What we're looking for

Are you ready for us to help you with a research-led innovation project that aligns with the commercialisation plans for your business?

We're prepared to help you advance technologies aligned with energy storage, hydrogen and carbon fibre, and recycling that create a circular economy, including scaling up technologies for manufacturing supply chains.

Our world-leading researchers are ready to work with businesses on projects valued between $2 million and $50 million over the next three years, including capital, materials and salaries.

We’re looking for businesses to join our clean, green advanced manufacturing ecosystem that have:

  • ideas for breakthrough technologies or novel solutions
  • a compelling market opportunity
  • Australian teams or companies looking to setup and grow
  • a desire to pilot a new technology/process, change the way they do things, step into a new market or scale-up

Have a question?

Learn everything you need to know about REACH Trailblazer co-contribution funding, including eligibility, how to apply and the assessment process.

Browse our frequently asked questions

Partner with us

To become a REACH Trailblazing partner, we need to know some details about your business and your project. Completing the following application will help us to understand the challenge you are trying to solve and how we may help you achieve that. Once you have completed the application form and any required documents have been submitted, you will be contacted with information about the next step in the process.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Business details

Type of business

Business size *

Personal contact details

Project summary

Describe your project. Provide a short 1-2 paragraph or dot point description of the project, summarising key aims and objectives, the problem you are trying to address, the technology and approach you are taking, key activities and scope and the expected outcomes. *

Has or will your business be accessing other government funding for this project? *

Aligned theme (can select multiple) *

Do you have any existing partners (including universities)?

Have you had existing Deakin capability to support your project? (Please note this is not a requirement for the EOI process. REACH will work with you to match you with our experts.)

Who owns the background Intellectual Property? *

How did you hear about this opportunity?

Do you have any further information to add? (optional)

By submitting your response, you acknowledge that your EOI will be assessed by a Deakin selection committee.