Planetary Justice book launch and panel discussion

Event details

Join this inspiring hybrid (in-person and online) launch and panel discussion with contributors to the book and grassroots climate justice organisers. You’ll hear panellists offer their reflections on the question: what does ‘planetary justice’ and solidarity look/sound/feel like to you?

The event is free, please register for catering purposes.

About the book

Bringing together interdisciplinary climate change scholarship and grassroots activism, Planetary Justice: Stories and Studies of Action, Resistance and Solidarity considers the possibilities of planetary justice across human difference, generations, species and the concept of life and non-life. Writing amidst bushfires, cyclones, global climate strikes and a global pandemic, contributors from the Earth Unbound Collective share stories from India, Australia, Canada and Scotland. Chapters draw on Indigenous, Black, Southern, ecosocialist and ecofeminist perspectives to call for more radical and interconnected ideas of justice and solidarity.

This accessible book features diverse voices that speak with the planet in the face of climate change, biodiversity loss and extinction. It explores the politics and practices of working towards a future where the planet thrives.

Solidarity donation

In lieu of buying the book (download an open access version), please consider making a tax-deductible solidarity donation to Seed Mob.

Afternoon tea

Afternoon tea will be served from 3pm, immediately before the event. Please arrive by 3pm if you wish to participate. The live stream will commence at 3.30pm.

Image credit: Reinvigorate #1 by Lowell Hunter.