Deakin celebrates ARC outcomes
Research news
Deakin has had very good outcomes in the latest Australian Research Council Outcomes for 2012 Funding.
Deakin had great success in the ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) scheme winning three of four projects submitted with Deakin as the lead. This is a 75% success rate for this program and an awarded total of $1,435,000. A number of other LIEF grants were awarded with Deakin as a participant.
Deakin won 11 ARC Discovery awards. Most notably, six Discovery Projects were awarded to researchers in the Faculty of Arts and Education. The University's success rate for this program was 14.1% and the total amount awarded to Deakin was $2,778,773.
In addition, Deakin won six ARC Linkage awards, three of these awards were won by the Faculty of Health and three by the Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (ITRI). Our overall success rate was 35.3% and the total amount awarded was $1,553,310, not including partner contributions.
"Congratulations to all our 2012 ARC grant recipients and their teams," said DVC (Research) Professor Lee Astheimer.
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