A leader in aquaculture research and training

Aquaculture is the fastest growing food production sector globally and is vital to meeting the food demands of future generations. Incorporating existing capabilities, the Aquaculture and Feed Innovation Laboratory (AquaFI Lab) will focus on sustainable fish production, novel feed and aquaculture technology development, and industry training. The work will expand into feed extrusion technology and the development of sustainable ingredients and raw materials for next-generation circular bioeconomy approaches for the seafood sector.

A key outcome is the delivery of a $2.6 million feed extrusion plant for feed manufacture and innovation.

Our capabilities and services

The AquaFI Lab will build on Deakin’s strong track record of success in aquaculture and in taking innovation to impact. Engaging with existing and new industry partners in research and development through a suite of research and industry services, it will support a pipeline of commercial entities and pathways to activate IP.

The AquaFI Lab offers unique service offerings including:

  • Aquaculture research and development: Advanced research and development for industry to develop new products, test technologies, investigate climate mitigation strategies and improve product quality.
  • Raw material development: Novel processing technologies converting high volume, low value materials into high value materials and bioactives.
  • Bespoke feeds: Commercialisation of feeds for the hobbyist industry and research community.
  • Feed manufacturing services: Customised manufacturing of feeds charged at fee-for-service rate.
  • Feed extrusion courses: Intensive training focusing on extruder operation and maintenance.
  • Expert services: Consulting services to commercial feed companies, raw material producers and farmers.
  • Co-Innovation Research and Training Spaces: Multifunctional spaces to enable co-innovation with industry stakeholders and collaborators.

Partner with us

The AquaFI Lab enables co-innovation with industry stakeholders and collaborators with state-of-the-art technology and research and training spaces. If you're interested in partnering with us, please get in touch.

Three landmark aquatic projects

Three landmark aquatic projects

In 2021, a $22.1million partnership was announced between Deakin and the Victorian Government, strengthening our sustainability commitment and investment in regional Victoria's future. Three key projects in water management, aquaculture and marine science will support research capabilities and facilities while also creating local jobs.

Aquaculture covers a range of disciplines, like biology, chemistry, engineering and economics, we want to bring in the entire aquaculture industry and solve these problems together.

Associate Professor David Francis

Associate Head Of School Regional (Warrnambool & Queenscliff)

Deakin projects funded by the Victorian Government's Higher Education State Investment Fund

Battery Research and Innovation Hub

An innovative research centre focused on advanced battery prototyping and commercialisation.

Battery Research and Innovation Hub

Genesis Simulator

Deakin’s $9 million Genesis Simulator is the only one of its type in Australia. It offers an immersive simulation experience via a 360-degree, 5-metre-high screen and variable virtual worlds.

Genesis Simulator


One of Australia’s first facilities equipped to manufacture new hydrogen technologies, Hycel is translating research and development into clean energy and transport innovation.


Innovation in Technology, Science and Health Program

Includes environmental science labs; virtual reality infrastructure and immersive projection mapping facilities; nursing simulation centre; and digital health technologies.

Innovation in Technology, Science and Health Program

Integrated Water Management

Our Waurn Ponds Campus environment is a ‘living laboratory’ for applied research, it includes a network of ponds, and constructed wetland and irrigation systems.

Integrated Water Management


Australia’s unique advanced manufacturing innovation hub that helps businesses to accelerate success through its unique facilities, programs and services.


Contact us

For all enquiries about the AquaFI Lab, please get in touch.

Email the team