Ten Deakin researchers named as 2024 Highly Cited Researchers
Research news
- The Highly Cited Researchers list by Clarivate™ is an annual recognition of influential scientists and social scientists worldwide who have made broad and significant contributions to their fields
- A Highly Cited Researcher is an individual who has demonstrated significant and broad influence in their field(s) of research. Of the world’s population of scientists and social scientists, Highly Cited Researchers are 1 in 1000
- Each Deakin researcher selected has authored multiple Highly Cited Papers™ which rank in the top 1% by citations for their field(s) and publication year in the Web of Science™ over the past decade
Analysts at the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)™ have recognised 313 Australian Highly Cited Researchers in 2024.
The ten Deakin University researchers featured on this year's list are:
Deakin Distinguished Professor Felice Jacka OAM
Category: Cross-Field
The Founder and Director of Deakin’s Food & Mood Centre and the Founder and immediate-past president of the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research, Professor Jacka is widely regarded as the pioneer of the highly innovative field of ‘Nutritional Psychiatry’. The field has established diet as a risk factor and treatment target for common mental disorders and Professor Jacka has been cited in more than 100 policy documents globally, including by WHO and UNICEF, as well as influencing clinical practice guidelines in psychiatry in Australia and beyond. She was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in 2021 for her services to nutritional psychiatry. This is the fifth time she has appeared on the list of Highly Cited researchers since 2020.
Learn more about Professor Felice Jacka
Deakin Distinguished Professor Ying (Ian) Chen
Category: Cross-Field
Professor Chen, Chair in Nanotechnology at Deakin’s Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) is globally acknowledged for his pioneering research in nanomaterials and nanotechnology. He is the Director of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Research Hub for Safe and Reliable Energy Storage and Conversion Technologies. His innovative research holds significant implications in the realms of advanced batteries, hydrogen storage, and environmentally friendly cold fusion energy. Professor Chen has contributed to five patents resulting in successful commercial ventures by three startup companies: BNNT Technology Ltd, ASX-listed LiS Energy Ltd, and White Graphene. This is the third time he has appeared on the list of Highly Cited researchers since 2022.
Learn more about Professor Ying (Ian) Chen
Associate Professor Eric Lau
Category: Cross-Field
Associate Professor Lau is an expert in infectious disease epidemiology and surveillance in Deakin’s Institute for Health Transformation (IHT) and an Honorary Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong. His work has contributed to the understanding, monitoring, prevention and control of human and zoonotic diseases such as SARS, MERS, human and avian influenza and COVID-19. Associate Professor Lau has published over 200 peer reviewed publications and is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society. Professor Lau first appeared on the Highly Cited researchers list in 2022.
Learn more about Associate Professor Eric Lau
Dr Dipendra Mahato
Category: Cross-Field
Dr Mahato completed his PhD in Deakin’s Consumer-Analytical-Safety-Sensory (CASS) Food Research Centre and is currently a sessional staff member engaged in both teaching and research. His PhD research investigated possible ways to reduce sugar in dairy foods using chocolate flavoured milk as a ‘model product’. The study focused on the impact of sugar reduction on the sensory perception and physicochemical properties as well as the microbiological safety of the product with the aim of reducing at least 50% of added sugar with limited impact on consumer acceptance. The ultimate target was to improve the diet and health of the population through the consumption of low sugar foods. This is the first time Dr Mahato has appeared on the list of Highly Cited researchers.
Learn more about Dr Dipendra Mahato
Deakin Distinguished Professor Michael Berk
Category: Psychiatry and Psychology
Professor Michael Berk is Co-director of Deakin’s Institute for Mental and Physical Health and Clinical Translation (IMPACT) and leads the Mental Health Australia General Clinical Trial Network (MAGNET) funded by the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF). A highly cited researcher since 2015, he was named a recipient of the 2024 Australian Mental Health Prize in recognition of his professional innovation in mental health. Professor Berk’s research has reshaped the treatment landscape of psychiatric disorders in Australia and globally. His early research led to the first randomised controlled trials showing the effectiveness of atypical antipsychotics for bipolar disorder, which are now standard treatments worldwide. This is the tenth time Professor Berk has appeared on the Highly Cited researchers list.
Learn more about Professor Michael Berk
Professor Alison Yung
Category: Psychiatry and Psychology
Professor Yung leads the Mental Health and Neurosciences research group in Deakin’s IMPACT. Her research resulted in reform in the delivery of mental health services for young people thought to be at high risk of schizophrenia and she established the first clinic in the world for individuals identified as being at high risk of psychotic disorder, otherwise known as ultra-high risk (UHR). Based on this service model and the UHR criteria, similar services have been established both nationally and internationally, including in the UK, Europe, North and South America and Asia, aimed at preventing or delaying the onset of psychosis or minimise its impact. The instrument Professor Yung developed to assess UHR status, the Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk Mental States (CAARMS), has been translated into 18 languages and she was instrumental in ensuring the Attenuated Psychosis
Syndrome (based on the UHR criteria) was included in the DSM5 as a ‘condition for further study’.She was awarded the Founders’ Medal by the Society of Mental Health Research to recognise how she has transformed treatment delivery for people with early psychosis and received the Schizophrenia International Research Society’s Outstanding Translational Research Award. This is her 12th appearance on the Highly Cited Researchers list.
Learn more about Professor Alison Yung
Dr Andre Carvalho
Category: Psychiatry and Psychology
Dr Andre Carvalho is an expert in evidence-based mental health, reproducibility in neuroscience, consultation-liaison psychiatry and mood and psychotic disorders. He is a psychiatrist working as an honorary researcher in Deakin’s IMPACT and is ranked third in the world for his expertise in psychiatry according to expertscape. This is the fifth time he has appeared on the list of Highly Cited researchers since 2020.
Learn more about Dr Andre Carvalho
Dr Jake Linardon
Category: Psychiatry and Psychology
Dr Linardon is a Senior Research Fellow in Deakin’s SEED-Lifespan research centre whose work focuses on leveraging modern information technology to deliver personalised eating disorder treatments at scale. He has published over 130 peer-reviewed research articles – many in world-leading psychiatry and clinical psychology journals – and his digitally-delivered treatment programs have reached more than one million people from over 150 different countries. Globally, he is recognised as the fourth most influential researcher in eating disorders overall and ranked number 1 for research quality in this field over the past five years, according to ScholarGPS. This is his first appearance on the Highly Cited researchers list.
Learn more about Dr Jake Linardon
Deakin Distinguished Professor Anna Timperio
Category: Social Sciences
Professor Timperio is Deputy Director of Deakin’s Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN) and Deputy Head of the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences. Her research focuses on understanding the range of influences on physical activity, active travel and sedentary behaviour, particularly among children and young people. She is interested in how neighbourhoods and public open space shape active living. Professor Timperio's other research interests include the measurement of physical activity and sedentary behaviour and the evaluation of health promotion programs. This is the eighth time Professor Timperio has appeared on the Highly Cited researchers list.
Learn more about Professor Anna Timperio
Deakin Distinguished Professor David Boud
Category: Social Sciences
Professor Boud is Co-director of Deakin’s Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) and Australia’s most internationally renowned educational researcher in higher education. He is a global leader in the fields of higher education, workplace learning and assessment and feedback. Professor Boud’s work is used by researchers and scholars committed to the development of teaching and learning and he has changed the foundations of assessment practice through pioneering research and development. This is his third appearance on the Highly Cited researcher’s list.
Learn more about Professor David Boud
How Clarivate determines the ‘who’s who’ of influential researchers
The selection process involves rigorous evaluation and curation of data from Highly Cited Papers™ in trusted science and social sciences journals indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded™ and Social Sciences Citation Index™ during the 11-year period 2013 to 2023.
Prior to the launch of the 2024 list, Clarivate engaged with selected researchers in an validation and feedback process to maintain the accuracy of the list.
The small fraction of the researcher population who are featured on the Highly Cited Researchers list contribute disproportionately to extending the frontiers of knowledge and gaining for society innovations that make the world healthier, more sustainable and secure.
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Key Fact
Highly Cited Researchers have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their field(s) of research. Of the world’s population of scientists and social scientists, Highly Cited Researchers are 1 in 1000.