How we ensure compliance and research integrity
As a researcher, you are entrusted with the responsibility of undertaking research for the benefit of us all. Research integrity plays a vital role in maintaining that trust. Deakin is dedicated to building a best-practice research community driven by honesty, accuracy, efficiency and objectivity.
Responsible research conduct
Deakin adheres to principles in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, which establishes a framework for responsible research conduct across Australia.
Research integrity concerns
If you have concerns on research integrity or conduct of Deakin researchers, you should report the matter in accordance with Deakin’s Research Integrity Breaches Procedure by emailing our team or filling out our form below.
Are you a Deakin research student?
Detailed information, support and resources for current Deakin research students and researchers can be found on our student site. You’ll find information on ethics, integrity, responsibility, candidature, contacts and support.
Fostering a responsible research culture
Responsible conduct in research involves different needs and guidelines, depending on the kind of research that is being undertaken.
Animal ethics
Deakin oversees the use of animals for research and teaching purposes, in line with the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes. We are responsible for all aspects of animal care and use for scientific purposes conducted by staff or students, or on its licensed premises, as outlined in Deakin’s Animal Ethics and Welfare Procedure.
We have two institutional Animal Ethics Committees authorised to review animal ethics applications and oversee the involvement of animals for scientific purposes:
- Animal Ethics Committee Wildlife-Burwood (AECW-B)
- Animal Ethics Committee Laboratory-Geelong (AECL-G)
Any complaints or concerns about the care and use of animals or Deakin’s Animal Ethics Committee approvals should be referred to the team.
Email the team about animal ethics
Human ethics
Human research activities at Deakin are overseen by ethical review bodies, which ensure research involving human research participants, their data or tissue is conducted ethically and complies with the Australia code, the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research and other relevant guidelines and legislation.
The Deakin University Human Research Ethics Committee is responsible for reviewing higher risk human research. Lower risk research is reviewed by Human Ethics Advisory Groups from each of our faculties.
If you are an external researcher, please note that the Deakin University Human Research Ethics Committee only reviews research conducted by Deakin staff and students.
If you have been a participant in research at Deakin University or are another interested party, you can provide feedback or lodge a concern with the team by emailing our team or filling out our form below.
Provide feedback or submit a complaint
Biosafety and biosecurity
Deakin provides biosafety and biosecurity measures to ensure the safe and secure management of the use of microorganisms and biological materials in research and teaching activities.
The Laboratory Biosafety Committee has oversight of technical aspects of laboratory safety, radiation safety, biosafety and biosecurity across the university. The committee also acts as the Institutional Biosafety Committee as required by the Gene Technology Act (Commonwealth) 2000.
Email the team about biosafety and biosecurity
Radiation safety
Radiation safety is the concept of using radiation for teaching and research purposes in an ethical and safe manner. Any use of ionising radiation at Deakin must comply with the Radiation Act 2005 and the Radiation Regulations 2007, which are administered in Victoria by the Department of Health. All radiation work carried out at Deakin is approved by a radiation safety officer.
Contact us
If you have any questions about research integrity or require any further information, please contact our team.