Request a school visit

Use this form to request a Deakin visit to your school, plan a student tour of our campuses, or arrange an online presentation. Provide your details and preferences to help us create an engaging and tailored experience for your students.

Please note, while we will make every effort to accommodate your request, we cannot guarantee the requested visit. Our team will review your submission and work with you to explore available options.

Your Information
Type of visit
I would like to request a presentation *
I would like to request a tour of the campus
I would like to request a tour of on-campus accommodation
I would like to request attendance at an Expo/Careers Evening
Additional details
Year Level of students *
Please upload any supporting documents here. i.e. Campus map
Disclaimer *
Whilst every effort will be made to facilitate your school visit request, at key times throughout the year we receive a high volume of requests and also need to be respectful of Deakin university orientation and exam times. Our team will work with you to ensure that you and your students have a positive experience on campus.
We look forward to welcoming you to Deakin. We ask that you remind all staff attending the visit to Deakin that our staff and student hosts are unable to assume your school's duty of care for your students and that teachers are responsible for the supervision of your students at all times. Please also ensure that you have provided an emergency mobile contact in the field above so that you can be contacted while on campus in the event of an emergency.
Deakin University complies with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic.) in its treatment of personal information. You have a right to gain access to your personal information held by the University. Requests for access to personal information are managed under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic.). The University's Information Privacy Policy is available online or a copy can be obtained by contacting the Privacy Officer at
Deakin University complies with the Working with Children Act (2005) requiring all students in attendance to be supervised by staff of the school and the school purports to exercise authority over the behaviour of students.