Collaborating with the world - International Research Training

Research news

11 April 2016
Facilitating international research training is key for Deakin’s growing international research profile.

In an interconnected world, researchers are working together more than ever to share ideas and find solutions. For universities, having networks and partnerships in place to encourage these collaborations is vital.

“Considering how fast all research fields, including science, technology, arts and humanities are evolving around the world, international research networks are very important to increase our competitiveness and productivity in strategic areas,” said Associate Professor Luis Afonso – Director International Research Training.

“Deakin has already established several international research partnerships, and HDR student training is playing a pivotal role in making these collaborations successful.”

Associate Professor Afonso said one of the key activities of the International Research Training Office is to develop, oversee and implement agreements and memorandums of understanding related to International Research Training.  

“We work closely  with academics, faculties, institutes, and Deakin International to make sure that not only the international partnerships are developing accordingly, but also that our HDR students studying in another country or visiting partner institutions for a certain period of time are being supported and that they have a successful and rewarding experience.

“We are also working towards promoting and facilitating opportunities for students and staff to be engaged in international research collaborations and exchange.”

Associate Professor Afonso lived in Canada for 16 years and worked with international students there. He was also an international student himself and is passionate about the opportunities provided by studying in another country.

“I believe so strongly in encouraging students to go out into the wide world, to understand different systems of learning and to build networks that will benefit them in the future,” he said.

“In his role as Director, International Research Training, Luis is building on the solid work developed by former Director International Research Training Professor Tes Toop and working on the implementation of the University’s international strategy for research training, coordination of international research training endeavours, and establishment of new international research partnerships,” said Interim Deputy Vice Chancellor Research Professor Peter Hodgson.  

“We have agreements with academic and industry partners  in countries such as India, China, Indonesia, France, Russia, Spain, Denmark, the US and Canada and we’re in the process of planning how to do this more strategically, examining how we can effectively work with  partners with common  goals so we can move forward in fulfilling our research training needs.”  

The International Research Training team includes Rheanne Hogema (International Research Support Coordinator), who supports the development of international linkages and research training. The team also works closely with Dr Georgina Kelly (Manager Research Partnerships) who supports the development of international academic partnerships.


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Associate Professor Luis Afonso, Director, International Research Training. Associate Professor Luis Afonso, Director, International Research Training.

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