Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities

Status: LE26

Internal deadlines

Notice of Intent to SubmitMMonday 9th December 2024
Expression of Interest - Victorian ProcessMDate TBC


LE26 scheme opens in RMSN/AWednesday 22nd January 2025
Final application submitted to Research Office via RMS M Wednesday 12th March 2025
Via RMS Submit to Research Office
Certification formsMWednesday 12th March 2025
Email Deakin Research Grants
NOT DU-led LIEF Applications - please complete the 2023 Request form- Not DU led Grant Applications and the DVCR Request for Co-investment funding form        MASAP but no later than 12th March 2025
Request Not to Assess M Wednesday 19th March 2025
Now submitted via RMS - ** NEW PROCESS **

O - Optional / M - Mandatory


The LIEF scheme provides funding for research infrastructure, equipment and facilities to Eligible Organisations. It enables researchers to participate in cooperative initiatives so that expensive research infrastructure, equipment and facilities can be shared between higher education organisations and also with industry. The scheme also fosters collaboration through its support of the cooperative use of international or national research facilities.

Participating organisations involved in LIEF projects must commit a significant contribution of cash and/or in-kind and/or other material resources to the application having regard to the total cost of the proposed LIEF project and the relative contribution of named participants at the organisation..

The objectives of LIEF are to:

  • support excellent basic and applied research and research training through the acquisition of research equipment and infrastructure and access to national and international research facilities; and
  • encourage Eligible Organisations to develop collaborative arrangements with other Eligible Organisations and/or Partner Organisations for the acquisition and use of research equipment and infrastructure or access to national and international facilities.

Funding amounts

Minimum request is $150,000 in a calendar year, for one year. *

Maximum level of funding provided by ARC is up to 75% of the total direct cost of the eligible budget items.

* One to five years if the application is for leasing infrastructure, equipment or facilities, the construction of research infrastructure, or subscription or coordinated access to international facilities and major national facilities.

How to apply

  1. Submit a Notice of Intent to Submit by the due date.
  2. Submit an Expression of Interest by the due date.
  3. Read the Grants Guidelines and Instructions to Applicants - see below for links to ARC documents.
  4. Commence your online application on RMS.
  5. Use the DU templates provided below and liaise with your Case Manager as necessary.
  6. Organise relevant certification forms.

Documents and information

The ARC will no longer publish scheme specific documents on its website, but will make these available through GrantConnect. Links to scheme specific documents can be found below.

Policies and Strategies can still be found on the ARC website.

ARC documents

ARC Policies

Templates, forms and tools

  • B5 LE25 Research Load (non-ARC Grants and Research)
  • B7 LE25 - Relevant Career Details
  • C1 LE25 Project Description
  • C3.2 LE25 National Facility
  • C4.2 LE25 International Facility
  • C4.3 LE25 International Facility Agreement
  • D3 LE25 Justification of funding requested from the ARC
  • D4 LE25 Details of non-ARC contributions
  • D5 LE25 Summary of Project Direct Cost
  • D6 LE25 Summary of Quotes
  • Certification Form (Investigators and Organisations)
  • Deakin University Salary Calculator