Supporting your child

Help your teen make the final years of high school count, as they work towards an exciting future.

Everything parents and caregivers need to know

If your child is in their final years of high school, it's a great time to start thinking about how you can support them as they consider their future career and explore study options. Studying at university is about more than exploring your child’s passions, it’s about securing a career that they love. Practical learning is a key feature of Deakin courses, and that's why we're the #1 university in Victoria for student satisfaction*. We've put together some of the key information you need to help your child prepare and make informed choices for their future, at every stage.

Browse courses by ATAR, campuses and interest area

How to support Year 10s

Year 10 is an exciting year, as it marks the beginning of your child’s senior years of high school. University might seem like a long way off, but now is a wonderful time to encourage your child to explore their interests, strengths and goals. Work experience will be on the agenda, as well as exploring university courses and careers of interest, and refining subject selections for their final years of school. Help them match their skills and interests to areas of study and career opportunities.

Tips for your child moving into VCE

  • Prepare for VCE – your teen can begin to create study habits that will set them up for success in Year 12.
  • Trial different study methods – encourage your teen to attempt different studying techniques to see which one suits their learning style best.
  • Find a study buddy – having somebody to study with can make the whole process much easier for your teen.
  • Focus in class – many of us learn through audio or visual cues.
  • Enjoy a social life – having a social element to your teen’s schooling is important. They just need to ensure that socialising time doesn’t overlap into study time.
  • A little a day goes a long way – support your teen in setting aside time to study every day so it becomes routine.
Making the right subject selection

Making the right subject selection

As your child enters their final years of study, choosing the right subjects can help them achieve their goals and keep their options open. Encourage your child to ask plenty of career questions and focus on choosing subjects based on their interests and strengths. It is also a good idea to consider any prerequisites that they might need to complete to be eligible for selection into certain courses.

Key university terms

There is a lot to learn when your child enters their senior years of high school. This list of key university terms can help you and your teen navigate the process.

  • Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) – the ATAR is a rank from 0 to 99.95. It indicates a student’s performance in relation to other students and calculated by using an aggregate.
  • Adjusted ATAR – the minimum ATAR that must be achieved to be considered for admission to a course or institution.
  • Bachelor degree – usually three or four years full time or equivalent part time.
  • Commonwealth Supported Place (CPS) – a university place for which the government pays a proportion of the tuition costs.
  • Higher Education Contribution Scheme-Higher Education Loan Program (HECS-HELP) – HECS-HELP is a government loan scheme to help eligible CSP students pay for tuition costs.
  • Pathway – pathways provide alternative entry options for getting into a course at Deakin.
  • Prerequisites – the VCE subjects or other requirements that applicants must complete to be eligible for selection into a course.
  • Undergraduate degree – usually the first degree you obtain in a given discipline area.

How to support Year 11s and 12s

During their last years of high school, students are encouraged to start thinking about the next phase of their life. As they work towards exams, it can be a time of some uncertainty and stress, for them and for the whole family. While it is important for your child to focus on their studies, their overall health and wellbeing is important. There are plenty of ways you can help your child prepare, stay healthy and make the most of this important milestone stage.

We've compiled information to help your child make the exciting transition from high school to university life – from coping with stress to finding the course that will set them up for their future careers.

Read our support toolkit for parents and caregivers of Year 12s

Developing important life skills

Year 11 and 12 students are under pressure to make big decisions that will shape their future. One of the best ways to help your child is to be well informed, so they can focus on the many exciting study and career options available to them. Teens can begin planning for their future careers, establishing good study routines and preparing for exams. You can play a role in helping them to manage stress and embrace a healthy body and mind.

Read more tips for supporting Year 11s and 12s

Explore future study options

Explore future study options

As your teen starts looking at subject choices, courses and universities, it is important to remember that they do not need to have everything figured out right now. This is an exciting time to explore their interests. Work experience and elective study choices are a key part of this discovery.

Support for Year 12 students

Being informed is the best way for your child to feel in control of their future. Help your teen create a clear path forward by reading our five simple steps that they can put into practice right now, including how to start their course preference shortlist.

Pathways that look beyond your child's ATAR

The Deakin Regional Access Scheme, Indigenous Access Scheme and Regional and Remote Entry Scheme look at a range of factors outside of academic results, such as the skills, experience and achievements that make your child unique and prepare them for study at university.

What's it like to be a uni student?

What's it like to be a uni student?

Their first day at Deakin will be the start of some of the best years of your teen's life. Your teen can expect to make new friends on our vibrant campuses, learn in world-class facilities, build social connections in clubs and societies and have access to a massive range of support, readying them for their future careers.

Get in touch

We’re here for you even before you’re here with us. Ask us your study questions and receive one-on-one support through your journey to university.

1800 693 888
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