beyond your control.
Tuition costs
Different programs have different tuition costs. Exchange and Faculty Led Study Tours are run by Deakin or with partner institutions so tuition costs are included in your regular semester fees to Deakin.
Short Term Programs may or may not be offered at Deakin partner universities and therefore tuition may or may not be included in the program fee charged to you. Short Term Programs that have tuition fees charged by the host institution are listed as "Study Abroad" within the Program search.
If your international experience is not for credit, such as Volunteering or Placements, you will not be required to pay tuition fees.
Packaged costs
Some Faculty Led Study Tour and Volunteer costs will be packaged to include flights, accomodation, excursions and some meals. Please refer to individual program brochures for details.
How will I afford to travel overseas?
There are lots of ways to fund your overseas experience with Deakin. Some programs may have one or more funding opportunities attached. Below is a description of a number of possible funding sources to help get you on an international program.
Travel Grants
A limited number of travel grants of between $500 - $1000 are available through Global Student Mobility to assist students on overseas programs. Check the program you are interested in for further details on any applicable travel grants.
Students who receive a Government scholarship will not receive additional Deakin travel grants but may apply for an OS Help loan.
OS-HELP loans
The Commonwealth Government offers OS-HELP loans of up to $6,470 (2016 value) or $7,764 (2016 value) for Asian destinations to students who are based in Australia and about to undertake some of their study overseas on a credit bearing program. This loan is paid into the student's nominated
bank account by Deakin to cover costs such as airfares, accommodation or program fees.
Students wishing to apply for the loan must meet the following criteria:
- be an Australian citizen or the holder of a permanent humanitarian visa
- be enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate course of study at Deakin University in a Commonwealth supported place (eligible for HECS-HELP)
- have already successfully completed at least 8 credit points (1 EFTSL) in the same course of study as the one in which the overseas study is being undertaken
- have at least 1 credit point (0.125 EFTSL) of study remaining to complete on your course after your overseas study is finished
Students can receive a maximum of two OS-HELP loans over their lifetime. The loans must, however, be applied for at least six months apart. Visit the Australian Government website for more information on conditions of the loan, or find out how to apply for an OS-Help loan on the Deakin website.
Australian Government Subsidies
Australian government subsidies may be offered to students who go to selected universities for a trimester or year long exchange. Destinations and the number of available subsidies change from year to year.
Only students who are Australian citizens or who hold Australian Permanent Resident status are eligible to receive Australian government subsidy. All eligible Exchange students applying to one of the universities with available scholarships are considered for a subsidy. The subsidies are
allocated based on academic merit. Check the program you are interested in for further details on any applicable scholarships.
New Colombo Plan Grants
The New Colombo Plan is a signature initiative of the Australian Government that involves a scholarship program for study of up to one year and internships or mentorships, and a flexible mobility grants program for both short and longer-term study, internships, mentorships, practicums and research within the Indo-Pacific region.
Eligible destinations for Deakin students include Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, China, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Indonesia, Taiwan, India, Korea, Thailand and Hong Kong.
Please visit our Host Universities page or your program page for current information about funding opportunities. Please note information is updated before each exchange cycle.Also note, aside from the New Colombo Plan Mobility Program grants, there are prestigiousNew Colombo Plan Scholarships available for students. If you are interested in learning more about the Scholarships, please contact us.
NCP Trimester long grants
Kansai Gaidai University - Osaka, Japan
Eleven grants of $7000, Trimester One, 2017 or Trimester Two 2016
Eleven students will receive scholarships of $7000 each, supporting a trimester of study followed by an internship in Japan. Kansai Gaidai University is a highly regarded
university in Osaka, Japan. Kansai Gaidai are offering real life experience in Japanese businesses, including manufacturing, banks, security, IT and schools Read more about the internship opportunities here. OS Help of $7764 will also be available to eligible participants. For more information,
please email Max Ksiazka or follow this link.
University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong SAR China
Two grants of $7000 for Trimester One, 2017
The ‘Hong Kong Experience’ Program will support two Deakin undergraduate students to undertake a semester of exchange at the University of Hong
Kong in Trimester 1, 2017. Participating students will come from Arts, Business, Education, Engineering, Law, Science or Social Science degree programs. The University of Hong Kong is a prestigious university, ranked 30th in the world. Read more here. OS Help of $7764 will also be available to eligible
participants. For more information, please email Max Ksiazka or follow this link.
Country-specific or University-specific scholarships and grants
Some universities or countries offer scholarships and grants to visiting students. Check the program you are interested in for further details on any applicable scholarships.
DUPP WIL Support Bursuries
Deakin students who undertake Work Integrated Learning (WIL) programs such as Internships, Industry-Based Learning, Practicum Placement, Professional Practice, Law Clinic or Community Based Volunteering for credit toward their degree may be eligible for bursaries to support their experiences. Further information and application forms can be found on the DUPP WIL
Youth Allowance/Austudy
If you are eligible for Austudy or Youth Allowance, and are attending an Exchange program for a Trimester your payments will continue while you are overseas. Those who undertake a study abroad program for a trimester are not eligible for Centrelink payments to continue. if you are doing a Short Term
program, so long as you have a full time study load for the year your payments will continue while you are overseas. Once you are accepted to the Exchange program, you should make an appointment with Centrelink to discuss your plans. Global Student Mobility, on request, provide you with a letter to present
to Centrelink.
Please visit Centrelink for more information.
Working while overseas
It may be possible to work part-time while you are studying abroad. We strongly recommend that you don't rely on finding work to support yourself and instead consider income from part-time work as an extra bonus.
Many countries have strict limitations on work entitlements for visiting students. You may have to apply for a work visa and pay an application fee before you are allowed to work. Contact your host country's embassy or consulate for further information on work entitlements.