Upcoming outage for the Application portal

There is an outage planned from 3pm Friday 10 May to 8am Monday 13 May 2024.

Application portal questions

Why isn't the Application Portal available?

Deakin undertakes regular maintenance and upgrades of our systems. Any outage listed here is generally part of our planned maintenance and testing.

When will the outage begin and end?

There is a planned outage between 3pm Friday 10 May to 8am Monday 13 May 2024, however it is likely services will resume earlier than this. There are no other outages planned at this time.

If I've already started my application, will my login details change?

No - there will be absolutely no change to any applicant/application information.

I was halfway through my application - will I need to start again?

No, application data is always saved when you 'submit' or continue to the next screen. If you were halfway through completing a page, you may have to re-enter a few fields. If so, we apologise for this inconvenience.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this outage, please get in touch with Student Central.

Submit an online enquiry

Phone us +61 3 9244 6333

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8.30am - 7pm
  • Thursday 10am – 7pm
  • Friday  8.30am – 6pm
  • Saturday 10am – 2pm